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Aug 2019 · 442
pain disguised as art
kaleigh michelle Aug 2019
maybe we’ll heal the same way we broke. beautifully and all at once.
Jan 2017 · 678
kaleigh michelle Jan 2017
Maybe one day, in ten years from now, we'll accidentally meet at a coffee shop downtown in the city we both love and we'll talk about our lives and the weather and fill each other in on the missing years. And maybe we'll laugh and talk about the past, and I'll pretend it doesn't still sting to hear your voice. And maybe, just maybe, we'll meet again 10 years after that and I'll have finally erased the memory of you off my lips.
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
kaleigh michelle Jan 2016
She carved the words into her skin that she couldn't say out loud and she painted murals on her arms that she couldn't draw on paper. Watercolor portraits of blood and tears. She was an artist in the most tragic of ways.
kaleigh michelle Dec 2015
sometimes I push you away just to see if you'll pull me closer
Oct 2015 · 2.1k
Maybe I'm Asking Too Much
kaleigh michelle Oct 2015
Sometimes I wonder what freedom feels like.
What fresh air feels like in my lungs.
What a "good day" truly feels like.

But then sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not have fears.*
To not be cripppled by anxiety over the thought of being around people.
To not have thoughts running marathons in my head.

And then sometimes I wonder what life would be like without the pain of depression.
What it feels like to be okay.
**What normal feels like.
kaleigh michelle Oct 2015
it's the worst feeling in the world. one that shakes you to your very core. i'm not good enough. it hits you and suddenly you're doubled over in pain in the bathroom and you can feel your heart breaking and the tears won't stop falling and the thoughts in your head run wild and all you can think about is every single thing that you're not good enough for. and you just want to run away but the demons in your mind are running away with the little bit of sanity that you had left and all you can do is lay there curled up holding onto the hope that it's just a bad day but you know it's not just a bad day and when you wake up tomorrow you're still not going to feel good enough. and how are you supposed to pretend you're strong and face all those things that make you feel worthless, stupid, useless, non-important? and how are you supposed to care about yourself when it feels like no one else cares about you either? and the worst part is you don't even know who you are anymore. she left a long time ago and she never came back.
Sep 2015 · 474
kaleigh michelle Sep 2015
sometimes it's just a blur and everything is numb
and i can't feel anything because nothing feels right
and it's scary not knowing because i hate not knowing
and i'm scared you're gonna leave
and i'm afriad of not being strong enough
and i hate that you're in pain so much because pain is stupid
and why do people have to suffer
like why is depression a thing
it's just all too much and we're too young to suffer from so much
and it ***** because it's just so **** hard
but we fight like hell anyway
because it's the only way to survive in this ****** up world
and maybe we're all just fragments
trying to put ourselves together into complete sentences
that make even the slightest bit of sense
Sep 2015 · 494
kaleigh michelle Sep 2015
We blame society
For the demons in our head
But the monster inside is ourselves
Feb 2015 · 472
kaleigh michelle Feb 2015
You shot the bullet
And I stood right in the line of fire
Not a bone was shattered
Only my fragile heart
Oct 2014 · 557
kaleigh michelle Oct 2014
I have a package of letters from you. Unopened.
I still have every message you sent.
Still not reread.
I see pictures of us on my laptop.
I cringe.
Every reminder brings back memories and those memories bring back you.
Some days I miss you.
Others, not at all.
But no matter what
I can't forget
I won't forget
I still remember
Sep 2014 · 451
Frost Bite
kaleigh michelle Sep 2014
She was as confusing as a mystery novel
Giving up enough clues
But not enough to solve the puzzle

Her eyes were blackened
With disappointment and pain

Her body was hallow
For she had given too much of herself away

The intensity of the numb feeling
Grew stronger every day

She had been frost bitten
And was left with nothing but a cold heart.
Aug 2014 · 377
I Wonder
kaleigh michelle Aug 2014
I wonder if you realize that every time I feel your skin, it's just an excuse to touch you.

I wonder if you realize that every time I grab your hand, I just want to have our fingers perfectly laced and intertwined with one another.

I wonder if you realize that every time I lay on your chest and put my hand on your heart, I'm feeling your heartbeat because I love that you're alive there with me.

And I wonder if you realize that every time I look at you, I fall even more hopelessly in love with you.
Super cheesy but I haven't been able to write in a long time so it's something at least.
Jun 2014 · 376
Angel Kisses
kaleigh michelle Jun 2014
When you kissed my scars, I felt a little less broken. You planted each kiss with such compassion that I swore you kissed the scars away.
Jun 2014 · 454
For Me?
kaleigh michelle Jun 2014
Please let me save you again. Let me hold you until your broken pieces fit back together again. Let me kiss your scars and heal them to make you whole again. I want to be the one you run to when things get bad again. I'd rather worry myself sick every night than deal with the thought of you being gone forever.
Please don't go...
Jun 2014 · 544
kaleigh michelle Jun 2014
It's the little things that make me feel alive.

Like watching my pulse beat through my body.

Or driving with the windows open.

Or watching someone laugh harder than they ever have before.

Or seeing the look in someone's eyes as they stare at you like you're the best thing that's ever happened to them.

Or that adrenaline rush as you drop from the top of a roller coaster.

I want to run free because that would make me feel more alive than ever.

And I never want to stop because I don't want to stop feeling alive.
Ugh, writer's block is awful ):
May 2014 · 382
kaleigh michelle May 2014
I feel so alone.
Like everything I've always known is slowly fading away.
I find myself lying awake at night, wondering when it all changed.
Questioning why things are all of a sudden different.
I want to go back.
Go back to when I was sure.
Sure of who my friends were.
Sure of who I could trust and run to. Sure of who cared about me.
Now I don't know.
Everything is slipping from my grasp and I don't know how to hold on with a tighter grip.
Not my best, but I've had writer's block and I've just been thinking a lot, so I needed to write it out.
Apr 2014 · 346
kaleigh michelle Apr 2014
I have scars on my heart from where you carved your name into me. I have memories and dates that I'll never forget. "You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." You're always going to be a part of me that I can't let go of. You've given and you've taken and I'll never be the same. I wish love was easy. But I guess I'm too naive. I thought fairy tales existed but I guess they're only dreams.
The quote in the quotations is from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
Apr 2014 · 399
kaleigh michelle Apr 2014
What have we done?*
One minute we're inseparable and the next we're at war.
               Back and forth.
                                  Round and round.
                                                  I can't keep up anymore.

Both of us carry baggage.
Both of us have scars.

We're so different from what we used to be.
Time sure changes everything.

The cage that we locked ourselves in was shrinking.
                 We needed to be set free.
                                  We needed to spread our wings and fly.

Our broken souls weren't meant to be held back.
But maybe our rough and jagged edges are supposed to fit together.
Or maybe we're like two puzzle pieces that don't connect.

Maybe we'll never really know.

But there's one thing I do know.

When we were bound by shackles and chains, I made you a promise.
                   One I intend to keep.

So now that the chains are broken and the bonds are set free, *remember that forever and always lasts for eternity.
This kinda doesn't make sense; there's a lot of ideas in there that are just kinda meshed together. I just really needed to get all my thoughts out.
Apr 2014 · 516
The Storm of My Heart
kaleigh michelle Apr 2014
Outside the rain poured.

The clouds were a dark grey, forcing me to see an image of how I felt inside.

I watched as the rain streaked the windows, reminding me of the tears that had once streaked my tear-stained cheeks.

I felt connected to the storm.

Like somehow it was speaking the words I couldn't force myself to tell you.

I could only hope you would hear the rumble of the thunder and see the strike of the lightening as well.

Maybe then you would realize the storm you put me through when you broke my heart.

Someday the tempest will pass.

The sun will break through the clouds and shine once more, reflecting light into the darkest parts of my heart.

I will blossom like a flower after a spring shower.

And you'll see me there, in the rainbow, *reminding you of the promises you broke.
Mar 2014 · 723
The Never-Ending Cycle
kaleigh michelle Mar 2014
Sometimes I think we're just bound to this cycle of hurt. We let spiteful and bitter thoughts control us. I mean it's human nature I guess. But will life always be like this? Will I always be stuck on this merry-go-round of pain and conflict? I wonder how we got here. How we ended up being ****** into the viscous cycle that now roams throughout our thoughts. Sometimes I just want to jump off. But I know I'd be landing into the pit of despair. I wonder which is worse. And I wonder what it'll be like if normal ever becomes an option again.
Mar 2014 · 379
kaleigh michelle Mar 2014
Some days I wonder. I wonder if I even get through to you. Am I making a difference? Putting you back together again? Or am I just shouting into the void? Aimlessly giving advice and hope to deaf ears. I want to get through to you but I don't know how anymore. These walls are building faster than ever and they're stronger than before. I'm trying to tear them down piece by piece but using force isn't working. So dear beloved, let me in. Let's tear down these barriers that trap us both. I no longer want to be a prisoner of my thoughts. I'm sure you're ready to be set free too. Released from the cage that holds you back. So take my hand and come with me. *Let's walk away now while we still can.
Feb 2014 · 423
kaleigh michelle Feb 2014
Your breath hung in the air on that cold winter morning. Your lips meeting the frost that grazed the tip of your nose. You wondered about life and pondered all the possibilities. Your questions bounced around like snowflakes trying to land. One by one they fell. Fell from those delicate lips I so desired to meet. Not once did you stop to look at me. You just continued proceeding, speaking as though the whole world was listening. Thought after thought. Your brain was like a jumbled puzzle that only you knew how to put together. You spoke in riddles, expecting me to understand. I think it was just a way to keep the walls around your heart built. But I wanted to try to break down your heart made of stone. I wanted to weave my way through the maze of your soul and find the person I fell in love with. Finally, my presence caught your attention. You gazed at me like I was a star that fell from the sky. You grabbed me and pressed your lips against mine and I felt like the universe had exploded. I watched your eyes as you pulled away and I saw cracks in the walls you built where there had once been solid stone. One by one I watched them crumble. Never before had you let someone get this close. I swore I wouldn’t hurt you. Protecting your heart and all that came with it. I would never forget this moment. My mind would always replay this day like a broken record. That was the day you promised me that I would be yours for infinity. *I didn’t know how long infinity meant to you, but I knew I never wanted that infinity to end.
Feb 2014 · 429
kaleigh michelle Feb 2014
All she wanted was to be alone. She found peace in the silence. She wanted to escape. Escape from the harsh reality that drove her mad with every waking moment. She wanted to be left alone with her thoughts. The ones that slowly killed her. Her mind spun out of control. The world became a dizzy blur. Her head pounded. The thoughts fighting for their way out. She thought she was going insane. The pain that filtered through her would never leave. The tears were building up quickly, threatening to run over. But this time she wouldn't stop them from coming. Hiding was too exhausting of a task. No more biting her tongue. No more built up anger. She was a grenade that had just exploded. Except this time, she would rise from the ashes.
Feb 2014 · 554
Fire and Gasoline
kaleigh michelle Feb 2014
You like to mold me like I'm clay. Form me and shape me into who or what you want me to be. I'm not a puppet that you can control by my strings. You don't own me. But you see, that's where you and I are different. We're like fire and gasoline. Just waiting to set the other one off and blow up everything around us. But you like to set the trap. You douse me in gasoline and light the match that sets me on fire. When will you learn that I can't breathe in your fumes anymore?
Feb 2014 · 695
The Girl
kaleigh michelle Feb 2014
There's a girl.
Everyday she sits in the back of the room.
Hiding from reality.
Hiding from the truth.
No one notices her.
No one even cares.

Everyday she goes home and cries.
Pours out her soul.
She screams in the pillow to muffle the sounds.
She no longer feels alive.
Numb to the world.
Numb to everything.
She feels nothing.

Slowly she gets up.
She walks to the bathroom.
In a trance.
She grabs the razor like she does every afternoon.
But today is different.
She's had enough.

She turns on the water and fills the tub.
Scalding hot.
Just what she likes.
She slips in and lets the water burn her.
Lets it creep into every scar.

Her skin's on fire.
But she could care less.
She won't feel the pain much longer.

Shaking, she grabs the razor.
Thin, delicate lines.
All lined up like tally marks.
Counting the times she felt alone.
The times no one cared.
The number of people that hated her.

One by one they bled.
It was like drawing a picture on her precious, porcelain skin.
Spelling out a message.
The message she's been trying to tell everyone.
But no one listens.

The water quickly turned crimson red.
The background to the portrait of her body.

The cracks in her heart grew wider.
But no light could shine in.
For the darkness was taking over.
Just like it had taken over her mind.

No longer would she feel the hate from everyone at school.
No longer would she feel inadequate to her parents' demands.
No one would miss her anyway.
She was just a blur.
Blending into the walls that held her captive.

Soon it would be over.
Shutting out the world that shut her out, she took her last breath.
The life poured out of her.
Her body went limp.
Feeling alive again no longer mattered.
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Tick Tock
kaleigh michelle Feb 2014
Tick. Tock.* One. Two. Three. Four. Lost in thought. Distracted and gone. Time passing by like a whirlwind. My mind is wandering again. The voices in my head overshadow my thoughts. I think too much. Sometimes my thoughts are too overwhelming. Why won't they stop? Why do all my thoughts lead back to this? I just want them to end. I want them all to end. I want to feel alive again. I want to breath without suffocating. Live without drowning. I lie awake at night. Crying. Thinking. Desperately wanting to find an escape. Someone please save me, before these thoughts **** me slowly.
Jan 2014 · 3.7k
Your Love is My Drug
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
I cling to you. Your love fill my lungs with the air I so desperately need to survive. Your kisses ignite a fire that burns in my bones. I'm drunk off your smile and I want to overdose on your laugh. I crave your touch. I'm high off of you. It's like you're my drug. My only way of getting through the day. I'm an addict. But I need you to save me from my addiction. Desperately I hold on as I fall. Fall in love with you.
Jan 2014 · 607
Angel Wings
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
Strong and powerful. Wrapping you up in their embrace. So delicate, yet so hard. Hard to break. Hard to escape. These wings aren't made for flying. They're made for holding and comforting. Loving and protecting. Tears make them stronger. Nothing will ever break them. Come and be safe. Know you're alive when you enter their shelter. Hide from your fears and cast out all doubts. No worries are present when you're surrounded by these wings. My angel wings.
Jan 2014 · 469
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
She drowns out the demons
The only way she knows how.
Cutting her wrists, hips, and who knows where now.
Faking a smile to everyone she sees.
Secretly begging, someone notice me, please.
Her thoughts invade her head
As she lies awake in bed.
Pondering. Thinking. Wishing to be done.
Hoping she won't have to see the next rising sun.
Little does she know of the greater plans
God has shaped in His own hands.
An angel will save her
This she knows for sure.
Jan 2014 · 778
I'm (Not) Fine
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
I'm fine. Two simple words. But they aren't anything close to simple. Behind them lies a world of pain. Masked by the simple statement. It's a cover up. A way of dodging the bullet. But I'm sick of it. I'm sick of hiding everything with "I'm fine."                             
My dad is losing his job.
That's not fine.
My mom is getting worse.
That's not fine.
I'm gonna have to get a job to help pay for things. That's not fine.
I'm going to have to sell memories of my life to help.
That's not fine.
So don't look at me and ask if I'm okay and believe me when I say I'm fine.
I'm lying.
Jan 2014 · 499
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
I'm falling apart. I'm breaking. Shattering into a million pieces. There's no more hope left in me. You can't put me back together. So jagged and rough. If I make it out, I won't be the same. I've been permanently scarred too many times. I'm fading fast and there's nothing you can do. My strings have been cut. My time is running out. I don't think you can save me this time. I'm too far gone.
Jan 2014 · 423
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
This black hole keeps ******* me in. Pulling me farther and farther down. The minute I find my feet again, I'm knocked back down. I'm suffocating. Losing air. I can't breath anymore. All I feel is pain. Sorrow and hatred. Bitterness and anger. This isn't healthy. But there's no escape. I can't find my way out. I can't see the light. God take this from me. I can carry this anymore. It's too heavy and too much. What do I do? Where do I go? Is there even a way out of this? Or will I continue to drown in this pool of emptiness?
Jan 2014 · 429
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
Lost in confusion. She didn't understand. How could she just leave her? Leave her to deal with the pain. The guilt. The tears and the dreary days. She needed her. How could she go on? How could she live? Going through the motions of each day. How could she stop caring? Could she get over this? She wanted her to feel good again, but she couldn't lose her. It just couldn't happen. She wouldn't let it happen. Whatever it took, she wasn't gonna lose her. She wasn't supposed to be an angel. *That's my job.
Jan 2014 · 2.2k
Fiercely Independent
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
Fiercely independent. That's what she was. Didn't let anyone see her cry. No emotion. Just a fake smile. Day in and day out. Living a lie through a life she created. The days become longer and the nights seemed endless. The air was just becoming too heavy. The depression weighing on her shoulders. Even then, she didn't let her walls down. As guarded as before, she masked her feelings. Going through the motions. Being vulnerable meant her secrets were no longer safe. No longer secrets that she held so dear. But honestly, what was the point anymore? What was the point of living? Nothing was worth it anymore. Nothing meant anything like before. She couldn't hold on much longer. It was too difficult.
Jan 2014 · 453
Pain is Permanent
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
Cursing through my veins. Piercing through my heart and plunging down into my soul. This pain races through my body. It aches and burns as it fills all the cracks where I'm broken. It's a bad medicine that leaves a bad taste. Nothing is washing it away. Nothing can stop the taste of it. My body is growing accustomed to it. I guess this pain isn't leaving. It's become too permanent. Maybe I'm meant to be broken. Shattered into a thousand pieces. I'm not fixable. I might as well stay awhile. Looks like I'm stuck in this depression.
Jan 2014 · 558
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
I wish you could behind see my wall of pain. Behind the mask of hurt I hide away. See my heart. See how I feel. I wish you could understand. I wish you would listen. Just give me a chance. I promise you won't be disappointed. Listen to my heart. Listen to my thoughts. Every day I disguise the real me. The girl who's hurting. The girl who just wants to be loved. The girl who needs someone to hear her cry and rescue her. Just one person is all I need. But you'll never see this side of me. It's too painful. Too gruesome. Too scary. So I'll just continue to put on a show.   I'll let you control my strings like a puppet. I mean, aren't we all just actors anyways?
Any thoughts?
Jan 2014 · 510
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
Alone and guarded. Ashamed and afraid. Hoping and praying one day she could break free. Free from the struggles. Free from the pain. Let go of the anger. Let go of the hurt. Over and over she tried to make it stop. All she wanted was for it to go away. Leave her alone. Set her free. But it kept her chained down. Relentlessly pursuing her every thought. Making her question. Making her believe. Just once, could they be silent? Just once could she see? The light that gave her hope was all she needed. But it too was fading. Under the voices. Under the noise. Her everything was shattered. Crumpled and gone. There was nothing left. No hope. No freedom. All she could do now was wait. Wait until they pulled her completely in. And forced her to drown in the voices. The voices in her head.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Saving Grace
kaleigh michelle Jan 2014
Vulnerable and closed off. Insecure and scared. Afraid of what could go wrong. So desperately crying out. Needing someone to notice. Needing someone to care. But yet she doesn't show it. She doesn't let people know her secret. Instead, she's the girl you'd never expect. Happy, smiling, carefree. All a show to hide the pain. Mask the real her. Day after day the pain is more real.  More intense. Screaming and threatening to come out. Explode and leave everyone to clean up the mess. But if you only knew. Behind the facade is a person. A person people should get to know. Loving and gentle. Passionate and caring. Wanting to experience and be alive. Feel alive. Wanting to spread her wings and soar. But she's weighed down.  Pushed back down by the conflict. So I guess you could say she's broken. Her wings can't fly. She's just waiting for someone to come fix her. Someone to be her saving grace.

— The End —