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  Jan 2015 Josh Allen
Heidi Mason
if beauty sleep means anything
then I must be really ugly
  Jan 2015 Josh Allen
Heidi Mason
and the only thing
that is keeping me alive
is the dumb thoughts
that I can ramble together
to create a
"beautiful piece of writing"
when there is nothing
beautiful about
wanting to **** yourself
Josh Allen Jan 2015
i'm just a single star in the universe, in love with a galaxy.
Josh Allen Dec 2014
why'd you only talk to me when you were high?
Josh Allen Dec 2014
just thinking of you is like an atomic bomb full of flowers in my brain
Josh Allen Dec 2014
dear ashley,

when looking up at the stars and the moon while laying in the grass, i cant help but imagine the warmth of your fingers intertwined with mine. the moon is bright and caught in our orbit, you're bright and caught in my orbit of love. there are over 1 trillion stars in each galaxy.. and there are millions of galaxies beyond ours. each star has a name and some are brighter than our brightest star the sun. but in my eyes you're my brightest star and your name is ashley. or baby girl, babe, etc. you shine brighter than the sun on a hot summer day. you shine brighter than a rainbow. you shine brighter than the milky way. you shine brighter than all the trillions of stars combined. you're my galaxy and observing you is my most favorite thing.
Josh Allen Nov 2014
in 7 years i still won't miss your second hand smoke
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