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Chariot brimful of **Gold
Horse drawn from a realm of
Rainbows for us to Hold.
Ivory tower of felicity that culminate in
Stunning memories to be told
Till the sun to the skies toils no more, and
Moon's iredescence secrets doth unfold,
And all Heaven's mighty effulgent
Stars  undress no more us to behold.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
19th December 2016
Fact that I walked down the isle to work, that special day might find me not here but please allow me take use of this golden happenstance to wish everyone a Merry Christmas in advance :-)
Favours in the sight to see
Unable to put into words
A picture of peace
That unseen melody

Maximising strength
Creating force from nothing
Desperately needing
Another breath of nicotine

Blurry images
Fogging visions
Failing to hold on
To grasp upon a belief

Fading symphonies
Muffling music
Turning deaf
Loss of hearing to a favoured frequency

Please don't ever
Lose sight of me
Hear me
Listen to my heartbeat
It's still beating...

...for *
you and me
A cool December morning!
Today I rose much earlier than usual
I watch the night stealing away
Like an accused convict under cover

Sunlight peeks through the leaves.
In the haze of overhanging mist,
Only the blurred silhouette of trees in sight
The crows have begun their raucous call

The leaves of grass are misted with dew
A cool zephyr blows from the south
Clouds float like shredded cotton
Even Sirius, the brightest star has paled

Life is slowly beginning to unfold
And men like shadows have begun to move
The sun has now climbed to the Eastern hills
In scintillating glory like a mighty king

Shattering the mist with his lance like beams
He exults like a victorious warrior
His crystal rays rouse the sleeping birds
And they begin their chorus in wondrous rhyme

I enjoy the sweetness of this lovely morn
In serene silence, I stand and watch
The light that slowly fills the Earth,
Dispelling all trace of overhanging darkness!
Unlike the Winter of the West, here in most parts of India it is very mild and sweetly pleasant with clear blue skies, bright sun and cool mornings and evenings. This is the best time of the year, here in the place where I live. The morning air carries the scent of opening flowers, so refreshing and giving an exotic feel !
I was hoping that today
Wouldn't be our end

Hands on waist
Thrown over shoulders
One stumbles backward
The other forward
Walk unsteady
We talk all heady
Lost in you
A hundred times over
I'd choose you

I was hoping today
Wouldn't be our end..
 Dec 2016 jyotikamarine
They raised me to be who I am,
And I could never have been any different.
They spent countless hours nurturing me and cherishing
Every achievement throughout my life.
I loved them so much, and I'd have done anything for them,
Will still do anything for them, because I knew they loved me back.
Until they pushed me away from them,
Sent me falling through the sky and got the hell away from me
As though I was nothing to them anymore,
Never had been their little boy.

And I fall through clouds like they don't want to be near me,
And I fall until the details below me come into focus.
I cry when I see the city, the buildings, the people.
I cry because I know now why I was created.
They come closer to me as I move closer to them,
And I can feel my insides start to churn,
And then it burns before I've even reached the ground.
I'm blinded by the brightness of my own incineration,
And with my last thoughts I beg everyone below me,
Though they can't hear me under the roar of death,
"Please don't look at the light."
 Jul 2016 jyotikamarine
The dark rain will fall
Again, but nevertheless
The rainbow follows
Everyone playing their part
Except this time
She Saw Them
And turned Away

They Had Nothing

Even Close

To Her Light
Imbedded Indifference

The Family that is Made
By The Order
Of The Stars
Can Never Be Taken

If It Could
A Kingdom From A Kng
Now Gone
A Mother From
A Child
A Lover
From A Friend
Fallen Forever

None can Be Taken
Where None Given
But Where Stolen
Another Truth Awaits

By One
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