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  Jun 2015 John Marcus
Tark Wain
I Paint.

Not on a canvas of course
My hand shakes much too much for that
I paint in my head.


Shimmerring towers of impunity
Castles of future conquests and quests.  
I paint everything.

I paint you

You're a lot nicer in my paintings
Maybe I'm just a good painter.

These paintings are so realistic
So vivid.
So lifelike.

I see no reason why they should not exist

Because for one I am a great printer.
And for two I am realist.

So I set forth with my brush
Set upon bringing my art to life.

And I am always so close
The broad strokes each stringing together in a cohesive tone.

But still
If you approach it like a Monet
And examine it dutifully
You see it does not match my original masterpiece.

But how is this possible?

I am a great painter

This I know.

Shouldn't I be able to bring my simplest machinations into fruition?

I am a painter sure

If you belive that an architect is a construction worker

I am a painter

But I only build frames
Not Buildings
  Jun 2015 John Marcus
January’s woman melts the snow.
February’s woman is good to go
March she blows like the wind
Aprils woman is sad then warmingly glad
May the shackles are off
June in bed till noon
July love on the beach
August same woman, roll on september
September’s woman is petite and coy
October is comfort and joy
November’s woman is fireworks, this is the one
December’s woman is ice cold, she’s just found out what  i've being doing for the last eleven months and wants a divorce.
John Marcus May 2015
In another world, I am happy
In this world, I am sad
In another world, I am good
In this world, I am bad
In another world, I am smart
In this world, I am stupid
In another world, I am lonely
In this world, I've been struck by cupid
John Marcus May 2015
The sun shines brightly outside my window
I wish to run outside and play
But sadly, I am still trapped
Yerning for when I can sing again
Hoping for what may never come

Why must I be here
Trapped in this room
Forever waiting to to roam

I wish to be free without a leash
Holding me back
When can I leave this place
WHY must I be here
John Marcus Jan 2015
I used to have some
I hope to one day
Have have friends of great quality
A girlfriend as true as god
A bullie of no such exsistnce
For as long as i daydream
the only thing to worry of
is bullies
  Oct 2014 John Marcus
Mikayla Wambet
I stood there, waiting
But nothing came

I called out through town
no answer came back

I looked through each block
not a footstep to be seen

I sat down and cried.
no hand came to comfort me

As i look around now, i realize
no one can save me from the hell inside
Just sometjin i thought up. It *****
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