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 Jan 2023 wafaa
 Jan 2023 wafaa
I think you told a lie today
about the shadow on your mind.
I think you plan to die today,
and leave these follies far behind.

I wish you would write me a song,
and ink the truth within its verse.
Happy or sad, it's fine, so long
as this does not end in a hearse.
 Jun 2018 wafaa
Forgotten Heart
You know
the feeling
when a stranger
becomes a friend???
You will learn more from him
he will teach you
some lessons
of your life
Share your opinion guys
 Jun 2018 wafaa
Andy Cave
A flower blossoms as a bird sings its song
life is beautiful but it doesn't last long,
so enjoy it while it's here, don't wait till it's gone
or you might miss the flowers and the birds lovely songs.
 Jun 2018 wafaa
Andy Cave
 Jun 2018 wafaa
Andy Cave
As the sun does rise your life begins.
As you grow older it slowly decends,
and when it sets, your life does end.

— The End —