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Unwanted Nov 2014
I'm only 13
I have been through more than you want to believe
more than people will admit

but no one will believe
i am only 13

the things i say
I wouldnt be able to see

but yet I am
I dont care if you listen to me
if you think im 30
but thats ok
I dont need you approval for my age
I;m  13 everyone its ok lol
Unwanted Oct 2014
.At the middle of the bridge I stood, looking at the rocks below
One hundred feet, the drop would ****. I steeled myself, prepared to go.
Just as I was to hop the fence and get it over with and done.
I heard the sound of air brakes squeal; a bus stopped on its local run.

One passenger got off the bus; He was an old man grey and gruff.
The lines around his eyes suggested that he had often had it rough.
He looked at me with stern fixed glare and read my reason for being there.
With gentle words he saved my life, talked me off of my despair.

The years have passed, some good, others not
But never again was I in that spot, where I was tempted to walk on air.
I’m fortunate that he was there, an unlikely angel for an unspoken prayer.
Special thx to John F McCullagh   for the re-write.
Unwanted Sep 2014
You always say you want me to leave
and that you don't want to hurt me
that you don't want to bring me down
because your falling

What you don't understand is
that i wont fall
I have a strong foundation in God
strong enough to hold the both of us
and you wouldn't be falling
if you stopped jumping off

Stop pretending your not happy
stop pretending you don't feel joy
you can feel
but you wont admit its real
you cant admit your getting better
your pain comforted you like a wool sweater
but there is something better
something that doesn't make you lie
something that will be with you all the time
something that is right there waiting for you to open your eyes
you would see if you tried

but you have to choose to stand with me
neither me or God can make you believe
make you see
there is still good in you
you have a home
but you have to open your eyes
and see on your own
Unwanted Nov 2014
I wish I could leave
go to the one place where this never ending pain cant hurt me
Unwanted Nov 2014
Hi im sorry you guys
I wont be posting for a while where im going doesn't have internet, so see you later
Unwanted Jan 2015
You like to party, I am a partier
You like to wander, I am a wanderer
Your thighs are the closet to Narnia
Is it cool if I go and get lost in that?

I'm the lion, the witch in the wardrobe
Massage my lap, I have a sore bone
Of course cold on the dance floor
Like an Eskimo's toes in the North Pole
With both toes poking out of two holes
In the Eskimo socks, I'm hot
Like a cauldron from a warlock
Wearing sweatpants in a sauna
Who's your father? I'm not

I'm *******' Raven Bowie and here's my ****
Rooster, ****-a-doodle-doo sir
Take a hit of the hooka, now make it drop

Girl's ***** was bigger than the stomach of Rick Ross
Holy mother mountain of tender tendon to get lost in
Bounce, bounce, that castle *****, that bottom
Make it wobble, wobbly-waddle 'til my third leg has to hobble

You don't want to look back on this night
And think I should have been freaking on a *****
Freak-freaking on a *****
Just for a laugh
Unwanted Nov 2014
I see the car in the distance I know the dark isnt coming for the moment if I could hold it
It seems,it seems that all my dreams got dimmer when I stop smoking *** night mares got more vivid when I stopped smokin *** and loving you a lil different I on like you alot
Unwanted Sep 2014
My whole life i hid behind the curtain of lies
so i can hide from the real me
but as i hid i got rug burn
from regret, depression and hate
irritating my skin from the curtains
I close my eyes to forget it all
and as the burn infected me
all people could see was the scars
so i went deeper and deeper into the curtains
and now i cant find a way out
because this darkness of suicidal thoughts
is coming in from all directions
and i dont know how to stop the burns
so i keep running deeper and deeper
then i realize i was falling apart
the rash had started to infect my bones
and was decomposing my ability to feel
to love
the deeper i ran the more of me i lost
then you came a long
you told me to come out
that it was okay
that you didn't care if i had burns
but i pushed you away
I didn't want you to follow me into the abyss
I cared about you to much
for you to get lost like this
all you said was
**open your eyes
your not in an abyss
your just hiding behind the curtain
Unwanted Nov 2014
She wont give up
calling me
saying sorry
please *****
Im not going through this again
no way

but then my body wont listen to reason
and i fall in love with you again
Unwanted Nov 2014
well let me tell you how i look at girls
If you starve yourself
you loose your appeal

and no matter what people tell you
we can tell if your ***** are fake

and too much makeup
can drwon out your face

your hair is beautiful
just the way it is

I love your body
but you dont need to wear a dress that shows me all of it at once

You dont look old
You look pefect the way you are

You dont need a bigger ****
You dont need bigger *****

and if you dont want guys to treat you like you only exist for ***
stop acting like that is all you care about
dressing like that is all you are thinking
cause its not helping your case

and if you want us to see your inner beauty
then show it to us
and dont wear a deep V neck if you dotn want us to stare at your *****
You are worth more than that
start acting like it
I just wanted to show you how i think of woman these days, they want men to act the complete opposite of how they are dressing, acting, and exspecting us to act.
Please dont **** me woman
Unwanted Nov 2014
With love i say
I have traveled this path
I have no idea how long this road will last
and I would love to have you beside me
but you are up in the clouds
dancing with angels
singing praise
You come and visit me some times
please stay
No why dont you come with me?
When I say no her smile fills with depression
**Don't cry child
Its not your fault they dont let demons go to heaven
Unwanted Sep 2014
People always say the eyes are windows to the sole

but i gave my soul away

so if look into my eyes

and you see nothing

you will be certian

that i am empty
Unwanted Sep 2014
He had 23 scuff marks on his shoes

and he knew exactly how many tiles from the wall

his locker was

because he always had his head down

maybe if his head is low

they wont see his red eyes

maybe if his head is low

they wont noticed he cried

maybe if his head is low

no one would notice he wanted to die

he didn't believe there was a tomorrow

but only if he looked up to the sky

he would of felt the sun shine
Unwanted Jun 2015
Her hands transformed to silk as she played the piano keys
oh her hands
they could make a grown man fall into tears
they flowed like water creating emotions for those no longet can fell
creating music
her beauty transcended from her body to the melody
the melody
as stunning as her eyes
as stunning as she was
they muscc she created was greater than people believe it could be
she practiced it flawlessly
her hands
oh her hands
Unwanted Nov 2014
You want to believe that I will be with you one day
but that will not be true
you are trying to play me as a fool
even though I smile when i think of you to
I know i wont be accepted
I have done to much wrong
I choose the dark side
it is where i belong
I want to be with you
but we wouldnt last long
because you are as beautiful as your songs
as lovely as the wind
while i am nothing
left in this world of people moving forward
as i move back
to hard for me to stay on track
and i cant have you holding your self back
to pick me up
I would die before I hurt you
havent I already suffered enough
Yes I love you
Yes I care
but I cannot be with you
for it would not be fair
Unwanted Sep 2014
Hope was the burning fire
that kept her alive on the dark lonely nights
on a island named depression

Then a gust of Hate
blew her fire out

and when her fire went out
she saw an escape off the island
called suicide
Unwanted Nov 2014
That's not religion, religion is something you believe something you hear and just can't stop thinking about. Religion is finding that one thing you believe in,that your spirit connects to. If you don't feel that then don't force it. But that is just my opinion
Unwanted Jan 2015
If i could be anything in this whole wide world,
I'd be your tear drop.
Born in your eyes,
live on your cheeks
and die on your lips
Unwanted Sep 2014
I freaking love you

that doesnt make any sense
I met her a couple weeks ago we arent even dating....How can i love her?(NOT A RETORICAL QUESTION)
Unwanted Dec 2014
I miss you
so much my heart beats out my chest
I'm trying to past this test
But God knows I need you
and as i fight my demons
struggle to find who I am
To become a real man
I realize i will never be complete
without you
and I know you don't love me
the way i want you to
and you don't want to spend the rest of your life with me
something I never fully believed we would do
but I still had hope
but that's leaving me
the same way i left you
Unwanted Mar 2015
My body aches
Because I miss you like the sands miss the kiss if the waves
I miss you like the horizon misses the sun every morning
I miss you so much that I can't function
I feel like I'm going through withdrawal
And my skin crawls for the taste of your lips
I miss you
But I know that's not enough to win you back
Story of a man who cheated
Unwanted Nov 2014
I can take that
a few turned backs
I can live with that
I dont need you to hold my hand
I am a man
we dont get broken hearts
we dont cry when us and the people we love part
take that *****
im my own person now
go ahead get a better guyy
make your father proud
leave me crying on the ground
I wont make a sound
one day I will be found
like i found you
someone will biuld me up
like i did you
someone will love me
like i did to you
then i will leave someone
let my absence eat them from the inside out
Imma be just like you
I dont need you
Unwanted Sep 2014
Lifes not fair to us
we live each day waiting till the night
so that the dark can hid
our insecurities

Lifes not fair to us
because the reasons to die
out way the reasons to live
we live on the edge
and each night we dig our nails in
in an effort to hang on

Lifes not fair to us
each morning we wake up trying to hid who we are
with makeup
each day we agree to whatever they say
and we fear the day we will be alone
because following is the only thing we have ever known

Lifes not fair to us
I cant stop the words before I speak
my fist seem to have a mind of thier own
and i turn for help
but im all alont
all the kids it hits can run away
but i cant drown out the monster inside of

Lifes not fair to us
We turn for help and everyone turns away
so we search for love in the wrong place
and people call us a disgrace
tell there children to look away

Lifes not fair to us
but all we are trying to do is replace
the love no one ever gave
Unwanted Sep 2014
Love is something that always leaves me


something more
Unwanted Sep 2014
Can you fall in love with someone

by the words they speak

I might be crazy

but im in love with the thoughts you think

even though i have never seen your face

I already am in love

Unwanted Nov 2014
I see your beautiful face
And i almost forget
Your actually a monster
People i knew recently turned on me,  ave everytime i see them i smile until i remember what they did too me.
Unwanted Nov 2014
Your right im making excuses
The real reason I cant be with you
is because I'm to scared to

Every person I have ever loved in my life has died
or turned bad
and I cant have your heart of gold turn black because of me
I cant have anymore people cease to survive
so i try
and stay away
its the only way i keep the people i love alive
and its the only reason I feel dead inside

Yeah she hurt me
but thats not why I cry
I  cry because I hurt her
she left me
but it was my fault
I am the one who reopened all her scars
and now she cuts every night
more hurt inside
dont you see
people are hurting because of me
and my value is not in pieces
because I am in shards
all i do is hurt people
and i break through it all
I am not strong
I am weak
the only strenght you seee
is the strenght i get from you
you are the one who inspires me
but i cant get to close
I have to stay in my hole
get away from me
I dont want to break anymore souls
I dont wanna hurt you
please just go
Unwanted Sep 2014
They say that times were tough then
That money was very tight
But I remember my childhood
And I know that can't be right

Mom would cook our dinner
Dad came home at five
We were all sitting at the table
Waiting for him to arrive

We wouldn't eat from a microwave
Or a restaurant down the street
We all ate Mom's home cooking
And boy that can't be beat

We didn't eat in front of the TV
Or with a phone in our hand
We weren't plugged into a stereo
bopping to the latest band

We would all sit at the table
Everyone in their place
There were never any surprises
We recognized every face

Brothers to the left of me
Sisters to the right
That's the way we ate dinner
Every single night

We laughed we joked we talked we ate
We were a family don't you see
Though some may have been raised poor
You can see it wasn't me

We ate collards we ate biscuits
We ate fatback and blackeyed peas
We said yes sir we said no sir
We said thank you ma'am and please

So when you talk of family life
Or how it used to be
Though many had more money
None were as rich as me
Unwanted Sep 2014
I hold up the world

but i'm being crushed under the pressure
Unwanted Oct 2014
As i sit here
waiting for the day
that life will finally take me away

I write
I write about the pain of my friends and family
Of the girl I just met who is just like me
Of the people i met who dont understand me
Of my suicidal friend who wont believe me
Of my little sister who is dieing

I sit her and I write realizing i cant change anything
I sit here and write realizing that no matter how many people I save
there are still people who want to die

Did you know  there is an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year.

and no matter how loud i yell they never seem to hear
me screaming that i love them

My voice is drowned out by the millions that tell them they are nothing
and no matter how many people I have screaming with me

no one ever seems to hear anything
and im tired of losing my voice from screaming everyday
when it doesnt change anything
but i will never stop
because the day i stop could be the only day i could of changed something
so i will never stop screaming
even if no body is listening
Unwanted Sep 2014
Secrets are always better when you have someone to share them with
To the girl with a secret, and is afriad to tell, no matter what you say I will always love you
Unwanted Jan 2015
Because of me
She swung on the tree like a swing
I cant live knowing
She hangs because i didnt think she was pretty
Unwanted Nov 2014
Dont you ever wish
you never met the *****
who shredded you heart the first time
the one who lied?

dont worry
the second time will hurt more
cause this time she would of tore down all of your walls
to stab you in the gut
and dance off
as if she did no wrong
dont you wish
you never met the *****?
Unwanted Nov 2014
she was beautiful
and she was wonderful

but she left this world with the end of her story unwritten
a broken heart that could of been healed
the hands that caused the scars could of been forgiven

but yet she left
she left without knowing what would of happened to her if she stayed
she left without given me a warning
she just left
without saying anything

and before you tell me that it was her discision
that i didnt know her at all
if i cared about her i would of said something
i didnt even know

I didnt know because
i didnt loook at her for more than her image
i just stared at her face and that was her
her looks was all i cared about

now that she is gone i feel a hole in me
cause it will never be filled by her
and that fact that it will always be empty
eats me from the inside out
she left me hollow
and i didnt even know her name

but i can remeber her face
Dont commit suicide, no matter what you think people do care.
Unwanted Sep 2014
If i gave you a rose
would you keep it

If i told you i loved you
would you believe i mean it

If i stayed awake all night
thinking of your face

would you believe
that i need you

I love you
but you dont belive me

do you
Unwanted Oct 2014
She lived in the suburbs
her life wasnt the worse
people had worse problems than her

Her father wasnt REALLY abusive
only when she deserved it
only when she did something wrong

She didnt have to hold the entire family up
all the time
only when her dad wasnt home
which was always.....

She wasnt always depressed
she had times of joy when she went over others peoples houses

She was in all the after school clubs
(so she wouldnt have to come home)
She had so many friends
She always had a smile on her face
(and a tear drop in her eyes)
She had the cutest sweaters that she couldn't go without wearing
(To hid the scars)
She was the most perfect girl in the world
Everyone loved her
And she loved everyone
She was the girl we all wanted to be
(She turned herself into what people wanted her to be, so that she can finally please somebody.)
Unwanted Sep 2014
Once upon a time there was a wounded angel
it fell from heaven
and couldnt fly back because its wing was broken

So it sat there
looking around for a sign of what to do
it stayed there for days
It was starving and needed food
he looked to his left and saw a farm in the distance

He got up and limped towards it
he asked the farmer for some food
but he didnt seem to care
"What can you do for me?"
"A fallen angel can't do anything."
but the angel begged and pleads
to the farmer for anything
"You can work for me."
so the angel agreed
he lived in a horse stall
with the horse
for 3 years he fed the horse
and took some food for himself to eat
he started to forget he was an angel
and he had wings
he forgot he was a chosen person of God
He started to believe as the farmer preached
a mouse watched the whole thing
he walked out to the angel
and inspected his wings
he saw they where healed
and told the angel of these things
but for months he wouldnt believe
he told the mouse to leave
reminded him he could be free
but the mouse stayed
and tried to get him to see
the mouse slowly but surely
got the angel to believe
it flew back to heaven
and told God about the mouse that gave him back his wings
God blessed the mouse
He said,"I will give you anything."
but the mouse refused
he didnt need anything
he was happy with his life
no matter what the angel believed
God agreed
and saved the mouse a place in heaven
for when he would leave his earth life
and the mouse and God would officially met
Unwanted Dec 2014
Please wake up
I'm tired of you hiding your face
drowning in make up
drawing on a smile
cute dont you think?
live your life pretending your  ugly
but you wont believe
perfection is unattractive
especially to guys like me
you live your life pretending
but where are the flawless things
a crooked tooth
makes you seem so amazing to me
it makes you different
the only one for me
so what if your an a cup
to tell you the truth not every guy wants the same thing
dont put us in a box
unlock the lock
dont throw away that key
dont give up on us
freaking ask us what you think
before you start starving yourself
thinking this is what we want
what we need
you dont need a big *** to be attrative
but hey thats just me
because i dont want perfection
I want the imperfect things
Unwanted Nov 2014
Whenever people say true love
i tell them to shut up
cause true love doesnt exist
if it did the divorce rate wouldnt be as high as it is
and im done trying to find it
i decided to give up on love
from now on imma live
cause i dont need that ****
Unwanted Sep 2014
The tin man gave his heart to the scare crow

because he needed a reason to live

spending all day and night

talking to the wind

without a heart he would of gave in

he wouldn't of been able to live

but by giving his heart to the scare crow

it left the tin man empty

he had no way to feel anything

so slowy but surely

he stopped moving

because he couldnt live  knowing

he couldnt feel if he hurt somebody

he gave his brain to the lion

if he didn't have courage at least he could think

maybe he would be able to live in the background

but be smart enough to still help people

and change things

the lion gave his courage to the scar crow

so that one day

he will have the courage to get down

but until then

the lion couldnt wear his crown

then a girl named dorothy

came walking through

scarecrow, the outgoing man he was

gave her a talking to

he wanted to get down

so he asked her for a favor or two

the lions courage he used

to save himself and later the lion too

then he came across the tin man

not being able to move through and through

he walked over there

and put in the oil too

for the first time in years

he was able to move

then they hoped and skiped into the forest

where the tall trees grew

and as the lion hid in the bushes

he thought to prove he still had courage

stopping them was one thing he could do

so he stepped out in front

started hollaring a mess

then he got scared of a dog

and you know the rest

dorothy scholded him

the heartless girl she was

and told him he shouldnt of done that

the tin man would of felt bad to the core of his heaart

if he still had one

and because he didnt know

he tuned in

and the scare crow stepped back watching it all

as he cringed

later he told them

about the courage he had not

and dorothy changed her tune

and told him she would get his courage back

she led them all

into a place she didn't know

all so she could go home
Unwanted Mar 2015
I adore you
I lust you
I want you
I need you
I ache for you
But I dont love you

— The End —