68/Here and now You can follow me on Twitter @jsirony
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also the 'pantechniconpoet' on Wordpress.com
blah, blah, blah
so many genders to choose from and I'm not sure anyway. 756 followers / 400.2k words
when everything stops except for clocks that still tick.
we're being picked off like flies and all you say is everyone dies but that's lies nobody dies it's a summer holiday in a heavenly hideaway that lasts longer than forever.
I've imagined nothing before it's like footprints filled in by a million years wide so as long as I belong as a part of it all and not sat alone on the celestial wall I'm happy.
I woke from a dream this morning with three penises and three sets of testicles sprouting from my groin
I was astonished wondering about the implications could they all perform? could I have *** with three women? or three men? which gender did these penises prefer? and how would that work?
or would I be too embarrassed by this mutation to ever have *** again? I imagined a hand touching down there and felt extreme embarrassment no, this was definitely the end of my *** life I would never have *** again
then something shifted in my mind and I woke from THAT dream original factory settings restored (I checked)
relieved (so relieved)
this was one problem the universe had not thrown in my lap (haha) I can still see those tiny peckers though like a bouquet of newborn masculinity
what high jinks are going on at the bottom of the ocean in my brain?