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i wish Apr 2014
i miss the oh so innocent handholding in the movie theater and the sitting in the darkness at that party and the giggles i had while our friends ran around betting if you'd kiss me that night.
we sat for hours on end and talked. talked about high school and how thrilling it would be to finally be old and have the freedom we knew would come and friends and that boy you hated on your popwarner football team because he had a crush on me.

then it came, that wretched thing called highschool.

when it did it crashed like a wave on an unknowing passerby.
you changed and just like that it wasn't innocent and it wasn't sweet.
you kept going and going and taking it farther and farther
and looking back now, i don't know how it would be if i stuck around.

hands that once were just held, transformed into hands that weren't satisfied and wandered and pulled at my clothes while my clouded mind didn't know how to say no and i wish i could take it all back.

our talks, they weren't so naive. all of a sudden the topic of school and youth was flipped to arguments on where i would attend college and how many kids i wanted and what state we'd live in.

walking in halls? they turned into stops before lunch where we'd spend forever whispering and teasing and touching.

arguments were then transfigured into you scolding me like i was some baby. who were you?

and texts in the phone were switched to messaging so my mom would never see what you sent me.

im sorry you never got what you really wanted.
im sorry i never did anything right.
im sorry you lost your friends.
im sorry i was too ******* up.
im sorry i knew you too well and figured out how to end my despair.
im sorry.
and im sorry i ruined your life.
you're a monster now
  Apr 2014 i wish
Jacqueline Flores
I ripped these poems out just as roughly
as you ripped me from your heart
I hate how
you're the blood to my veins
the good to my bye and
I really hate how you grew poisonous flowers in my rib cage
how you entered me like nicotine and
how my lungs are now filled with a grey dark cloud

don't you ever dare say that you never felt anything and
that I once wasn't the light of your life and
that I didn't know anything about you
because we were strangers who
knew each other very well

I loved you more than the sea loves the shore
and you drowned me in a beautiful deep blue sea

i love you.
  Apr 2014 i wish
You asked me what I would do
if I woke up tomorrow but you didn't.

I can picture it all,
sitting in chemistry, barely acknowledging
the announcements on the intercom until
I hear your name.
I can tell by the tone of the assistant principal's voice,
he doesn't need to say it for me to start breaking down.
I look over at my classmates,
and they stare at me in disbelief;
they all know our history,
they know that we were lovers
until I told you
to leave me alone,
to let me get better.

I run.
I run through the door
and down the hall
and to the parking lot
where the doors to my brother's truck are locked
so I curl up in the back.
I didn't realize I was crying until now.
I didn't realize how much I missed you until now.
I curse at the misleadingly blue sky,
screaming my apologies,
hoping you hear me,
wishing you had known I wanted you back.
The guilt is crushing my chest
and I remember the feeling of your heartbeat
and I remember how warm your hands were
and I know that I will never feel that again
and I am

I tell you I would cry.
i wish Apr 2014
i see him everyday
walking around like a stray puppy.
where are your friends?
where is that boy I fell in love with?
that happy-football loving-joyous-gorgeous boy?

my heart s h a t t e r s
every time he walks to class by himself
& when he's with that stupid older girl.
why did you do that?

i know he loved me.
i know he only plays football to please his father.
i know he is this way because of his childish parents.


and you know what?
that's a **** shame,
i miss that boy that i once had memorized.
i loved you too
i wish Mar 2014
that one letter
has sprung my mental self
ripped my family apart
made me afraid to drive in that sad excuse of a town
i thought i loved it there
is that why we left?
is that why i flinch
or see blurs of
everytime I see
that silver Chevy pickup?
glad you're gone:)
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