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I long for a new lover.

I long for someone to look at me and see the sky,
I long for someone who will stare up at the stars with me, and I will look at them and see their eyes shining brighter than those distant suns.

I long for someone to pick dandelions for me, to tell me that my smile could make flowers grow, to kiss my heart and tell me that there is a universe residing in the emptiness within me.
To tell me that I am whole,
To love me without question,
To realise that I fall in love like fire but I break like ice.

I long for someone to see me.
And I mean truly see me,
to look beyond the person that I let everyone see.
To look deep within me,
To know that I am fierce, that I am a warrior,
but that I am also a daisy, I am delicate, that there is darkness within me as much as there is sunshine.

I long for someone to hold me, I long for my fingers to fit between a lovers hand like a puzzle piece.

I long to be loved.
The most ****** up thing of all is that I let you back in.

I let you back in knowing about your snake like nature. You lie so well through a closed mouth, spit dripping down your jaw like poison.
The poison I once let into my mouth. The poison I let enter my fire.
I looked at you like magic and you looked back at me with your cold, empty eyes.

You turned me into this but I will not let you burn me to the ground.

I will train my heart like a dog, I will chain my heart up and eat the key.
You are sick.
Your games are sick.
The way you play with me, the way you take my heart out of my chest and eat it right in front of me, you love seeing me whimper.

I used to think that love required sacrifice, but I would like to know when sacrifice is too much?
When losing yourself in the eyes of a lover becomes more important than finding beauty in your own reflection.

When tears become the romantic equivalent to loving you.
 May 2015 Jamie Morrison
Sir B
We sat together,
upon a hill with dew on grass,
against a tree
with glowing city lights ahead of us
We waited patiently for night fall
to stand witness to the beautiful starry night

The wait lasted a while but it paid back.
It paid back through the beauty,
the awesome power,
and the sight of the stars.
These stars were unfathomable
even while we stood witness to them.

The city lights took notice
of the star filled night sky
and dimmed their lights ever so low
Making visible the huge spirals of the Milky Way
emanating a white glow
but so peaceful, oh so peaceful
it calmed the entire human soul

The night was still so young
so much had yet to happen.
She sensed the serene silence
understanding our time was complete.
The world would wander
and locations would change
but our experiences would remain.
An expression poem for my english class..

— The End —