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  Apr 2020 Hope Hutchins
You are tea,
serene in your surroundings.

                                                               ­                                        I am coffee,
                                                                ­           attention always bounding.

Your colour milkish pale,
creamy optimism.

                                                               ­                              I am taken black,
                                                                ­                                bitter cynicism.

Two sugars,
to match your disposition.

                                                               ­                                     None for me,
                                                             ­       I'll maintain my grim affliction.

                                               We differ so much,
                                                     it's obscene.
     ­                                              But in the end
                                               we're both caffeine.
Repost of an old one
Hope Hutchins Apr 2020
Friends, parties, and substances
So exciting
When you hear this
So exhausting
When you see this
So disheartening
When you feel this

A staircase away from sleep
So you think
A staircase away from counting sheep
Then you blink

Hands groped on a body of insecurities
When she already felt useless
The staircase didn't show this as a possibility
Now she's confused and feels worthless
He touches and cant refrain
She feels fear
In his eyes there's no shame
And after a million "no's" he's still here
A day after even a year
People know and nothing's changed
That's why girls keep quiet
We feel it's a way to be estranged
In reality it's always going to be the same
Because the man feels no pain

"Hey so what's that drinking game"
Hope Hutchins Apr 2020
I have doubt but confidence in all things
There's never a yes or a no
There's no strict manner of how I go about it all
I don't care what's happening it's everyone else's call
There's a million questions I answer
And a million answer's I question
The right thing is never said
The wisdom is held in my head
I capture moments of truth
That's how I find who I am
Through the experience without confinement
Be free and willing
Have an openness to the mind that's unimaginable
Be Distant also accountable
I can't go on in life with worries and doubts
The options weigh itself out
There's a good  to every bad
There's a happy to every sad
There's never a right answer for anything in life
That's how I know what I'm doing is right
Hope Hutchins Apr 2020
I feel its difficult to find someone
I'm different
I see light and wonder where it comes from
I never have thoughts of everyone else
I only think and see for myself
I want to be happy and my bright mind filled
The contagious joy within me to be spilled
My body to feel rushed with excitement
Yet no one has given me the enlightenment
I haven't found the one who triggers my mind
The one where I feel combined
The one who shows me love in a unique way
The one who sees the in between

— The End —