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 Nov 2018 Jazeera
Jasmin jazz
I remember the day that
we travelled together.
At first I was very nervous
but I regained myself.
He sat on my left and my
heart began to beat so fast
We locked our hands together.
There was a deep silent(in my mind)
all around in that busy town.
''Speak babe'' he  said
But I kept quite.. He realised
that I'm nervous and he
kissed on my left hand..
I felt a snow fall in my heart..
I smiled.  He gave me a hug
but I didn't noticed it...bcoz
I was nervous.. We sat together
for few minutes.. For me
it was too long bcoz he
was with me.. He asked for
a kiss but I realised that
I reached my home
I wished to give one
but I couldn't.
Now I'm waiting for our
next meeting to give him
the kiss that he deserved.
Now my heart says 'Miss you babe..
See you soon...'
I wish that our love should
never end. ''JE VOUS AIME....''
This incident took place inside a bus. It was after 1 year the lovers meet..
They sat together for the first time in their 3 years of love.. They are amazing lovers.. They rarely contact each other coz their situation was like that... But their love is a true love.. hatsoff lovers♡♡♡
 Sep 2018 Jazeera
Ashly Kocher
Stay humble
Stay strong
Stay you
As two hearts combined now become the glue
The glue that holds your life together

No matter where life takes you
No matter what life throws at you
Your two hearts are entangled as one
While you confess your love under the bright, shining sun
My husband nephew gets married today! Wrote this for him and his soon to be wife!!
 Sep 2018 Jazeera
Stu Harley
glowed glistened glittered
color of
dark red burgundy wine
earth and sky
once more
 Sep 2018 Jazeera
Jasmin jazz
Life is like a drama or play..
There will be viewers; they enjoys
There will be leader to guide..
Somebody as judges for judgement

We may not have a complete role
But we have some parts,
That is needed for support;
That is to be done well.

Viewers or the judges or the others
doesn't know the sufferings of the artist.
Still he enters to the stage with a smile.
And finally he wins with a great applause....

And at last there is a smile that kills everything....
I wrote this poem for my mom. She has so many problems in her life. She suffers a lot but still she maintains to smile in front of others. She tries to solve other's problem... I saw her tears only in her prayers.She is a wonder women. She is my hero
Thank u lord 4 my supermom
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