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  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
the devil, It asked me too, and
I obliged with great charisma
A welcoming gesture:
Each minute lubricant tempting
anticipation in impatient people
Because why not?
The house is so quiet without the cries.
My head, so empty without the dreams.
The bed so still.
Still, I don't know you.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
does it really matter?
that I don't remember?
does it really matter?
that every minute I'm enveloped
by letters - patterns and combinations
of words making sure I comprehend where we're
headed? maybe your city is sinking
maybe you're make up isn't as pretty as you were thinking -
genetically speaking
rotting what remains on the weekends
I don't want to forget I guess
it's just what happens next I guess
it's just what happens when you're laughing
and the seconds are flashing by
You're friends are gone by the time you realize
what time it is - the lights are on
their lights are out - I should be asleep
but I can't figure out how
to get there in what's deemed a reasonable time
by the time I have to be where I'm told
I wonder how many times this will happen until
I look up to the mirror old - and grey
I was told, this would happen someday
but when? I ask -
I don't think it's too unreasonable to want to know.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross

I'm a space case
blinded by cosmic rays
And in this is space race, I want to vanish.
The first person to cultivate another planet
- wins?
So then why wouldn't I explore
behind every door and
down every corridor
just to make sure?
Ignoring warning signs -
they're not for dying stars -
Tell me why wouldn't I assume the worst -
knowing what's occurs on Earth?
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
she cried to me last night
i watched
i wished i could hug her tight
get her rid of her plight
i didn't

i watched her cry all day
it hurt
it wasn't that I had a say
seems gloom was at bay
i ran

she is, but it is a blur
i am numb
i distract myself from her
she hurts and i concur

​​she held the gun to her head
i shatter
in the mirror, i have bled
smiles at me with lips so red
i shoot her instead

i fear the dark & the fights
i cry
i can't cope with lonely nights
i rather be with her at sight
our double lives just excites
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
My heart is a flame, & fire is dangerous. Please do not play with it. You have been warned. Proceed at your own risk. What will it be? Sparks or Explosions? Chose wisely.
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