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Julia Supernault May 2020
You can’t save everyone,
You can’t give pieces of yourself away to selfish people who have no intentions of returning them.
You can’t tear yourself apart hoping that they will have that last drink.
They have an addiction but your addiction is trying to save the dammed before they’re willing to save themselves.
You can’t save everyone.
Julia Supernault May 2020
I’m in a better place than I was two years ago, I’m bettering myself for the future I want.
You got the damaged me, the one who was so unsure of herself, the one who didn’t know what she wanted and who she wanted. She was back and forth with you a lot. She was hurt.
Now the next guy, the one she genuinely loves and cares about has the new her, the girl who wakes up every morning with a plan in her mind to make the best of every day, the girl who found herself and lead herself out of the darkness.
I think you would have loved her even more, but the place in her heart that holds onto you is closed forever, she’s moving on and becoming stronger than ever with a new love by her side.
A new mindset that steers her onto a lighter path.
I’m sorry you don’t get to hear her laugh or see her smile, I knew her happiness would’ve touched your soul in many ways.
Now, the man who has captured her heart in his hands is careful, there will be less sad days for her now.
But she wants to thank you, for putting up with her, for loving her the way that you did.
She will always remember and carry it with her wherever she goes, she will look at the stars and remember for a moment before she grabs her lovers hand that the damage you had done unintentionally was good for her in the end.
I will remember
Julia Supernault May 2020
He makes my heart happy, a little sad at times but when he wants to, he can make me feel like I’m going to burst with happiness
Julia Supernault Apr 2020
And after today’s hardships, I want nothing more but to be wrapped in the comfort of your arms, listening to our favourite songs, keeping easy conversation until we fall asleep.

Because maybe then, I can pretend I’m ok.
I’m just so tired.
Julia Supernault Apr 2020
My biggest flaw is that I keep pushing forward to tomorrow while often looking back to the yesterdays.
There will never be another day like yesterday, a week ago or a year ago.
And different emotions battle within me as I try decide if that’s a good thing or not.
Julia Supernault Apr 2020
The greatest feeling was I could go so long without talking to you, the days are turning into weeks and I’m honestly okay with that. The best I can do is wish you well and hope you never come back to take another piece of me.
Julia Supernault Apr 2020
I’ve managed to catch it
The last possible stop of the sober train that will take me away from the dark path I was trudging down
I’ve paid my last dues
Felt my last hangover
I brought my memories knowing one day they will be put on the shelf to collect dust
I will make sober memories that will be more important than any drunken night
This train is taking me places
To a brighter light
To happier healthier times
Pushing me to become the best person I can be
For everyone around me
For my son
For myself
A new light is coming
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