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 Mar 2016 Jaide Lynne
Sometimes. I envy the clouds. The ability to escape large crowds, where stagnant lines come from pained mouths, lines of songs yet unwritten to lines of pain and hatred. Lines that make others wish they were dead where they stand just so someone else can feel content with themselves. This disgusting creature of a society churns like a hungry machine, eating the ignorant teen and spewing out those with a mental illness. Allowing these people to play their bodies like violins and to play target practice with the roof of their mouths. So yeah, sometimes I do envy the clouds.
 Mar 2016 Jaide Lynne
 Mar 2016 Jaide Lynne
I’m never satisfied. I will leech off of you until you are an empty vessel of compassion and I am full of apathy. You will give me everything and I will willingly take it knowing that I won’t love you anymore. I feed off of my interest like a self sustaining *****, not knowing what to do with myself at times. I’m not going to tell you I’m sorry. Because I’m not. It’s you who should be sorry for yourself.
 Mar 2016 Jaide Lynne
 Mar 2016 Jaide Lynne
You’ll never see that side of me. The closest you will ever touch is right here. No matter how hard you try to pry me open I will stay closed. This isn’t for anyone to see. I’ve closed the emotional side of me a long time ago. I’m sorry.
 Mar 2016 Jaide Lynne
This pen and paper feeds a hungry mind. A mind that's driven by thoughts that drive the deprived. The deprived mind is a mind which is filled with inconsistencies. Inconsistencies of ideas that were never finished. Finished ideas reap rewards only I can understand. Understanding the motives of finishing ideas is difficult for me to process. Processing endings for me is like trying to get a dog to chase an invisible ball. A ball which is full of non-existent closings. A close is something I can never agree with myself on. On the end of a page is something that never occurs to my mind. A mind that is deprived. Deprived like the end of th
 Oct 2015 Jaide Lynne
 Oct 2015 Jaide Lynne
No more sunshine, no more light.
No more moon and stars at night.
No one wants to see you cry.
No one wants to say goodbye.
I saw your joy, I see your fear.
On your cheek, I see a tear.
I grab your hand and hold it close.
A few more hours at the most.
I see the hurt, why is it here?
Now from my eye falls a tear.
It starts a river, salty flow.
We all know you have to go.
 Aug 2015 Jaide Lynne
 Aug 2015 Jaide Lynne
Clouds over your head, with lightning from the sky. You saw fear, they saw courage in your eyes. You fought all their demons, you keep them at bay. You've kept them all safe, you've saved the day. Your friends gave you the will, and you know that's pretense. Everything that you've built, was it all just pretend?
This city in the clouds can only hold so much. Burn your palace to the ground; why does it hurt so much?
(Stop the bleeding!)
A symbol of triumph, be your own hero. Take all your mistakes, make them your own. This world isn't lost, it can still be saved. All we need is a hero to save the day.
You make a difference by snuffing out flames. You smile for all of these people, day after day. As the light in you burns, it takes it's toll; this double sided candlestick will ***** on it's own. You can't take it, ignorance isn't bliss; signed up for the long ride, but you didn't think this'd be it. The darkness you fought creeps up again. Fighting it this time will be harder than then.
Why would you tell them? What do they even care? Who is gonna save you from your own despair?
(Didn't think so)
A symbol of triumph, be your own hero. Take all your mistakes, make them your own. This world isn't lost, it can still be saved. All we need is a hero to save the day.
From all that you were, to all that you are, I've never seen anything like a fallen star. No one shines as bright as you, so many hopeful eyes wishing upon you. Like a shooting star, you shine so bright, clear up the darkness in midnight skies.
But you know what they say, about a falling star? No one appreciates it, until the star is too far.
(Better start running)
A symbol of triumph, be our hero. You took all our problems and made them your own.Maybe this world isn't lost, it can still be saved. All we need is a hero to save the day.
Maybe this world isn't lost, it can still be saved. All we need is a hero to save the day. (What I wouldn't give to be young again.)
Maybe this world isn't lost, it can still be saved. All we need is a hero to save the day. (To go back and change all this.)
Maybe this world isn't lost, it can still be saved. All we need is a hero to save the day.
Maybe, waiting was okay for me. Waiting has given me a new perspective
I’d never noticed the
On your
But then again,
You’d never noticed
The scars.

The ones
On my chest,
And if you had,
I’d never
Anything about them,
Or, “it.”

It had been awhile since we’d
Last crossed paths,
Encounters always
Ending in
And corrosion come the first
Morning after; but welcomed.

You looked good though,
And that’s how it’d always
But beautiful nonetheless  –
A world-weathered skin
In the form of a twilight tan,
The vulnerable smile
With a small curl displaying

Aggressive sexuality,
And a dress, your cloth,
A critical juncture,
Of both cinema and satori,
A’flutter in the wind.
“Gift-wraps,” aside,
I’d always return to the
Form and curve of “You.”

Simply you
The half I could see
Leaving the other
Somehow elusive side of
To my imagination and
Of prior gallantry.

Unspoken words
Pave paths between the
Tables we now occupy.
So to,
Acts of predation await,
Perched and ready for
Accepted, the resulted chaos.

I wonder,
“What’s she thinking?”
As I capture a wink
And steal the sunlight
Bouncing of her
Shoulder’s freckles.
It’s an intoxication
At its finest.

I sip my
And in echoes mumble,
“I want you, want you,
Want you.”
You wanted me too.
Somewhere on a mountain, summer of '99.
I have heard many times
"No one's perfect," but that's a misconception.
Everyone is perfect  in their own way.
You are perfectly you and I'm perfectly me.
poem by Medinah Aousunt
 Aug 2015 Jaide Lynne
what do I do? constantly troubled by problems that i created myself in my head. my friends keep telling me I think too much. but how can I not think when I care? how can I not think when they mean something to me?

sometimes I feel like a lost soul, just wandering around, not knowing where is truly home. where exactly is home? have I ever had a real home in the first place?

I won't mind if those friends don't treat me as someone important. It's okay. At least tell me alright.

I never intended to give you guys any burden. like too much books on a shelf that it would give way some day. I don't want to end up in a state of breakdown like how bookshelves topple down due to too much weight.
I'm tired of men thinking that what a girl does or dresses as defines her. That what she does in bed reflects what's going on in her head. I have friends who call girls ***** because they decided to give the time to more than one guy over the span of several years or months. That how girls dress is cause to say how much they would "destroy that". **** shaming doesn't go far in my books, I have far less tolerance for that than I do hearing you idiots talk.
   Hearing this gives me more thoughts about changing the *** on the outside to what reflects myself on the inside. I live under the patriarchy of America just to hear in school idiots blabble on about things they think they know. Like they've lived their lives in glory when really their glory is now. It goes downhill from here so while you're living the high school life I want you think, just think for once that what you say really reflects the ignorance of America. That you are the Idiot America, the reason men have such a bad reputation.
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