to bite the hand that feeds
flourishes the flowering
at the watering spring
the hand that wills away the cloud
and its cover of the sun
the hand that is sure that it will bring
and is more certain of this than anything
to bite until it bleeds,
runs dry of its demand
and is sure of its defeat,
and will not heal again
to gnaw on its sore tendons
til the bone is crippled, sanded dust
fragile, failing
fleeting and
feeding despite the wound
because it's sure it can
and if it can, it's sure it must
"there are times i almost think
i am not sure of what i absolutely know
very often find confusion
in conclusions i concluded long ago
in my head are many facts
that, as a student, i have studied to procure
in my head are many facts
of which i wish i was more certain i was sure"