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 Jul 2016 julie patten
Sean Hunt
To dodge a bullet of blame
To pretend I've won a game
To protect an illusory self
From the eyes of everyone else

To turn away from a truth
To seem to be smooth
To defend my point of view
So no one can see through

To twist somebody's arm
To turn off an alarm
To take a pound or two
Maybe away from you

To protect my reputation
To cause a sensation
To play my ****** bail
To stay out of a jail

To paint a pretty picture
To get a little richer
To win a competition
To be a magician

 Jul 2016 julie patten
Sean Hunt
We are not a thing, We're a happening

We're coming and going all of the time
Never staying still, just like my rhyme

We are not a thing, We're a happening

You can't point at me!  If you try
I will disappear in the blink of an eye

We are not a thing, We're a happening

You can't drive a wheel because it's not a car
If you try you won't get very far

We are not a thing, We're a happening

Doctors know this because they've seen
Inside our skin with an Xray machine

We are not a thing, We're a happening

Still looking for the book, for some thing to read?
Or maybe the beginning of a seed

We are not a thing, We're a happening

Without the fish and egg where would we be
There'd be no you, there'd be no me

We are not a thing, We're a happening

We're coming and going all of the time
Never staying still, just like my rhyme
 Jun 2016 julie patten
Sean Hunt
What Can A Muslim Woman Be?

On the misogynistic sea
Of inhumanity

Muffled by
Mandatory muteness
Veiled in artless darkness
Horrified by heartlessness
And tasting
A terrible tartness

A gauntlet of confetti stones awaits
The rule breakers
And mistake makers
Or twisted motivation
Can cause a horrid hail
To happen
At any moment

I wonder
What can a Muslim woman be

Sean Hunt Windermere 2016 May  This poem was a response to a video that was watched by a group of poets to elicit a poetic response
 May 2016 julie patten
Sean Hunt
Tzivi is becoming prolific!  
Have you seen his second poem?
 Apr 2016 julie patten
Sean Hunt
The poetic presence
Of absent Kate
Is missed
Of late
Wretched continuous pain
now life will never be the same
 Feb 2016 julie patten
Sean Hunt
Does the echo
Come from
Does it go?
She groans and grizzles while he is proud and sizzles
I will rise
To the challenge
And get my revenge
Hectic life
Under strife
But solid
As man and wife
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