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 Jan 2015 Josh
Touch Armor Class
The stars show favor but the fever withstands.
I laugh at who I was, so in need of proof.
Taking swings at the past with invisible hands.
The mouth of your glass holding circular truth.
What can be said for our best-laid plans?
We were widowed by the paradigm of intimacy, too.
Outside of your window chuckin' rocks like David
(only, the Philistine was love and the weapon was you).

The first two bricks that made this building
appeared strong at first but collapsed when a rogue wind blew;
became the same two cents that were tossed by children
into a fountain then forgotten - oh, the recklessness of youth!

And like a turtle on its back.
Or a dog trapped in a burning skyscraper.
Or a crab caught in a fisherman's net.
This body is a shell for a thing I've not yet met.
 Jan 2015 Josh
moving the oceans with a simple thought
my arm sweeps aside all history and beyond
where only mystery remains I wed in a dream
the lover of my choosing who chose me first
way before any dawn broke on the shores
of Man and Mankind or Woman or child
I was born in the mind of a creating God
to love and be loved in the Universal Heart
 Jan 2015 Josh
 Jan 2015 Josh
Always thinking of the people to come
Who will be unconsciously affected by my ghosting traces of life
Never stopping to think of the ghosts
Which surround my pacing feet, and flexing lungs
With each step they take, and breath they gulp
 Jan 2015 Josh
 Jan 2015 Josh
i've forgotten
the painful, unexpected blow
of the harsh truth
that you're fading out
of someone's life
like an old rusty bicycle
that's full of memories
from your childhood,
left alone, forgotten
in the attic
when you got a new one.

your life is evolving without me
you're gaining
a lot of expensive vehicles
by losing
a lonely broken bicycle.

i guess my world stopped
when you left,
and your world started
the second i am gone.
i miss you, i wish i could tell you that
 Jan 2015 Josh
Richard Jones
When the writing is going well,
I am a prince in a desert palace,
fountains flowing in the garden.
I lean an elbow on a velvet pillow
and drink from a silver goblet,
poems like a banquet
spread before me on rugs
with rosettes the damask of blood.
                But exiled
from the palace, I wander --
crawling on burning sand,
thirsting on barren dunes,
believing a heartless mirage no less true
than palms and pools of the cool oasis.
 Jan 2015 Josh
 Jan 2015 Josh
what am I?
please tell me about myself
something you notice that I've always taken for granted
can you see right through me? or am I an enigma?
can you paint me? draw me? play me on your instrument?
who am I to you?
 Dec 2014 Josh
Velvet Elk
 Dec 2014 Josh
Velvet Elk
Float above the madness
Where fate has no relevance
Dance within an array of rainbows
Faith lies in love alone
Inhale, exhale
Your heart keeps beating
Exist in moments of happiness
Caught in time that never fades
Crazy moments freely existing
Never trapped, constantly changing
Still dreaming
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