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Life showers you
With hot springs
And metaphorical rocks
And then there are metaphorical truths
Even when in rock bottom
Jayantee Khare Mar 2020

Some working from home
Some working at home
Some working on home
Some losing their home
Some losing their work
Some having homeworks
Some are home alone
Some going to God's home....

O God save the world....
Few hours from now
A new dawn will arise,

Few hours from now,
New hopes will blossom,

Few hours from now,
The whole gloom shall disappear

Few hours from now,
The world will be united in joy,

The world was never one,
The borders, the states, was created through civilization.

The shackles of names of countries
Disappearing under oneness.

So much love is around
All hatred disappeared,

People now have care
All selfishness gone.

No one can say I rule,
No one is spared

Even the crown Prince
Cannot claim his rule.

Let the dawn bring
And laughter

Coz' it hurts to see
Earth crumble up in despair.

Sparkle In Wisdom
It's a New year in most of India today.
Prince Charles tested positive for Covid 19 today.
Jayantee Khare Mar 2020
Let's unite
Get inside
To fight

Once you stock
Please do not flock
It's time to lock

Over socializing does
have side effects
Have family time
and introspect

The values of family are realized
A restoration of the bond,
sharing of chores is
finally materialised

Dear singles
Hold on!
you have whole life to mingle
Thank services for having connectivity
Online reading is the best activity

When our lives are on stake
Time to bake the cake

Stay on and pray!
Till Corona goes away!
Lock down in india! Take care all!
Be safe be healthy.... my dear all hp poets!
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