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WoodsWanderer Oct 2016
To dance is to put poetry into movement
  Oct 2016 WoodsWanderer
annie l hayes
I have my autumn feet ready to seek out adventure
In a season of brisk winds that chill fingertips,
Frosty-nosed nights spent huddled beside a crackling fire,
Days wrapped up inside a thick, warm blanket
Gently grasping a steaming mug of hot tea.
Where calendar weeks are filled with
The steady rapping of raindrops on windows,
apples grappled from trees to make grandmothers’ famous pie,
and friends gathering to wander down endless rows of corn.
My autumn feet are ready to explore,
They are ready to adventure.
WoodsWanderer Oct 2016
I have lost
In moments pushed too fast
Too far
The rush caught me in its arms
And In it I have lost

Aspens tall remind me
of water deep
And coaxing in times when
I could walk strong
with grounded roots spreading
My soles into rich deep earth
Remind me
What it is to be one
With this beautiful
Remind me how to
WoodsWanderer Oct 2016
I still miss you
Even though I know I shouldn't
Your smile haunts me
Every time I turn the radio on

My brother asked me why
Some hours late after work
I sit in the cooling car, stars scattered like starbursts above
and let soft notes
Drift out from the cracks in the
Frame and I do not tell him
It is because I find you
In late night songs played dull and lonely
I find you in the drifting melodies
That hold my heavy head
And heart space where the beats echo
Faintly because there is only
Emptiness left
I find you in lyrics written by artists who have been broken in the same way
Only into different pieces.
I do not tell him it is my moment of weakness
Of loss
Of anger
Of hurt

I do not tell him
It is my way of letting you go
Each tear a memory released
Each note a whispered kiss blown
To the autumn wind
Each verse the broken promises turned to dust for the shadows to eat
Each song my way of moving on

I do not tell him
I just listen until dawn
  Sep 2016 WoodsWanderer
a m a n d a
love is not
a thing
that gives
it just arrives,
takes you
destroys you.

it has done
nothing but
make a fool
out of me.

knocking me over,
gripping my
cold wretched heart
without mercy.

making me

unable to
break the spell,
paralyzed by
absolutely ludicrous


i deleted all
the music
off my phone
storage was

but in the dark,
in the rain,
sad song playlist
all by itself,
pushed from
the clouds
back into
my mind,

my chest,
where i feel a
sudden tightening,
a deep,

so i sit
in the driveway
and let it finish,

let the sadness
roll right
into me,
and eyes closed,
i dreamt of you.
WoodsWanderer Sep 2016
Strings of starlight fall lightly
onto tired eyes that gaze in solitude
with only the wind for a companion
whistling gently through the cracked crimson gold leaves of autumn
that drift quietly
onto frost bitten ground.
And in the shadows lay
our bones that are no longer lost
only broken.
wary glances are what crack the night sky
which dances in a cold and distant light
and my soul is suddenly full
of tears
feeling like the ocean each night
as I seep salt water onto wrinkled cheeks
worn down by the soft pounding
of ragged waves
which toss the broken bits of my
heart as they would
shattered shells.
Rolling into the grit of the wild movement
I succumb to the sadness pulling
at my limbs
flooding my lids which droop,
weary from so many tears.
And yet
he still
pulls at my tides
and I wish, with storms battering my insides, that this
feeling will cease
because I am worn and heartsick
from this never ending crashing of waves
eroding my body with their insidious
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