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Jillian Elcie Nov 2014
When she was younger,
She’d been completely enticed
By the rimy landscape
Of a lake frozen solid
With February’s frigid winds
And the winter’s harrowing temperature.
She often wondered about how the sun would’ve looked,
Shattered into a million minute particles
As it peeked through the ice in mesmerizing fractions,
And glowed quietly underneath the surface
Before finally disintegrating into the lonely darkness below.
She was helplessly infatuated,
And with every short breath
Made visible by the wintry air,
She longed to lie at the bottom
And be inspired
By the murky glow of the icy sunlight above her.
So one day,
She set herself free from her longing.
And she tiptoed carefully over the bitingly cold floor
As she pursued a suitable entry.
The wind,
Catching snowflakes within its frozen rhythm
And casting them onto her rosy cheeks
As it howled across the barren lake
Was acutely distressing,
But she would be underneath it soon.
And without warning,
The doorway appeared beneath her feet
And she slipped through it without having to knock.
And she began to sink-
The bitter harshness of the water enough to **** her,
And her lungs seared as they screamed for air,
As her limbs thrashed frantically,
But she let herself fall,
looking up to the eerie radiance of the lake’s surface
And smiling gently,
Before finally disintegrating into the lonely darkness below.


— The End —