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Jenny Gordon Mar 2016

Rain's ghostly eye upon the snow as whence
Erst naked trees' lone stance within that pale
Touch wear clouds' masque of aught like fragile bail,
And hours nigh weep oer this forlorn pretense,
I thought these Maple skeletons' vague sense
Of yonder just that solace to avail
Me, cept to finger't as soft winds exhale,
Favonious' voice in tow, begs we come hence.
To what, though?  Sunny jonquils' bobbing fer
Thin light as green blades pierce dead leaf mats to
Nose into being where thrushes woo the moor
To sleep at nightfall?  I can't want that view.
This mournful ache clouds' haunting veil now tour
With empty hands owns mine.  Come, I need you.

[]You weren't looking anywho, so it didn't matter.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2016

Lo, poor man's tea in dawn's first light, whose pale
Eye shifts vague shadows 'cross dead houses thence,
Ere twinkling with an orange splash' warming sense
Upon that silence, and no coffee's bail
In morning's fog as rosy lee's detail.
Snow's bitter whiteness waits sans aught suspense
While sparrows gaily answer for two pence,
And I wash up the dishes on that scale.
We fix a mean cup of ole joe as twere,
Yet where the Brits swear by tea's mincing cue
I oddly know what tis to waken, poor
As such assertions oer the second brew.
Discuss caffeine, and I sleep well nor stir
'Til ah, forget it.  What I need is you.

[]Yes, um, poor man's tea.  Coffee never does a thing for me in the morning, despite all the opportunities I give it.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2014
Wonder what he'll say when he sees this finally?

(sonnet #MMMXC)

December's undue warmth gone with the pale
Light's tender glow, what chill assaults! Each sigh
Which gaily teased, a frigid breath ne'er shy,
Yet gloaming is too pretty in its frail
Stealth waning while I fold the minor tale
Of items earlier pegged where morning'd buy
Fair hopes the laundry might well even dry
If it'd not rain.  Winds soft then are more hale.
But I am smiling like a fool sans sense
And giggling cuz of you.  How when I knew
You'd penned a most exquisite tribute dense
With what I meant, you swore that sunstroke threw
Its blind across, and not love's influence,
Nor me.  Haha.  I know.  And love you too.

Note:  the leafy shot on my profile page is taken from the vantage of the second and smaller clothesline, both lines at the top of the hill, that shot to the far right of the main line.  And yes, it happened just like that.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2014
The other side of the previous sonnet.

(sonnet #MMMLXXXIX)

Mists softly romance clumps of distant trees,
Their naked dark grey limbs clothed in that veil
Of hazy white 'neath tender blue skies' pale
Cheer, while the golden light warms by degrees
December's barren vistas, winds a tease
Whose mildness gently breathes a hope too frail
To live beyond the sunset, each detail
From green lawns' worn expanse to heavn, at ease.
I used to lose myself here, every sigh
A fond caress I revelled in...'til you
Taught me to see past all which sweetly vie
For notice, vaprous dreams no longer true
As I rest me in who'd more satisfy
Than these, lost in your love and happier too.

Hmm, guess it's not been completely snowy since November...just seems like it by now.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2014
Ahem, as if anyone wanted to know my preference in clothing...

(sonnet #MMMLXXXVII)

My minis lend that sweetly girlish stance,
When in a coat and calf-high boots rays set
Me down as casting my grey silhouette
Upon the Maple's trunk in sunset's glance
Adieu.  I did not search it out, but chance
Sketched me and caught mine eye, to vainly whet
That barely veiled thought's appetite and net
The happy pleasure thence, as I'd nigh prance.
Perhaps the stylists meant another look
In that cute popular design; I do
It no disservice thereby though, but took
A far more flirty angle thus as through
The fair suggestion adding zest.  Hence brook
My crime if such there be?  'Sides, I love you.

This, as the majority of my work, is addressed in closing to my boyfriend/aka the man who owns my heart, and in whose love I cannot be happier.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2014

Men dare acknowledge that the poet's soul
Breathes whispers of his essence in each line,
Thence, wherefore trample it while you define
The means used to convey the precious whole?
They never hear me.  No.  For 'tis too droll
To blindly parse his nonsense out, t'assign
Cold academic measures and divine
But private ecstasies outside his goal.
It is man's genral attitude to feign
A distance 'tween himself and any who
Dare write.  The sheer depths cull this strain?
Yet treading on the surface scants the view
Until we miss the whole's intent.  To gain
Perspective, simply read.  Few know.  Do you?

How's this for a Hello?  A bit of a backlog, admittedly, but never published until now, just for the sake of, I dunno, I wanted it to see the limelight too.

— The End —