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  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
heh, i know i'm dreaming
but i can't wake up.
she's over there
talking to the wall
and i'm still realizing it's summer time
at a beach i've never actually been too.
there's waves and sand and there she is
with eyes so hollow i can hear my echoes from them.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
I can't afford basic income
I'm too full of selfish thoughts
honestly I'd probably just cop a quarter pound of ***
and smoke it down until my entire mind rots
and maybe other people are okay -
letting their private lives be watched - which, for me
is fine - I have nothing to hide, but don't ask
"by us or them?" when we're supposed to be on the same side.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
passing strangers
with stranger angers on all their faces
i don't know why
you're all so mad.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
when you work with words
they hurt you worse.
some startling things can happen by
disheartening dreams through marketing schemes
- and I would've dropped out if need be
but instead I spent time and bought a degree
telling myself, debt doesn't bother me
- it's like a motivator
so when she left
I  got on the next train to Vegas -
mentally so to speak, a vacation
in hopes to hit the jackpot
maybe pay off some of the burden I racked up -
but wait, back up.
I can't just bet on a lottery -
- that behavior is odd to me
I like games I can influence and see new ends
because this sea we're in?
There's sharks in the darkness! -
they'll not give us the chance to dart and
rip us apart all heartless - and then
I begin to wonder if this
sinking feeling
is how you start the process.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
no tie
third button unbuttoned
bare knees
open toed shoes
but what good is it
if the yellow tape tastes like plastic
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