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jace Jun 2015
I loved her in my dreams and in every world we met inside them. In every lifetime I found her waiting somewhere for me. We crossed boundaries and crafted new paths from the words of lovers past. She walked with me and held my hand. She journeyed across every strange land. I loved her in the sky and every cloud that cried every time that she walked by.
jace Jul 2015
I can't believe you took my hand. Flowers danced and the sky cried. Clouds folded in on their own softness. I prayed to them everyday for you to notice me. The louder I yelled. The more you turned away. In the end.
- Silence - Patience -
Made you look - listen
- And stay -

- jacej -
jace Jun 2015
to read you
is to know you
to know you
is to one day
fall in love
jace Jun 2015
wherever you are
is a place
i always
want to be

— The End —