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 May 2017 AJ
South by Southwest
I like my coffee black
I like my liquor clear
I like my women green
And my truck so blue
I like my lakes that way too
I like little white lies
Brown boots with chartreuse ties
I like redheads
And yellow cake
with cream frosting
And my oranges orange
and tangerine dreams
I like purple mouthtains
Full of silver majesty
As a golden sun goes down .
And girls in pink
That wink
 May 2017 AJ
Mateuš Conrad
does etymology begin
on the basis of: origin
              from vowels?
         or from cosonants?
nouns? they're too complex
to establish an etymology...
by now darwinis, becomes
too far-fetched to be taken
seriously... it becomes,
as it always was:
it's just the time-scale
                boiling tea...
      cooking a chicken...
  ape to man?
           that's as hard as imagining
a god... too much time to
consider, given the things we
associate in the day-to-day's
worth of happenings...
      ape to man vs.
                   room-temp. water to boiling
in a kettle?
       what's the rationalißing process
behind that comparison?
wait... let me ask my faculty of memory;
60b.c.? can't remember...
      1960? can't remember...
  to be honest, even 2012 is really hard
to remember;
    what? *** in brazil?
   oh **** me... go for it...
     it's great watching gymnastics
        at the olympics;
please do... clapping is already exhausting.
 May 2017 AJ
WJ Thompson
Sir or Ma'am,
It's not blood but my sweat that trails the sidewalk of the                
Dogs lick it for the salt.
I've given them names but they
I wear a watch, a polo, and a prayer.
       I offer a future for you
            to entertain
for the thirteen seconds
      that I exist
at your front door

(that is)

until you slam it in my face.
 Mar 2017 AJ
The uniVerse
She shines at me from across the room
her reflection caught in glass
a radiance like the moon
and in its beauty I bask

She ushers me to sit and wait
and rest my weary mind
I tried to resist it was getting late
for love I was trying to find

She tells me I need not worry
that everything has its time
I mumble that I am sorry
I just wanted to make her mine

She looks at me with glint in eye
her love beckons me forth
I do my best not to cry
this love its all yours

She sings to me beneath the stars
a melody for a captured heart
the song of love that forever lasts
yet soon she has to depart

Taken in the bloom of youth  
now it's God's love that beckons
for he gains what we loose
all angels must return to heaven

Now she calls on summer breeze
and gently brushes my face
tell me why she had to leave
my life without a trace
 Mar 2017 AJ
 Mar 2017 AJ
Your rough edges have all been ground down.
Calm little pebble, you're so smooth now.

Easy come and easy go.
Things used to be hard.

Feels like forever ago.
 Feb 2017 AJ
Jungle boots work suprisingly well at keeping feet dry in snow,
but they sure as hell don't keep them warm.
Maybe another pair of socks til then.
 Feb 2017 AJ
 Feb 2017 AJ
There's something to be said about a whole lotta nothin',
but I'm not about to say it.
Hey, look what I caught!
 Feb 2017 AJ
"With the birds and shed it's a lonely view."
- Scar Tissue   The Red Hot Chili Peppers
(My brother, I think. It might've been me. Maybe both of us. Still a great song, either way.)

"I came in like a raiiiiiiiiinnbow!"
- Wrecking Ball   Miley Cyrus
(My sister. (Honestly I like her version better.))

"***** deeds, Dunder chief!"
- ***** Deeds   AC/DC
(My dad. Easily my favorite of all these.)

"There goes my hero, watch him as he goes.
There goes my hero: sergeant Harry!"
- My Hero   The Foo Fighters
(This was all me. For the longest time I thought this song was about a real guy. Good ol' Sgt Harry.)

"The boys of Becking town! The boys of Becking towowooown!"
The Boys Are Back In Town   Thin Lizzy
(My dad, again. (He's deaf in one ear.))
I always laugh whenever I hear one of these songs.
I'll never be able to listen to them the same way.
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