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  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Demons are just FALLEN ANGELS.
They fell
And unlike angels,
DEMONS have a STORY to tell.
Good and evil.
It's just two sides of the same coin.
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Silence is Golden
Silence is Deadly
Silence is Loud
Making you feel heavy
Silence will not protect you
Because silence withholds truth
Silence is Strength
Silence is Grace
Silence is Powerful
Silence is Pure
Silence sent me running straight out of that door
Silence is me
Silence is you
Silence is courage in the eyes of doom
Silence is pain
Silence is shame
Silence is worthless
In the eyes of the lame
Silence is gripping
Like *******
But you're slipping
Silence is a cliff
You happen to be falling
Silence is the rope
I happen to be holding
Silence is the knife
That decides whether or not you die

And darling,                                              
Silence is Golden
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