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Jun 2022 · 676
Ironatmosphere Jun 2022
My love chains me
I resent you
for tying me so tightly

I am not enough
I am not enough

I have vowed my life to you
and I will fight forever to be worthy
i just hope I don't end up hating you
May 2022 · 857
Ironatmosphere May 2022
You told me I am your sun
but I am the moon
I only shine because of you
May 2022 · 138
I need you
Ironatmosphere May 2022
I need to see your love
And I don't know how to ask for it
because I don't know if it is there
Sei la ragione di ogni mio sorriso
I love you to the very core of my being
Can you say the same?
Jan 2022 · 118
Ironatmosphere Jan 2022
I don't know where those people went.
Somehow they are missing
and there are others
living in their skin

Someone else is controlling her breath
feeling her sweat as she is building,
building walls
higher than ever seen

She is right there,
but still
She is missing
is this just how it goes?
Dec 2021 · 145
Alone in your arms
Ironatmosphere Dec 2021
I stand before you
Completely bare
You've never been like this
You've never been this naked
Even though I've seen you without clothes
You've never been this bare
Dec 2021 · 439
Ironatmosphere Dec 2021
Lines have appeared on my face
It's uncomfortable
Evidence of a life lived
Even though it has just begun

And I wish that I when I'm old
And the lines have deepened
And my skin is sagging
I'll look in the mirror
And see only a life well lived
Mar 2021 · 217
It feels like I'm drowning
Ironatmosphere Mar 2021
It is back
It's not supposed to be here
Why am I like this
Jan 2021 · 107
Things left unsaid
Ironatmosphere Jan 2021
You were distant today
So I didn't say it

And now I'm scared I've ruined it
And that I'll never have the chance again

I've held it in for longer than I thought I could

**** it.

I love you
Dec 2020 · 94
Ironatmosphere Dec 2020
It is easy with you
in a way I never thought it could be
And I think it might be the real deal

You see me
You want me
the real me

The boy that broke my heart never even knew me
he thought I was easy
for giving him my all
when all he did was take
When I met him I was ready to be free
and he caged me in fear
I wasn't easy and neither was the situation

But with you.
I was ready to stop looking
when you found me
Dec 2020 · 79
Love in a hopeless place
Ironatmosphere Dec 2020
As the world crumbled around us
I found you
and you found me

I never knew happiness had this many shades
can I keep you forever?
Sep 2020 · 109
Ironatmosphere Sep 2020
I looked up at the ceiling
and imagined the stars

as if I was lying on the ground
with the universe around me

As if the wounds
and words
never existed at all
Aug 2020 · 102
A slice
Ironatmosphere Aug 2020
A little slice of happiness
Was all I got
A moment where he loved me
In the shape he thought I existed in
Where I hadn't ruined it
Where he wasn't scared
Where we were
Dreams incarnate
Then came reality
Aug 2020 · 214
I found someone
Ironatmosphere Aug 2020
I found someone
who didn't remind me of him
Someone much better
If only he wanted me
Jul 2020 · 73
No replacements
Ironatmosphere Jul 2020
He did nothing
But make me
Miss you more
Jul 2020 · 102
Ashes from a ghost
Ironatmosphere Jul 2020
Your ghost hangs around
As his skin touches mine

He doesn't need a cigarette
After ***

But there are still ashes on the ground
Left over from when we burned down
Jul 2020 · 77
Ironatmosphere Jul 2020
A kiss
By another
Pair of lips
But not forgotten
Jun 2020 · 77
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I feel guilty
For loving you
More than
You gave me permission to
Even though you were the one breaking hearts
Jun 2020 · 70
Find me
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I just want love
From someone
Who isn't intent
On destroying
Jun 2020 · 72
Self destruction
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I am making bad decisions
Because they distract me
From missing you
Jun 2020 · 69
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
You were the ocean
I was the canoe
And somehow I thought I was the one steering
Jun 2020 · 139
Caught in your force field
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I'm mad at myself for giving you so much power over me
For not being able to break free
But I've been yours since the day we met
And I did fight it
I did
But I stood no chance
Against the force that was you
Jun 2020 · 73
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I was still
standing in rubble
When you came
into my life
When the walls came down they came down too quickly. And there was no one there to clean up
Jun 2020 · 70
Some days
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
There are some days
That are harder than others
Days that I miss you more

Today is one of those days
And I want to tell you about it
I want to hear what you think
To tell you how I feel

There are some days that I really hope for a someday
Even if it breaks me

I really want a someday with you
Jun 2020 · 77
Ocean blue
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I fell in love with you as if you were the ocean
And then I drowned
Jun 2020 · 80
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I'm sorry you meant too much to me
I'm sorry for falling in love with you
For giving you the power to break me

You didn't ask for that
And you didn't want it
I hope I was wrong about loving you, but it is still true
Jun 2020 · 55
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I miss you today
Your body on mine
Your smile
How you would breathe me in
How you looked at me before it was ruined
I miss you today
Jun 2020 · 67
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
You told me I wasn't broken
But then you acted like I was
Making it irrelevant if I was in the first place
Sure as hell am now
Jun 2020 · 100
Two word Highway to hell
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
"only you"
You said
And I fell like a fool
Were you too drunk to remember?
Jun 2020 · 82
Invisible ink
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I want to kiss somebody else tonight
So that your lips aren't the last ones I've tasted
I bet every memory of me has already been replaced
That you have already been touched in the places that for a short period of time were mine
I know that your memory will linger like a tattoo under my skin
But I am dying for a cover up
Jun 2020 · 80
Only the sadness is left
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
You hurt me deeply
And sometimes I think I shouldn't have given you that power in the first place
But I will never apologise for loving too hard or trying my best

But I don't know if I can forgive myself for ever believing you were doing the same
I loved you too much to see clearly
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I fed my heart to you
Dipped in chocolate and with a silver spoon
And when you threw it back up
I was ready to leave
To take the pieces and just go

But you pulled me back in
Secured me with a rope
And somehow I got the blame
for staying and holding on

I still have the rope marks across my bones
Even thought they are fading just a little every day
You should have just let me leave
But I guess you just couldn't be broken again
So you had to break me
Jun 2020 · 67
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I have more people
Better friends
Than ever before
But not having you
Or even a part of you
Makes me feel so ******* alone
Tu me manques
Jun 2020 · 63
Silly me
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
We were made up of them
And not much more
But I didn't realise it
Until my heart stained the floor
Jun 2020 · 69
Ruined touch
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
You have ruined my sense of touch
I've never felt as safe as I did in your arms
There is nobody who makes my skin spark with electricity the way you did
Nobody whose warmth I don't shy away from now because it isn't yours

Human touch just doesn't feel the same since I met you
My body rejects any skin that isn't yours

It takes seven years to replace every cell in your body
In seven years none of your cells will have touched mine
So maybe I'll get my sense of touch back then

But oh how tragic it is that my cells will never have been touched you
Jun 2020 · 56
Flood waves
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I have to thank you
for being my muse
For flooding my once dried up stream
with an entire ocean

It was disastrous and wonderful
I almost drowned
before I remembered how to swim

but now here I am
floating on the surface
Words that wouldn't stop
I should have brought you a life vest
Jun 2020 · 60
Not a cloud in sight
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
We were a firework
and it fizzled out
leaving a smoking sky

but now when I look up
all I see is blue
I love you, but I'm free now.
Thank you
Jun 2020 · 58
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
Today I feel free
as if the words weighing me down
have all been expelled from my body

You don't have power over me anymore
Even if I wouldn't say no
to having your skin pressed against mine
one more time

we were not made for romance
we were not made for love

We were two puzzle pieces that fit together
but from two different boxes
we didn't make sense
we didn't come from the same picture
But it was fun when it lasted
Jun 2020 · 56
Fixing what isn't broken
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
You know,
I really thought
I could fix you
but you didn't ask for that
You broke me
just so that I would have something else to do
Jun 2020 · 63
You never got me
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I have wasted a library on you
Too bad you're illiterate
Jun 2020 · 57
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
I was never special to you
I was replaceable
You needed someone to be what I was for you
You didn't need me

And I guess you filled some kind of function for me too
but that was different
my desire was stronger than my need
I was good before I met you

You broke me and I remembered that I bleed

But the heart is a muscle
break it
and it will become even stronger
So thank you for breaking me little by little
Jun 2020 · 70
A letter to my lover
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
You never really liked me
If you had
You wouldn't have been scared
when I gave you my everything

I saw you
and I liked
even the things I normally wouldn't

And I hope you find someone else who can love you that way
because it is hard
and it is rare

You were never that for me
I kept searching for it in you
but in your eyes were only lust
and I almost got lost along the way
But I'll find someone else to call my home
Jun 2020 · 66
Crazy for you
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
It's funny how
you thought
I was crazy
when the only one
who ever made me that way
was you
When someone thinks you're crazy everything you do confirms their belief, no matter what you do
Jun 2020 · 45
someone new won't be you
Ironatmosphere Jun 2020
They say I'll find someone better
Someone made for me
But if you weren't made for me ...
why does my bones ache without you?

Why does the air taste recycled
if it hasn't touched your skin?

I am drowning in the absence of your breath

I keep trying to find someone to lend me oxygen
But the taste isn't the same

I have stopped hearing your voice in the words I say
soon I won't remember
what it sounds like
when you say my name
May 2020 · 63
There is no antidote
Ironatmosphere May 2020
My words are poisonous
I can't say
I'm sorry
Without hurting you
But the poison
It is killing me too
May 2020 · 65
Text me when you're drunk
Ironatmosphere May 2020
I wrote to you again
I don't know if you wanted me to
You never replied
I hope you text me when you're drunk
That a part of you still wants me
That you haven't forgotten
Because you are woven into the fabric of my being
And I really can't stand being not even a memory to you
May 2020 · 97
Blue water
Ironatmosphere May 2020
The water was so blue it hurt my eyes
but I
stop staring
I miss you
May 2020 · 61
Nasty scars
Ironatmosphere May 2020
I fell for you
But you weren't there to catch me
So I scraped my knees
And I can't stop picking at the scabs
Will I ever heal?
May 2020 · 54
Ironatmosphere May 2020
My heart used to be whole
But then I met you

You brought a shovel
And buried yourself deep down

You made yourself a home
Decorated it with your favourite pictures

And then you left
Leaving the door open
Letting in a storm

And now there are weeds growing from the floor
May 2020 · 94
A crash waiting to happen
Ironatmosphere May 2020
He was a crash course
a lesson in love

he bought me a one-way ticket  
to an express train around the sun
May 2020 · 52
My first love
Ironatmosphere May 2020
I told him I loved him
for the first time
as I stepped off the ride
and waved goodbye
you needed to know
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