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Jul 2019 · 373
La Promesa
Israel Rivera Jul 2019
Amor, por favor no le tengas duda
A la promesa que te hice debajo de la luna desnuda
Si, soy un hombre de hechos
Pero tambien soy hecho de carne y huesos
Y es por eso que juro esto
De mi corazon hare un templo
Un lugar sagrado
Donde no existen los fantasmas del pasado
Y donde viviremos hasta el fin de nuestros dias
Repletos de amor, compassion y maravillas
Te amo hoy y siempre
Hasta mas aya de la muerte
Aug 2018 · 1.6k
The Effigy of Our Love
Israel Rivera Aug 2018
From this well of fire I am forced to drink
Its poison corroding and churning
Is too much to bare I think
But the world never stops turning
Reminding me of our names written in ink
The effigy of our love is burning
Apr 2018 · 242
Broken Cycle
Israel Rivera Apr 2018
I come from a broken home
My mother is ****** and crazy
My father left when I was three
An imperfect life I must atone

I ran away as soon as I could
I made my way as best I knew
While running that’s where I met you
In me, somehow, you saw some good

Now a home of our own we have built
Two beautiful girls we have made
A new foundation we have laid
No more tears to be spilt

If there is a God this I do invoke
They WILL be free
To be happy as can be
The cycle is broke

Yes, it’s imperfect that is true
But this home is now complete
My heart with you is replete
My story has begun anew
Sep 2017 · 331
Israel Rivera Sep 2017
It is easy to be fooled by your beauty and mistake you for a flower like a Dahlia, Tulip or Orchid
But you are not that frail and standing so still requires one to be torpid
Instead take it from an admirer
You are a brightly burning fire
Yet despite the danger
My fear grows fainter
I realize I cannot stop and I must keep going
I am bound by my heart to try knowing
So you are a fire?  Then burn and consume me
Flicker, scorch and smolder and by reducing me to ashes you’ll show me
That despite the lateness of love’s season
Things do happen for a reason
And should this be the death of me
I am fine, I just need to be free from this mystery
Could you ever love me?
Feb 2017 · 360
From a Coy Mistress
Israel Rivera Feb 2017
O dear sir, I am a criminal of love
No need for your supplications have I
Make your prayers to the God above
I appreciate a lark and you are amusingly droll
Yet your lust fits me not as a glove
Your love is a heavy albatross
Mine is a lovely white dove

Yes, time it may be short
But your calculations run astray
The numbers and figures you quote I must retort
Be you true or only truly depraved?
Your kind of love is one messy tort
Take your time and take it slow
My smiles into sully frowns you contort

Be you handsome and witty is true
I am almost moved by you and your advance
But there are others, not just you
Nary you be the only fish in the sea
I am looking for a love that is true
Away with you, vile man
You are neither a driver, nor I a simple *****
Jan 2017 · 650
Caffeinated Thoughts
Israel Rivera Jan 2017
My caffeinated brain is buzzing bright
As increasingly imposing thoughts take flight
Effervescent and light there is no way that I might
No matter how I try somehow to hold on to them tight
There is no sense in having to fight

Just let them do what they may and run amok
This how creativity becomes unstuck
Flowing and bursting through all the usual muck
Rhymes and verse that leave me dumbstruck
It’s enough to leave anyone awestruck

Before long my thoughts, they no longer incend
The trail in my mind no longer bends
My mind is at ease, it has made amends
My thoughts slow and descend
I drop my pen and it ends
Dec 2016 · 603
My Brother
Israel Rivera Dec 2016
I’ll always recall the day you left me here to die
I can change I said, let me try
But instead you chose to fly
Your words of rebuke, how they made me cry

I am sick; it’s no contrived cliché
My mind is in disarray
My heart languishes in decay
But you don’t see it that way
To you it’s all made up; a sick game I play

Already it’s been over a year
I’m all but forgotten, I fear
You are far, no longer near
But, though I lie, I love you dear

You’ll always be my brother
We come from the same mother
I loved you like no other
But with me you won’t bother
It reminds me of my father
Dec 2016 · 562
Ups and Downs
Israel Rivera Dec 2016
My mood is a helter-skelter
An endless series of ups and downs
There is no shelter
From this litany of smiles and frowns
There is no middle
What is today?
Just an endless riddle
Sunny or Gray? Cloudy or Gay?
One thing I know for sure
I will just have to let it be
For me there is no cure
It’ll never set me free
Dec 2016 · 402
Soldier of Fortune 500
Israel Rivera Dec 2016
I am a soldier of Fortune 500
I feel neither pain nor hunger
In this applicant pool, I almost feel outnumbered

I look dapper in my business suit; don't mind the holes at the elbows and knees
Instead, notice my resume and my level of expertise
Ask me anything you please

How did I end here in this tragedy?
Although well versed in corporate strategy
Even I was not prepared for this calamity

Stock shares crashing to the ground
My comrades falling all around
With a gruesome sound
So much carnage abound

Growth and acquisition
Revenge and retribution
I can make a contribution

I just need a job; I assure I am a great fit
I never tire and never quit
Yes, I did bring my work permit

I am a soldier of fortune; a gun for hire
I make my way under heavy fire
I will make it through this mire
I am what you call a corporate survivor

— The End —