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I want my words to be beautiful.
Beautiful like yours.
I want to see ordinary things,
Find the magic in them,
And put the magic on a page, for everyone to understand.

I want to have a way with words.
I want every poem of mine
To become a masterpiece.
Just like yours.

I am not broken.

But you are.

You see the world through pain,
And pain makes the colors brighter.
It makes the value of feelings
Climb higher.

Sometimes I wonder
If I should be broken like you
If I want my words to resonate
Like yours.

Sometimes I wonder,
If it will be truly worth it
In the end.

I wonder what it will be like,
To cut myself up to pour out the beauty inside me.

Just like you.

I imagine that you
Raise the blade
Slice your feelings open
And write your masterpiece
In red.
Can only sad people write good poems? Can only broken people find inspiration in anything?
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart
She does not see it, but our love is strong
Despite her pain, we will never part

Together we can forge a new start
Despite her pain, entwined are our songs
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart

Shared laughter will make her pain depart
True love will give her strength and make her strong
Despite her pain, we will never part

We were meant to be, our hearts sing one song
She tries to hide, knowing it is wrong
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart

She smiles every now and then, it’s a start
Through she feels she has nowhere to belong
Despite her pain, we will never part

She smiles very now and then, it’s a start
Her heart and my heart, totally belong
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart
Despite her pain, we will never part

Trying something new.  Sorry I have been away
Contemplating life as time slips away
Feeling tangled by decisions she made
Mysteries unravel and thoughts run astray
She needs to move forward before hope fades

Life has slipped away, much to her dismay
Watching dreams die, emptying her cache
Lingering doubts leave her feeling jaded
Contemplating life as time slips away

Shadowed by loneliness, she feels like prey
She closes her eyes and hides to evade
Her pain and sorrow.  She will have her say
Feeling tangled by decisions she made

Cobwebs are clearing, hope brightens her day
Dark skies are changing, becoming pearl grey
She’s now able to step out from the shade
Mysteries unravel and thoughts run astray

Her mind is now clear; she’ll find a new way
As long as she is able to persuade
Her doubts to fade, while learning to pray
She needs to move forward before hope fades
                               Contemplating life

I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song
My woven whispers ****** ways and words
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong
Be part of an inner circle and be heard

Write with me, no lines will be false or blurred
Together we will create and be strong
There’s no need for pleasure to be deferred
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song

I have been sad and alone way too long
Belonging together is most preferred
Creating brings joy, won’t you come along?
My woven whispers ****** ways and words

Take a chance and your senses will be stirred
Part of our circle, not lost in the throng
We are more together, grace is conferred
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong

All ideas are welcomed, no thought is wrong
Just know this; your spirit won’t be interred
May our venture be successful and long
Be part of an inner circle and be heard
I am the Poet

July 21, 2015
something new and different
I would've given birth
To you,
Endured whatever
Mothers do.
Instead, I did
What Dads do.

I rocked you
Til my future shook;
Watched you til
I couldn't look.
As you changed,
I changed too,
To do the things
That Dads do.

You were bathed,
Dressed and fed;
I loved you so much
I was saved.

If there's credit,
Well, I get it,
For teaching you to read.
I took the blame
When you got bored
With school's ABC's.

I followed you
In all your roles,
Your teams,
Your solos,
Your trips,
Your shows.
First to clap,
Last to sit;
I taped it all,
From start -
To finish.

I taught you
How to tie a lace,
Ride a bike,
Golf and skate.
When time arrived
For you to drive,
You learned
On standard,
Never stranded,
You came home alive.

Your highs
I took in stride,
By example taught
Humility's pride.
Your lows,
I couldn't internalize,
I dropped my guard
With my eyes.

When Dad's do well
It's a double edge,
The future wedge.
The world
Desired you too.
I don't dismiss
What mothers do,
But when Dads do well,
Both lose you.
Why can't you be horrible and full of unforgivable flaws?
Why does it gets worse and not better inside my stupid, devoted heart?
Why do you still feel the same to me?
Your skin hasn't lost that scent I knew
The scent I still know and can remember by simply closing my eyes
The scent I still desire and find familiar
Even if it really never was

— The End —