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 Apr 2017 JWolfeB
Sara Emilia
I hide in the shadows and dust of the grave,
I hide in the power and strength of the brave.
I hide in machines, in the cogs and the gears.
I hide in the darkness; I hide in my fears.

I hide behind makeup and a flawless face,
I hide in my heartbeats and their too-quick pace,
I hide in the sun, the clouds, and the rain,
I hide in the darkness; I hide in my pain.

I hide in the warmth and burn of the fire,
I hide in my rage, my angst, and my ire,
I hide in the light that I cannot see,
I hide in the darkness that hides in me.
 Mar 2017 JWolfeB
A Tango
 Mar 2017 JWolfeB
A Tango
An odd feeling
that’s either good or bad—
But I like it.

*It’s like i’m buzzed.
With a tingling sensation
reminding me
that i’m human.
when they fell in love, it was at the seaside.
on an overcast day that promised clouds in the sky.
but it was bright.
and it was beautiful.
the waves crashed upon the sand and then,
just as quickly,
pulled away.
a greek tragedy.
the sun tried and tried again to peek out
and kiss the earth.
but it had no such luck.
neither of them were looking at the view.
they couldn't pinpoint the exact moment
it their hearts began to beat for one another.
it just sort of...
like clockwork.
one moment, they had been talking about the weather.
and the next,
she compared her best friend's eyes to the sea
which made him compare his best friend's eyes to the trees.
they weren't sure why it seemed so simple.
had it always been this way?

The first poem from my published poetry anthology, Dulcet Whispers.
Though the feeders stand empty.
The birds still rejoice.
They do not fly around in frantic fear.
Like I do.
They trust You to feed them.

Though I have no provisions stored.
No wealth saved for tomorrow.
And my coin pouch is empty.
I choose to rejoice and trust You
to provide for my needs.

I lift up my voice and sing to You.
Though there is no cattle in my stall.
And no fruit on my vines.
I cling to Your promise.
Your promise is this:
You will give me all that I need.
As I seek first Your kingdom
and Your righteousness.

Myself and my seed
shall not be begging bread,
even if my coin pouch is empty.
And I have no provisions stored.
I will trust in You, my God.
For You have promised.
To provide.
Based on Hab. 3:17-19, and Matt. 6:25-33,  Holy Bible
 Mar 2017 JWolfeB
CA Guilfoyle
I cannot write anything, the way my heart tells it
soft in murmurs or echoing loudly as it does
cannot drift the way I'd like, floating free
as dandelion seeds wild in these fields.
I hear words like arrows piercing in.
I feel shocks and waves
the sea that comes to swallow.
I face jangled places
of these fears again
amid storms of grays and clouds
and after the washing rains
the birds come singing, flying.
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