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 Jun 2014 Emily
Matthew Walker
waking up without a care,
flannel unbuttoned in the sun,
freedom's overgrown hair,
barefoot until winter has won.

repainting the streets with my board
when all the cars have gone to sleep
exploring abandoned buildings
with flashlights and reckless fear.

who cares about tomorrow
as long as I make it today?
Forever is living in the moment
and realizing the future will never come.

I miss home
and all that used to be.
I miss those things
which will never return.

 Jun 2014 Emily
Matthew Walker
The way she underlines
her favorite parts in this book
says more than words could.

She never draws straight,
but scribbles little lines
that connect the syllables
in the same way
she etches her little things
one by one, piece by piece
into something worth reading.

I want to highlight
each beautiful characteristic,
underline with sharpie
so her imprint is permanent,
write notes in the margin
to ensure I never forget.

 Jun 2014 Emily
Matthew Walker
This is my first train ride
and I'm absolutely mesmerized.

You meet a special breed of people
living in uniquely passionate ways.
Saying I'm inspired by their kind
is standing in a blizzard naked and saying
"I'm cold."

The thrill they give me is more
powerful than words can capture,
though I'll try to do my best
like photography with distorted aperture.

I want to write vagabond on a name-tag
and slap it mercilessly on my chest
as a gorilla beats his pounding heart
like a drum before the last stand.

I ditched my seat and found an empty car
to escape the commotion and strum my guitar.
Slowly, people followed and joined me,
I felt like Moses dividing the sea.

I can hardly sing and barely play
but as they listened I felt as if
I was singing the sound of the rain,
washing away the mud in their smiles.

Six people are sleeping on the floor.
Beside me, their silent presence is igniting.
I want to dance in their zeal;
let it burn me, in hopes that the scars will never heal.

Maybe I'm over romanticizing this moment
but I can't squelch the raw audaciousness.
It's in their eyes, and in their laughs,
and in the way they form sentences.

It's burrowed itself into my heart.
In this moment, I feel so alive,
this passion cannot die, the traveler's immorality,
I have become the wanderer's infinity.

12/17/13 1:30am
 Jun 2014 Emily
Tana Young
 Jun 2014 Emily
Tana Young
We need to talk...
To say I miss you is a lie
To say I want you is a lie
To say I like you is a lie

Truth be told...

I don't just miss you...
I ache for you like nothing else in my life I want to be with you so bad I feel sick when I think about us being apart and it hurts when I can't be with you

I don't just want you...
I need you you're my everything I can't live without you you're my heart and soul you're my whole world you're everything I need and more I would be completely lost and incomplete without you

I don't just like you...
I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone you're mine forever and ever and nothing will ever change that you will always be mine and I will be yours and only yours
My friend wrote me this poem... and I wanted to share it... it is so perfect to me... it is the best poem I have ever read.
 Jun 2014 Emily
Cristina Relange
I place my head in my hands.
I feel the weight of
crushing black
held back by
delicate dams,
the flicking
of thoughts
against my palms,
the ebb and flow
of heat on my wrists.

I am alive.
 Jun 2014 Emily
on the chair
 Jun 2014 Emily
i was up there
on the chair
feeling underground

they said i was the underdog
they meant i was a hound
i was up there on the chair
feeling like a queen overthrown by the silence
but you still told me to dream

i was up there on that chair
thinking of the writing
everyday i was fighting for something i couldn’t do
i was up there on the chair
thinking of you calling us family
but telling me what i couldn’t do.

i was up there on the chair
thinking of my face
every single cut and bruise
now it’s the end of the race

i wish that i could speak, but speech is for the important

i was just there

nothing but a stare

waiting for you to say “i love you”

but i had to choose

i didn't’ want to take all the mental abuse

so on this chair i think of words

big small

or not there at all

everything you should have said

everything you shouldn't have said

when i asked

“if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?”

you said no

but you told me i was as strong as an oak

do you not here my fall?

are you not here at all?

“you wanted me to grow, but lowered my self esteem.

if you wanted me to be fixed

you shouldn’t have pulled me at the seams”

so now i’m up here on this chair, thinking of the words

all the silence

i just wanted to be heard



the chair

just like it does now

i fall

and yes you would hear a tree in the forest

**it cannot make it’s own fall
 May 2014 Emily
Tana Young
 May 2014 Emily
Tana Young
Bottomless values and forever floods
Into a sea that lacks shores
With skies of lone blue,
without grounds, of heaven too, but only in the Devil's view
And down below in the blue lone
Of the most stormy heart was condoned
In this land that has become sea
In this endless infection of me
And only when it was in the Devil's view
Was my demon in the blue
And in my tale of the sea,
that was never untold by me
Because heaven forgot, it impelled me
To foretell the tale of me
Until my demon,
was perfectly drowned in the blue
Only then would the Devil unfold and stay in my view
Tell me what you guys think I wrote this in Spanish class today! Feedback please
 May 2014 Emily
Andrew Tinkham
My new favorite poet is a fifteen year old girl.
Margaret is clever it's astounding.
I knew youth was coming like this but usually when I saw it up close they we're just these maniacal computer wiz kids but this girl seems to party.
I hope she meets Alex Turner someday.
I hope she meets Andrew VanWyngarden too.
I don't know why, but I guess it's because they're dashing and she deserves the best.
I hope the world don't tangle her up too much and don't sit on her like a fat bully.
I know she can dodge it though and we need her and her vision of peace like a checkpoint.
My favorite new poet is a fifteen year old girl.
Shine on Margaret, light up the world.
 Apr 2014 Emily
Ishshita Chanda
viewing my profile
as i scroll down
my eyes was mesmerize
by looking at your picture
but to my ego,i just commented
"You have got nice hairs"

You texted me "do i know you"
I replied "i dont know"

And our conversation started
we exchanged our phone no
we talked day and night
we shared our secrets
only thing existed for me was then was you
bt i never let u know my feelings

And when we met
You said"I Love you"
I replied "I Love you too"

"You were my perfect Accident,
     It happened for a purpose"
#cute# #love# #simple#
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