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Juls Aug 2020
chew your food properly
don't let anything go to waste
as smacks ring across the table
i scold you for chewing too loudly

we bicker and we fight
for something so trivial like leaving
screaming like two tigers
with harsh words filling the dark and empty room

hold onto your words properly
don't let anything go to waste
for i've poured too much of the love you can't promise me
as we let go of our final goodbyes
Juls Mar 2020
amidst all these chaos
i am but a withering flower
polluted and diseased

a wonderer, wondering
where will i ever belong
in this big, bad world

i am but a flightless fish
caged in this contaminated aquarium
with all the floating, dead fish

a lawless city
filled with outlaws
committing crime

amidst all these chaos
i am but a lonely boy
yearning death
as time passes by
  Feb 2020 Juls
Jack Jenkins
My guard dropped like an anvil from the sky
I never knew I was up so high
So alone
Freezing from the inside
Hiding lies in lust when love would've done fine
//On love and loneliness//
Juls Jan 2020
you were as elegant as hummingbirds,
sipping dripping nectar.
as soothing as the sea shells,
clenched within the sandy shores of Miami.
as gentle as the raindrops,
pouring down on a Saturday afternoon.
and as I slip into a deep sleep of euphoria,
I can only think of what little memories I've left of you.
I hope you're well.
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