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how is it possible to close my eyes
when all that is is just passin' by
how on earth should i cover up my ears
when there is nothin' much nor else to hear

i say we truly forgot how to feel
we continue to deny to be real
'n' within those **** lies we be livin'
them unhidden plays 'n' acts we're givin'

ye'd say: 'i do feel 'n' know it all'
by thy many a 'truth' still standin' tall
now would it be no understandin' shall
'n' shall never be when we make it fall

for when we stop our minds elevatin'
then be which story we'd be creatin'

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 17/10/1437

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme) Sonnet'
My lover’s eyes no longer navy pool
bleached paler by years of beating sun
His nose over ****** dominion rules
and skin with liver spots is overrun
A dandelion man, confused and tall,
a long thin stem and a puff of white hair
Unsteady gait, joints need an overhaul
the crack and creak of cartilage wear
His views are fixed and often dogmatic
expressed in cold voice with power and force
He never cares to be diplomatic
preferring a more a belligerent course
Yet, he is my love and ever shall be
as long as the tides rush in from the sea.
Shakespearean Sonnet form
I, drenched in pain and agony-
Journey in lonesome nights beyond vague,
Devastated and traumatized rage-
Awaken the sane and certain side of me,
Abolished and scarred once by thee,
A long time, though lucid and full of vain,
I was once covered of forced shame,
Slightly obscure and clueless about 'we',
I restricted my thoughts to excite,
To flourish or confabulate my brain,
Gloom, an ongoing swirl of senseless might,
Growing an onset of invading gain,
Shaken abhor but literal abyss glow bright,
An inviting yet ambiguous lane.

now have we not walked these roads at time
where many a thing continuously deny
are there no lessons which be to be learned
but them **** circlin' in twists 'n' twirls

why do our minds be deceivin' our souls
longin' hearts be denied by our egos
how truth be our failure at recognition
by those wretched lies we ourselves are livin'

for it's not just the passin' of seconds we be
where we say time we do have not, ye see
busy, always busy in fact with makebelieves

as rather these priorities we seem to keep
we bein' as herds as if all bein' sheep
oh dear body when thy soul leaves

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 16/08/1437

"oh dear body when thy soul leaves"

..not meant as a dark nor suicidal writin'.., rather somethin' to contemplate upon...
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