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 May 2015 Meredith
Mike Essig
 May 2015 Meredith
Mike Essig
Sure, I write for love, beauty and seduction,
but those are just the fun parts.
Mostly I write because it is my duty
to speak words for the innumerable
dispossessed millions who have no voices.
To be an angry pain in the ***** of
power, money, greed and corruption.
I know that I cannot destroy them
but perhaps I can create an itch
they cannot reach far enough to scratch.
Perhaps that itch will make them mindful
and uncomfortable at what they are and do.
If that is true, my duty is done
and I can go back to the prurient pleasures
of love, beauty and seduction
with something like a clear conscience.
 May 2015 Meredith
I'm going to write
about my pain
I know
you'll not read it.
For it is
so much
that reading it
gives you torture.

You'll want
to comfort me
to hug me
to encourage me
but you can't.
because I'm just
you pity and
you really don't care.
 May 2015 Meredith
Mike Essig
I have wasted so much life
learning the unimportant.
I will spend what's left
sitting and unlearning.
Nothing is as important
as letting the breeze
flow through you like
an ocean current that
only exists to exist.
Current, wave, no-thing.
I am on my way.

 May 2015 Meredith
Mike Essig
Every morning I try to unlearn the universe.
It is like a yoga exercise to escape the irons of knowledge.
In 63 years your head fills with so much *******.
There must be a method for purging the excess.
So far I have not been able to discover it.
I will keep trying because I want to see things fresh.
I want to hear babies cry and Mozart exhalt for the first time.
I want to enter a woman anew like a baffled 15-year-old
discovering a pleasure from which he will never want to escape.
I want to forget my over-remembered  life.
I want to rediscover the salty taste of women.
I have been everywhere and am out of destinations.
I ache for the pain of a question lacking an answer.
I want to go to war again and relearn a sense of terror.
I want to experience the baffled euphoria of first love.
I want to reclaim my sense of wonder from jaded life.
Imagine the utter joy of hearing again birds for the first time.
Unlearning is so much harder than learning.
I fear not enough years remain to unknow this burden.
But I must keep at it with a vigor no longer possessed.
It is morning again in the heart of Mike Essig.
And every morning I try to unlearn the universe
simply so I might know the bliss of learning it again.
 May 2015 Meredith
kaylene- mary
Let the poets write with fractured wrists
And bleeding fingers
Let them utter through broken lungs
And splintered tongues
About a lover they once had
And how they tossed their voice in the ocean
Because of misplaced devotion
Let the poets sever the silence
That spills from the sheets you lay upon
Where passion is long gone
Now you're wondering if this constitutes as love
But you've merely forgotten that his skin
Is a pretty cover for the bones that rot within
*Let the poets love you
Agonisingly sweetly
But never as discreetly
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