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5.2k · Jun 2014
The little candle
Julia Mullin Jun 2014
After a long day of making candles, the candle maker decides to bring a candle to life as he rests for the evening. After some time the candle begins to talk and asks the candle maker what its purpose is. The candle maker let out a slight chuckle and says, “Isn’t it obvious?”

The candle feels a bit disappointed by the answer and decides to reword the question, “Why did you light me if you are only going to ***** me out?”

The candle maker realizes that the candle doesn’t know its true nature and decides to tell the candle its true purpose. He moves the candle to a table next to a window and parts the curtains. “See the stars way up there? Some of them already stopped giving light, but from here, I can still see them.”

The candle’s light flickers for a moment and says, “But I’m a small light, nobody is going to see me.”

The candle maker smiles and says, “You’re missing the point. It doesn’t matter if your light is dull in comparison to a star. What does matter is that light is infinite and even though your wick is snuffed, your light will go on forever. You see, light moves in and out of small things to give them energy and then escapes fully intact. It’s the key to life. Without it movement would cease. So you see little candle, your light is important and will never vanish.”

The candle wanes as the night progresses and then finally says, “Thank you candle maker for giving me life. I know it’s about time for me to go.”

The candle maker smiles and says, “Bless you little candle as you journey through smaller things.” The candle maker pulls air into his lungs deep and exhales over the little candle’s flame and says, “Good light little candle. Good light.”
2.4k · Nov 2016
Julia Mullin Nov 2016
The result of privatization
Is a loss too great to bear
Government bowing to Industries
Leading us towards despair

Industries teach our children
Whatever whim they choose
While government stands in shackles
It'll happen while we snooze

Gamble with Social Security
Until there is nothing left
The brokers will have the money
While leaving us all bereft

Take elderly off of Medicare
Give them a voucher instead
When the market costs too much
Who'll pay for their hospital bed?

When people remove a government
What will come in its place?
The wealthy, the prideful, the arrogant
Will take charge of the human race

Didn't we fight for our freedom
To break from the monarchy?
Privatization rules through business
For the elite to rule with greed
2.0k · Mar 2014
Death Wears Sneakers
Julia Mullin Mar 2014
Death wears sneakers
Fastened tight
Leaving wounds
Wronging rights

It sneaks around
And doesn’t care
About what’s left
And what’s to share

It doesn’t knock
It barges in
To take it’s claim
To sate it’s yen

Not bound by locks
Or siren’s blare
It leaves a mess
It doesn’t care

Don’t forget
To right your soul
Keep in mind
Who’ll pay the toll
1.6k · Aug 2011
The Reapers
Julia Mullin Aug 2011
The reapers only few in number
Form rules with cunning tools
Knitting loopholes while we slumber
Find jewels in captives’ joules

The reapers take what isn’t fair
In the name of piety
Writing off what they declare
With impropriety

The reapers ravage all our laws
The poor find nothing more
Using all their battle maws
For war of pseudo lore
1.4k · Oct 2012
Journey to Love - Prose
Julia Mullin Oct 2012
Anger starts off as something simple brought on by hurt, but if the hurt is set over the fire of jealousy, it begins to stir up like a wind and sandblasts away all common sense. It is the wrinkle in the fabric of memory that twists into the depths of things long forgotten setting into motion a dissipating hope that can soon vanish into nothingness.

She must subdue her anger and swim towards the calming shore of enlightenment before the anger consumes her. Can she stand like a tall tree and battle her emotions and slay the emerald eyed monster that’s wounded her by its thorny claws?

I hear her cry but not for me. I swim like the fish in the sea of commitment caught up in the rhythm of every day life. If she would look my way she would find a new beginning and she’d finally tame anger and keep it in its cage.

My name is Love and I course through the lives of everyone who has hope; like blood through the veins. Death happens without me and the body becomes a walking corpse. I call to her but she doesn’t hear me as she spins helplessly in a void where nothing takes shape.

I know she can sense me deep within her chest when she spies a glimmer of hope but her anger hides it in her rage. Her hope moves like sand through an hourglass of bitterness and the last grain is getting close to falling. Her eyes are covered with a shroud of deception and her hope is lost in the darkness.

Suddenly she searches for me and I come – her frozen heart melts and the hourglass shatters – her hope no longer captive. Her thoughts begin to float into a safe harbor where she slays the tall green eyed monster and removes its thorny ******.

Her tears flow like honey sticking to her cheeks as she cries like a newborn baby. Her heart is free and the red wounds heal with time as she begins to weave a hope filled life. New memories are stitched with bad to form a hero’s tapestry to be displayed in honor and not in shame. All who escape the clutches of hate are the victors. All who find me and keep me are given the strongest power known – love.
Julia Mullin Sep 2012
What’s happened to the human race?
We’ve turned so cold and dark
Instead of reaching out to care
We feed on hate like sharks

But that is just a fraction
Of how we have evolved
Instead of reaching out to care
We don’t get too involved

We shun away from feeling guilt
It doesn’t fit our style
Instead of reaching out to care
We wear a pseudo smile

We offer God as solace
So we don’t have to love
Instead of reaching out to care
We point to up above

No wonder bullets fly
No wonder anger blooms
Instead of reaching out to care
We lock them all in rooms
1.2k · Jul 2013
Julia Mullin Jul 2013
Less than a shadow to eye
Less than a whisper to ear
Less than satin to skin
Less than the smell of fog
Less than a taste of water
This is how you make me feel

More than the sun to eye
More than thunder to ear
More than fire to skin
More than the smell of hyacinth
More than a taste of peppers
This is how I imagine you

The balance is off
Fantasy has wreaked its' havoc
Truth is I’m more than this
Truth is you’re less than this
The balance is on
1.2k · May 2012
Julia Mullin May 2012
Slander wears no muzzle
Void of couth

Shove born from a nuzzle
Shoddy sleuth

Guilt turns into guzzle
Robbing youth

Scattered jigsaw puzzle
Pseudo truth

No lies can bind the hearts of all
No anger heals the scars of all
No ale can hide the shame of all
No eye can see the truth of all
1.1k · Jul 2013
Julia Mullin Jul 2013
Empty space
Alone I stand
Without a face
Without a plan

Heart of pain
Tatters dreams
Salty rain
Spills in streams

Shade of night
Shallow breath
Soul in blight
Lurking death

Turn the mind
See the face
Join my kind
Keeping pace

Making dreams
Spin anew
Binding seams
Me and you
1.1k · Dec 2013
The Art of Good and Evil
Julia Mullin Dec 2013
Is darkness and evil synonymous?
Is light and good synonymous?
Two contrary modes of being
Exist for the artist's eye

Before light was formed – darkness
Before good was formed – evil
If darkness and evil were firstborn
Then they are the artist’s canvas

From this canvas light can bloom
From this canvas good can form
Without it light would have no value
Without it good would have no shape

It’s easy to leave the canvas blank
Never to paint a stroke
It’s harder to paint the color of good
But worth it to see the light
1.1k · Jul 2013
Julia Mullin Jul 2013
Wrestling dreams twist my thoughts
Thoughts morph to spinning chaos
Chaos moves towards strangling order
Order feeds my wrestling dreams

Words that slander burn like fire
Fire is hungry never full
Full is the angry tongue
Tongue thirsts for words that slander

Vengeful heart will lose its’ love
Love forgives but may remember
Remember love, forget to hate
Hate consumes the vengeful heart

Repeating past will ruin future
Future should be free of past
Past is meant to stay behind
Behind I’ll be, repeating past
1.0k · Jun 2014
Judgment by the Judged
Julia Mullin Jun 2014
You know not where my feet have gone
But judge me none the less
Assuming I’m your battle pawn
You choose to second guess

From beaten and to broken
You scoff at all my pain
You take it as a token
You take it as your gain

You call out names to break me
You taunt me with your threats
You think God has forsaken me
With that, I’d place no bets

I do not fear your tactics
The truth shall come to light
Revealed through all your antics
Revealed through all your spite

You may have fooled the masses
By putting on an act
But I can see through glasses
That are not tainted black

Your solemn act of innocence
Is soon to be dispelled
You assumed that I was ignorant
And easily compelled

The fact that you have judged me
Before you know the facts
Speaks volumes of dishonesty
Of things you can’t redact

When caught in this deception
The gavel slams down hard
Not honored with reception
Your voice they will discard
916 · Jul 2013
The Dread
Julia Mullin Jul 2013
How deep does the dread go?
As deep as the fear goes
How far does the fear go?
Much deeper than the shadow

With a pick and torch light
Find the gem that will shine bright
May be day in this sun blight
In the dread it is midnight

Keep the flames burning ember
For the chill of December
For the hope to remember
For the dread to dismember

Only light burns the dread fear
Only light makes the path clear
When the light sparks the dread jeers
When the gem gleams the dread veers

Who knows where the gem grows?
In the hollow of the shadows
In the dark where the dread goes
In a place only hope knows
746 · Jul 2013
Screw wrath
Julia Mullin Jul 2013
Lies spoken
Ties broken
Puddled eyes
Muddled cries

Life growing
Strife moaning
Puddled eyes
Muddled cries

Born fighting
Scorn biting
Puddled eyes
Muddled cries

Chasing hate
Facing fate
Puddled eyes
Muddled cries

New path
***** wrath
Laughing eyes
Happy cries
743 · May 2012
Julia Mullin May 2012
Forged in the mouth
Executed by the tongue
Cut deep without compassion

Hewn from bigotry
Stained with hatred
Abandon love in every nation

Change a friend to foe
Pierce the truth with lies
Are weapons of our destruction

Divide us into faiths
Encourage self righteousness
Paint a picture of mass delusion

Can be melted down
Can turn into plowshares
Can be the crux of our salvation
719 · May 2012
Insincerely Yours
Julia Mullin May 2012
In what mind does perfection exist?
In the mind that thinks it knows the answers?
Or in the mind that always searches and never becomes stagnant?

In whose thoughts must I structure my words?
In my own or perhaps I should buy the mold from you
So that my mind can become like jello

If these are the words you are looking for
It doesn’t take effort only the feeling of rejection
But it is what I see in your ink blots

Unsavory words flung about in madness
Miscalculate, unworthy, and even insincere
You don’t want the truth, you want your truth

So here are my words flung up in the air
No real thought, and no effort
Let’s see where they land
648 · Jan 2010
Julia Mullin Jan 2010
The purpose of life is to discover there is no purpose
The goal of life is death
The universe is not the center of all that exists
The soul is just a breath

I search for answers that someday I will forget
And I will be forgotten
All I know is that I’ll know nothing at all
When my flesh is rotten

I hope that life exists beyond the grave
Hope is all I have
To wake up in the cradle of eternity
Hope the soothing salve
640 · Mar 2014
Two Shovels
Julia Mullin Mar 2014
Two shovels are lighter
Than a ton of baggage
One to bury hurts
One to bury guilt

Bury the hurts deep
But still remember
Learn from the past
Learn for the future

Bury the guilt deeper
So it doesn’t cause harm
Become a better person
Becomes a better world

Two shovels are lighter
Bury all the baggage
Let the heart find love
Let the past rest in peace
541 · Sep 2012
Still Alive
Julia Mullin Sep 2012
Fear of anger
Run from anger
Caught by angry
Still alive

Fist is pounding
Heart is pounding
At least it pounds
Still alive

Screams are silenced
Voice is silenced
Words are silent
Still alive

Walk alone
Talk alone
Making lonely
Still alive

Stomach hungry
Heart is hungry
Fight this hunger
Still alive

Scars well hidden
Pain well hidden
Survive to hide
Still alive
536 · Sep 2012
A house is built
Julia Mullin Sep 2012
A house is built
Without foundation
This house will fall
In full cessation

A house is built
With flimsy frame
This house will fall
Who’s to blame?

A house is built
Without a roof
It’s needed parts
Have taken hoof

A house is built
It’s all intact
This house will stand
If we react

Let’s build this house
From rich to poor
Let it stand
For ever more
516 · Oct 2014
Julia Mullin Oct 2014
She floated among ruins
They were hers

Every stone was broken
They were hers

The windows laid in pieces
They were hers

The doors no longer framed
They were hers

The ruins are where she was
They were hers

She floated out to sea
It wasn't hers

She found a peaceful harbor
It wasn't hers

She stood upon the shore
It wasn't hers

She gathered many stones
Now they're hers

She crafted many windows
Now they're hers

She crafted many doors
Now they're hers

She lives within this house
Now it's hers
510 · Feb 2015
Let there be light
Julia Mullin Feb 2015
Inanimate to animate
darkness to light
the breath of God
overcomes the night

Let there be light
cast on shadows
nothing to hide
perfection is shallow

Embrace all the flaws
be who we are
we can't change the past
we just wear the scars
496 · May 2015
The Frame
Julia Mullin May 2015
Finite times
Finite energies
Framed inside infinity
Pieces of a puzzle

Toss of the puzzle
Pieces fall together
Infinite chances
In finite times

The pieces fell
The pieces will fall
I am now
and I will be

To the finite?
To the infinite?
Within the frame?
Outside the frame?

Mortally immortal
In pockets of time
I hope outside
and fear within

The frame confines
Outside is freedom
Inside is finite
Outside is infinite

Who tosses the puzzle?
Who made the frame?
The one who created us
And the one who sets us free

— The End —