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  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
those silent seconds in the sand
the slow motion moments holding her hands
the days i spent driving down to you
to spend hours going down on you
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
I'd rather forgive and forget
than live in regret -
But why do we continue
with living every minute upset?
Why do I let you,
into my head? Knowing
it's like any other stranger in the night
Exchanging insecurities
and swallowing my pride.
Please. You can keep your bad breath.
Your dusty clothes and your
unfinished jewelry.
Leaving odd marks against objects
crushed by apathy.
No regret there.
Just a bunch of windows I close
as winter gets closer.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
Realeboga M
I look forward to my tomorrow with you everyday.
  Sep 2015 Jillian Ross
Along the Valley
Of the Mississippi
Bluffs and Banks
Covered in trees
Whisper barely
In the Summers
Content to hang
In the Humidity
As Fall Comes
With Oranges
Yellows and Russets
The Rustle becomes
A Whisper from
Tree to tree, of
The Coming Soon
Wintery, they say
Their Goodbyes
With Soft Leafy
Sighs, and Promise
In the spring to meet
And for those not there
They will Morn the Passing
Bringing Blooms to their Graves
I hate the fact that you and I exist
But we don't
I hate feeling like a zebra
In this grey world
I hate feeling like Atlas
The weight of the world on my shoulders
My mild psychosis
Caused by my emotions
Driving everyone else crazy
Wishing I could end the world
With me in it
I hate seeing happiness
Something I feel I'm not worthy of
I hate feeling the wind
How it boasts of its freedom
I hate the mountains' pride
Higher than anything
I hate the sea
Describing its power
Its dignity
I hate how I'm arrogant
Due to lack of confidence
I hate how I'm wild
Due to lack of courage
I hate how I'm me
Due to how little i'm me.
"I would rather die of passion than of boredom."
-Vincent Van Gogh
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