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Jul 2016 · 790
Clark Jul 2016
opposites attract, protons and electrons
profusely electrifying,
affecting the circumference of the situation.

intellectual flabbergasters
flabbergasted at the flabbergasting science behind
the fact no science or computer will ever scientifically compute this.

i think i’ve met vada.

finding my magnanimous self; selfless,
and lack of self; selfless,
wondering to how to become a better being.

there goes another beat.
i’m stood, beat.
my heart’s beaten, not beating,

and i feel beat
in this competition called life.
but that’s okay

because i think i’m in love with vada.
written last night, when i was thinking of somebody
May 2016 · 849
Clark May 2016
teardrops of providence,
intricately kissing the glass
with paint upon their lips.

grunts of a god,
bellows heard from below,
counting the seconds

the numen flashes,
if only for a second
to warn others
calculating the distance

neurons and skin,
reflections in water,
ponderous panting
and her mind is like a

'twas written whilst the rain poured onto the roof of my conservatory

— The End —