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Who I am to you
Is whom I shall be
A person of expression
Using whit as an insecurity
Having words carry my impossibilities
An excuse for hopes dreams and miseries

I long to be
I desire to be
What I can never be
My identity, of make believe
Of which I know everything

As me I can be like anything
As a poet I can be everything

I am the man I've lead you to believe
The man who wants everything
Who'd rather live in fantasy
Where his words are powerful and his soul is clean

Forgive me
My insanity
I am a poet
No matter what I write,
not a thing will change,
no reason to this world,
no magic in the way I see it.

I believe in peaceful rebellion,
but it that enough?

No one will likely listen to my words,
they will listen only to action,
but what can I do?

Violence seems to be the key,
wars waged in the name of virtue,
change founded on a mountain of corpses,
America's truth.

And though I struggle,
nothing I do or say will be heard,
my opinion is worth little.

Is this the world in which I want to raise children?

A fragile peace,
fought with secrets,
with fear.

A savage place,
segregated by race,
and aggregated equality.

A world without change,
laws forged through bloodstains,
sanguine writ,
the only truth I see.

And so,
I retreat,
this world estranged from me,
a hermit hiding,
in what ought to be.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)
 Nov 2013 Joshua Singleton
my mind is a planetarium
where each memory is a meteorite
and every apology burns like a dying star.

enclosed in the vast celestial stretch of my skull,
planets tend to vanish without the courtesy of a goodbye,
but i'm just happy to have housed them for a little while.

my projector is faulty and sometimes,
the images i try to convey become obscured
("asteroids may be larger than they appear").

i can't help but speak in broken constellations,
and hope that you somehow understand
that i have nothing but the best intentions.

not to mention, i've seen a lot of visitors, though
none have ever stayed for long, after they've surveyed
that i'm nothing more than a bunch of chaotic galaxies.

i rubbed the collection of stardust and debris from my eyes
and to my surprise, found that you hadn't gone anywhere.
instead, you were there, floating through my solar systems.

you've got me orbiting around your finger
like the rings around the sixth planet from the sun.
i come undone a little more with every word you breathe.

my bones are made of moon rock, aching like cold craters,
waiting patiently for the radiant warmth of the sun,
or your breath, or your touch, whichever is closest.  

the most stellar display of stars i have ever seen
are not in the belt of orion, nor anywhere within the milky way -
instead they are lightyears beyond, resting comfortably behind your lips.

- m.f.
the night has a thousand eyes.
only two of them make my heart flutter.
I love poetry because it makes me love.
there's a certain art to crying.
there's a certain charm to sadness.
I've a profound desire for long train rides to somewhere.
I've a strange frenzy for mail packages with my name written on them.
they remind me that I exist. they remind me that I am not infinite.
I don't know what it is about tomorrow, but I know I'll never be the same.
unsentimental, driving around, like the future is supposed to be.
before you go crossing that bridge in your mind, again
darling you're loved, they love you
I love you
I love you
*I'll love
With every heartbeat comes a thought
Which reminds me that an empty space in my head
Still lacks the light of your soul
The one that blinds if caught
And it comes from the warmness that shines from your core
It knows its way through my heart
Like a warrior knows his enemy at war
Then it paralyzes my mind with the idea of your love
That invades my being
With every single blood drop,
That travels through the maze of life;
The life that looks so easy but is too flawed.
Like the love we share
It hurts while seeming oh! So fair
But I can't deny this fraud
That held me captivated in you
Not able to escape from what you call yours
So please just tell me
And save me from what is so sore
Are we in love or at war?
 Nov 2013 Joshua Singleton
Standing on the ledge
I can see below, jagged reminders of happiness
Treetop dreams of echoes traveled
Toes tipping the cliff face, pebbles fall
bouncing to their own beat,
unlike that of my heart,
staggered and frail

Peering down on those lives,
white picket fences in quilt top designs
like tiny ants, moving about,
frolicking between corn row wisdom and apple blossom beauty
Never once looking up to see
this man who knows he can not fly
reaching for the depths calling his name

A strong gust of wind whistles
beneath dark clouds mingling with my stare
Still moments have escaped,
replaced by the emptiness that is my mind
holding only one thought, one view
footsteps, a straight line, uncounted
in a fashion of leaving…far below

Golden horizons beckon
of a last setting sun, one final time
Flowing rays of watercolor brushstrokes
That I…we once enjoyed,
hand in hand, singing songs of a forever love
that fell like autumn leaves in silent
multicolored tears, puddles of drained melodies

I cling to my hopes…
like a crooked root protruding,
grasped tightly for fear of falling
Yet all along know I must…let go, release my dreams
I find so hard to forget…your kiss, your smile,
your laugh filling my soul with joy…but I can’t
if even there is the slightest chance…but there is not

Standing on the ledge…someone push me, please
My mind is plagued by so many questions
Eating at my knowledge like hungry worms in an apple
Things that were once undoubted are beginning to haze my memories
Those happy memories that are set in stone in my brain
Stone that knows no erosion; forever in place

You dared tell me one day it meant nothing to me
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
You might be surprised by what you see
We’ll just blame it on immaturity
But to me your actions tell a whole different story

Yes, I was unaware of my big sense of pride
To you that’s what made you want to leave my side
So now you say you wont get back with me out of respect for yourself
Sounds like your ego’s found a clever disguise
Could it be your reason was just a hidden pretense itself?

That is just one question of many
Too soon to figure this all out
Even though it seems you’ve found the fast forward button on life
Girl you’re just going to end up hurting yourself if you keep trying so hard
Take it easy and let time show you the route

Should have seen this coming
All that sadness is turning into anger
But what’s that going to change?
Nothing, just punish me for something that’s natural
What do you expect, I’ve loved you every second since I met you.

This is different than quitting, it’s knowing better
For I believe if its meant to be it’ll work itself out
I know God’s plans are better than what I have in mind, no doubt
In the meanwhile I’ll pray for you and wish you the best
I just hope you never doubt that you meant the world to me, princess
Just noticed the last verse doesn't fit, but thats because I wrote this over a period of around 3 months.
 Nov 2013 Joshua Singleton
This is what I wanted--what I want, right?
To be held close with no escape
Tightly in the night?

With the stars desire burning above,
His once tender kisses turn into something rough.
What use to be soft nipping on his part,
Becomes wild, animalistic bites of love.

He tells me to stop fighting
And give in to his touch.
I yield to his voice,
My own lost in the rush
Of my heart beating against my chest,

My soft flesh against his--
This isn't what I wanted,
But you cannot change what already is.
We spend all our time being jealous
For things that are not really ours
We beg for another perspective
To guide us without leaving scars
But we are the slaves and the martyrs
The ones who will never obtain
A simple oblivion ending
The heightening level of pain
And this be our chosen confession
The one we have kept on our tongues
"I want to be everyone else's"
*"I want to collapse my own lungs"
Breathe in deep, you're still here.
The whispers of the wind
Slowly rove the back of my mind
Alongside the random thoughts
That once resigned
From the silliness that this life brought
Breaking free from the united mold
That this world uses to shape us all
Don't be shy
Instead be bold
We're following leaders who worship gold
Built and meant to gain perfection
Look up and you'll see
That the stars are nothing but distraction
From the blemishes that are masked with shimmer
Look a little deeper and you will be
Surprised that what you once thought was gravity
Is nothing but the heavy anchor
That is tied to you with a string of silk
It drowns you till you suffocate
From the toxic gas of indifference
Creating an army of blinded clones
Tricked, so they can bilk
We stump with out fragile bones
Hoping to chase away the bitterness
That has taken over our miserable life
When are we going to revolt and thrive ?
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