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Jan 2020 · 304
I wonder if
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2020
I wonder if......

I wonder if you still imagine our kiss ... the way our lips fit together as if they were made from  the same mold destined to be one ever after.
I wonder if you think of me , us , or we ? The forever we were supper to have .
I wonder if you miss being enveloped I’m my embrace where you could hear my heartbeat calling your name as you rest your head upon it , if you could feel the affection emitting from my entire being .
Do you miss not having to wonder we’re my heart was ?
Morning ,noon,and night ,everything you .... always .
Do you miss my voice , filled with tenderness , soothing , and always wanting to comfort ?
I wonder if you miss my touch , my fingers through your hair , or how they brushed along your skin with the gentleness of a sculptor caressing his creation , and even those spots that would send a jolt through your insides , I wonder .
I wonder what your doing now ?
Do things remind you if us ?
I see you in everything beautiful , and in beauty , you made me see ....
You were the breath of my soul.
I wonder if you feel an emptiness In yours , do you hear my voice in your mind and wonder and I am ?
Is there someone else now ? Someone new amidst the clouds to witch you have taken them with just the magic of your gaze ?
Is there someone else’s name newly etched upon your heart , or is it still mine , but waining with every day passing in my absence .
I wonder if you still know how much I love you , how much I wanted you in my tomorrow’s , and how sad I am living In yesterday’s past .
I wonder if ......
I wonder ......
Do you wonder too ???
Jan 2020 · 151
How far
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2020
How far

A mere whisper on the dark side of midnight spoken into the air in the hopes of your heart feeling my calling.
Still traveling to the depths of tomorrow , I wonder .
I wonder if somewhere off in the distance the ears of the universe harken my voice and the waives of affection emitted from my soul and take homage to the love that flowed through the Galaxies distance and yet shows no signs of waining .
I wonder how far my heeding’s gone , as the Boundarylessness of the stars in the skies and heavens beyond , if it is known just how much My feelings for you can blanket .
Is my voice speaking still ,my very utterances murmured yesterday’s past and even years , still sprinkling the purest wordings of my loving heart, light years past forever , still as true as when they left my lips , that , “ I love you always “
Be it tomorrow , yesterday , or somewhere yet to come , I wonder if my words still flow , to the ears of the angels , yet still the stings of your heart .
I wonder if your heart is listening still ,and are my words still moving .
Did you hear it ?
Hank Van Well Jr Sep 2018
At least for a day

At least for a day America came together
At least for a day , no one cared what color our skin was , or where we came from.
At least for a day we honored law enforcement and first responders in the like, as they charged toward the unknown danger to keep the rest of us safe.
At least for a day we let our military do what they were trained to do , instead of sit on their hands .
At least for a day we could do whatever we had to , to keep the country safe from further attacks.
At least for a day their was no partisan politics , where the government worked together for the greater good and put aside the petty bickering and said “ what do you need Mr President “.
On a day where the enemy tried to break America , we stood together as Americans , one body ,not identified by skin color , religion , or preferences , we all cried together, we all brushed off the dust , built a taller building , even though that is not the symbol of who we are , it was a symbol of what we aren’t .
At least for a day , we couldn’t be broken .
17 years later ..... we are fighting against ourselves , being encouraged to disobey law enforcement , divided again by our skin color , or religion , or preference , for a while , I couldn’t even say Merry Christmas without potentially offending someone.
Hatred is spewing on both sides of our government , we are being told to “resist “.
What happened ?
Do we need another tragedy to show us all we bleed the same color ?
The Bible says “ a house divided against itself can not stand “ Matt 12:22.
I will never forget the sorrow of that day , all the souls lost then , and the ones still recovering , I cried that day , and I cry now , because at least for a day , we forgot about all the other ******* and fought back as Americans , mourned as Americans , re built as Americans .
At least for a day , we stood together !
At least for a day!
Aug 2018 · 284
Hank Van Well Jr Aug 2018

Let me gaze again into the eyes of the little girl I fell in love with nearly half a century ago, encased now in the body of the woman I still cannot get enough of .
Tomorrow , let me have another day where I  still melt at the tiny face , now sketched in wrinkles , each with its own smile and an ode of another happy memory we shared.
Tomorrow , let me watch the moonlight glisten off your silver hair and I still try to steal another kiss while we walk barefoot on the beach one more time .
Tomorrow , let us plant another garden together and wait for another spring splash of a rainbow blossom in our very own orchard , just like our affection has all these years .
So many seeds , dipped in "I love you's and odes " " holding hands and tender moments "
Tomorrow , let me hear your voice , like the angels sing , and let me fall in love with you over and over again , like I've done every day since that loving question.
Yes, I'll kiss you my darling.
Tomorrow let me envelop you with affection and be glad that you are mine.
Tomorrow is but the first day in our forever ,
Be my "Tomorrow " ?
Aug 2018 · 251
Through my heart
Hank Van Well Jr Aug 2018
Through my heart

So many days I sit back and wonder , if you will ever see things through my heart , kindred spirits , forever love , yet somehow I don’t think you know who you are , through the soul of affection that has been yours forever.
Nobody loves you like I do , no one ever has , with the intensity of a waterfall at the end of a long stream  flowing , evermore , if you could just feel through my heart , breath the air the way I do , and then maybe know why I am the way that I am .
Why I cherish every moment with you , why I look forward to the sound of your voice , and the comfort of your smile ,why the only time I’m without a void is when I’m amidst your graceful bliss .
My love has never been just a “ feeling “it’s a “ calling “ one that can only be truly fulfilled in your embrace , sealed in our kiss , and confirmed in our consummate , all my life it’s been you , and I only wish one day , even for a moment , you could see you through my heart, and truly then know why, “ I am “
Jul 2018 · 276
A bird and a whisper
Hank Van Well Jr Jul 2018
A bird and a whisper

A bird landed gentry in my shoulder carrying a rose petal in its beak and hopped into my palms , where I could see a silken white dove called Hope , I could swear I heard a whisper , and a piece of tomorrows dream glowing on the blooming parchment that quivered in the breeze.
Just like that she flew away , wings thrusting on the gusts of inspiration , seemed to carry her adrift , As if the feathers were that, the same of an angel ,leaving a hue of promise in its wake , leaving nothing more than a speck of a shadow against the horizons gate.
Vainly I reach out hoping to catch hold for another moment to no avail, with the ever growing echoes of the whispering breeze to which held the wings of the cherub.
Only to open my eyes to the sound if my sleeping beauty laying next to me , her chest ebbing and flowing like an enchanted ocean , enveloping my slumber ,as I dreamt to the rhythm of her breathing.
Jul 2018 · 245
Beyond love
Hank Van Well Jr Jul 2018
Beyond love

I look past the furthest star , and yet I find another , for their is no edge to the universe , infinite , omnipresent , no matter how much their is , their is always more , like my heart towards you my darling , my affection is greater than what can be put in words “ beyond love “ .
Forever , had no beginning , and every step into , just grows even further .
Your enchanting eyes , your radiant smile , I hold you , I don’t want to let go , I wish you could feel the emotions pouring from my soul , the affection  “ beyond love “, such a sensation , deeper , further , wider , longer , outside of words ,past  feelings , indescribable , but pure.    “ devotion “ an attachment , our kindred spirits .
“ beyond love “
nothing can quite capture , more than all that I am.
To say I love you with all my heart is but only the beginning .
For my darling , what I have for you is more than that of my beating hearts calling , you are the most beautiful thing in the world to me and to other way to express , what I hold for you , is truly , and evermore ,  “ beyond love “
Jul 2018 · 183
Hold on time
Hank Van Well Jr Jul 2018
Hold on time

I wonder if I could hold on to a moment , cast it off to the stars , and hand it to a memory for safe keeping in a dream .
To call upon an Instant wrapped around an echo where I held you on my heart and begged for the hands of time to take a rest from moving .
Eye to eye , on the threshold of each other’s soul , burning affection that can only be realized in the touch of an enveloping embrace .
The only thing I’ve ever known for you is love , not just a feeling , but just “ was “ .
Their has always been a gravity between our hearts , you have always been my comfort , and I know I could not be me without you .
I wonder if I could hold on to that moment , put the hands of time on hold , and just let you be mine ,forever .
Jun 2018 · 240
Romantic haikus
Hank Van Well Jr Jun 2018
Romantic haiku’s


My fluttering heart
From it’s anticipation
Before its first kiss

Not one single star
Can match the light in your eyes
Like yours fill my heart

When our lips first touched
A volcano erupted
Deep within my soul

You, like my breathing
Circles life through my insides.
The breath of my soul

My heart in your hands
Your wings lift me upon high
My Angel on earth

Before we were born
One soul in eternity
Our forever love

Heavens sweet nectar
Soft as silk, rose petal lips
Oh,kiss me again

You are the isle
Amidst the ocean , my love
I envelop you

The porcelain glow
Off your face under the moon
You beauty enhanced
May 2018 · 268
Like a picture
Hank Van Well Jr May 2018
Like a picture

Layer by layer snippets of yesterdays past place themselves atop of one another next to , and interweave , to form a picture in my heart , saved from a time together , cherished like a treasure and represented on a moments reminisce , like forming a flower petal by petal , or a lighthouse on a sea shore , stone by stone .
To bring that smile back to my soul , just like it was when the moment was being lived.
Like a picture ,
A tapestry threaded in heartstrings , sewn into memory’s kept in my dreams, to call upon at an instances notice .
A passionate kiss, your Silhouette under the moonlight, the porcelain glow off your face , or just the way you wore your hair .
Like a picture
On the walls of my torso or the pages in my mind whenever I miss you, I can find you.
No need to hold it close to my heart, because it’s already inside my heart .
Like a picture , another memory of you ......
May 2018 · 196
I can breathe
Hank Van Well Jr May 2018
I can breathe

Like an eagle , outstretched arms lunging into the abyss , with nothing but faith that it will carry his thrusting wings through the wind , trusting that no matter what is before him it will take him to where his hearts destined to belong.
I can breathe ,
After just your mere utterances of a lifelong affection , still raging within your soul , the other end to the gravitational pull of my own , which has been drowning in uncertainty without your angelic presence.
The tightening of heartstrings like two opposite sides of a magnet ever since I’ve know you.
I can breathe
You’ve made me whole , even before I knew what love was , I knew that you made me.
We are one , before we were ever born , Love didn’t bring us together , we brought together love.
I can breathe
I never knew a moment I didn’t love you , loving you is all I know.
I feel you pulling on my heartstrings whenever we are apart , only to have it ebb amidst your prescience.
I can breathe , because you love me.
I can breathe , because you give me life .
I can breathe , because once again , “we are”
I can breathe ......
Apr 2018 · 189
Hold on to the now
Hank Van Well Jr Apr 2018
Hold on to the now

If I could etch this very passage in time to this very instant in now , where your hand is but a reach away , and the scent of your hair can catch the breeze upon my face.
Where I could punctuate your smile with the touch of my lips , and taste your skin on mine.
Tender kisses , enveloped embraces , an eternity lost in your eyes.
I wish I could hold on to the now , let the moon not set into dawn , or the sun not give way to the evening , you and I , here , now , in love , our love , everlasting affection.
All aligned in the moment , our moment , my angel
If I could stop the sand through the eye of the hourglass , and live in this dream you’ve made of our life as an “ us and we “.
Where “ loving you to sleep “ is but the end of each day , and waking next to an angel as the morning calls , just another day to live to love you .
For I wish I could hold on to the now , let my heart never be without yours in it’s echo , and forever is but our doorstep.
If only I could hold on to the now .
Apr 2018 · 188
But for a moment
Hank Van Well Jr Apr 2018
But for a moment

Like a gentile breeze out of no where , painting fading memories again with the vibrant hue of freshness in the sound of her voice .
Calm , yet with the bellow of a thunderous burst of affection , waking my soul out of its nightmarish doldrums.
For but a moment , she flew back upon my existence , bringing my heart back to life in an instant of her smile.
“My life “ , my love , but for a moment,
the flowers aligned with the stars , the moon again casts its smile over midnight , and I can rest in her daydreams , or echoes in the night.
But for a moment , she again is the next line of the ,“ happily ever after “, where the real story begins.
My tomorrows dream , my love of a lifetime , and lifetime love. The thought of getting to touch her silken lips once more , caress her porcelain skin , taste her tenderness , and love her one more time.
But for a moment , I fall again enchanted to the softness of her voice as it sends my heartstrings into a symphony.
But for a moment , she is mine once more .
Apr 2018 · 190
left behind ?
Hank Van Well Jr Apr 2018
Left behind ?

I left these odes in the journal so that their may be something left  of my soul when I’m gone , perhaps some remnant of a deepest affection that no one may never know existed without the stream of words that bellowed from deep within my heart , into that ocean of a lifelong love .
Perhaps someday , someone will happen upon this book , heartbeats, captured in moments , etched on parchment , snippets of a story sewn together in the strings of a heart, the ink of a pen , to a woman , an angel , the love of my life , or , lifelong love , a girl I’ve asked forever.
I wonder if someone will find my words , and feel my affinity toward her.
Like the stars line the skies with eternal tales for as long as time has been , will someone see the same in my words , like she never seemed .
With no midnight sky to hold my heart , or no stone to bear the etching of a beating heart flow , without these words bound in my whispers , will I ever have loved her at all.
So I scroll these words into a journal , crimson ink , filtered only through an adoring heart , that’s loved her all my life.
My legacy , laced within the parchment of now faded memories , and hopeless dreams , that once guided my smile.
Without someone to read , will I ever have loved her at all .
Mar 2018 · 264
I’ll step aside
Hank Van Well Jr Mar 2018
I’ll step aside

Although I loved you since before memory , your presence a source of my smile.
In a day of digital technology , I chose the time to write , pen and parchment , odes of affection , sealed in wax , my kiss from afar.
My Angel
Even such a wave of affection , not enough to rise you above your yesterdays .
I stepped aside
I can’t watch you chase your past, while I wait here on our future , another empty promise.
You never seem to appreciate my affection , despite the ways I’ve shown you how .
My sun , moon, and stars , yes , the light of my heart you are .
Oh how I wish I were the same to you .
I’ll step aside
The little things , I always looked at you as the flower to my soul , the echo to my heartbeat, cherished you like a porcelain doll , just as you skin would glow under the lunar beams at midnight ,
I stepped aside ,
For the eyes that never looked at you that way , did he ever serenade you ? Or tell you “nobody loves you like i do “ ?
You told me I was your first love , and I told you the same.
I stepped aside “ our “forever , so that you could be with your past.
For even a mighty stone wears from the continuous flow of the water , as  I have form your indifference toward “us “ You never really got it .
So,broken hearted, and under appreciated, as much as I still love you with all that I am .
I’ll step aside .
Hank Van Well Jr Mar 2018
Sometimes you gotta just know when to quit .

Just like the old time slugger
who's bat is just a little slow
Or that aging quarterback
With less velocity on his throw

You just keep on hoping
For that one more moment In the sun
To re live some of that glory
When the game seemed much more fun

You've given it your all
Left it all out on the field
But no matter how hard you try
The truth has become revealed

Your true and loyal fans
Have turned to someone else
To give them that special magic
That with you they felt

It's then you come to realize
That maybe you should go
Leave with what little pride you have left
Its time to leave " the show "

It's really kind sad how
You've done so much for them
But they'd rather look to someone else
Instead of appreciate you again
Mar 2018 · 176
Our kiss in the rain
Hank Van Well Jr Mar 2018
Kissing in the rain

The skies hue of bellowing grey , ready to purge the day’s harvest like a spew of raging affection that had been building up over a lifetime of anticipation , waiting to purge from within the belly of the clouds like a first kiss after years of dreaming.
The air filled with the scent of innocence , and ready to rinse away all the tensions , in wisps if relaxation as the wet curtains sweep over the horizon and bathe us in inspiration , while we are peering into each other’s souls amidst our gaze.
Heavens tears cling to or skin , as the tugging of enchantment tightens the threads of a romantic spell drawing our lips together .
Moistened lips slide ever so slightly , as the warmth of our kiss seeps through the cool droplets of the skies offering .
Our skin has a special sweetness as if dipped in passion and filtered through a rainbow , intensity builds with each moment longer our lips dance on each other’s.
Hair wet clothes clinging ,our lips clinging even stronger , the rain enhances this snippet in time , etched in a new memory being made , as we look back on this yesterday someday as our first kiss in the rain .
Feb 2018 · 282
Take a bow
Hank Van Well Jr Feb 2018
Take a bow

It used to flow like sunshine on a river bliss , full of affection and glowing vigor.
Just a pen and paper and an open corridor to my soul.
Thousands of odes,laden in sincerity that could only have come from a heart filled in love.
Take a bow
What was once as easily as breathing your name , has dissipated along with the distance of the memories , and abandoned tomorrows that you chose to walk away from , while you went to chase your own.
Take a bow
Missed moments and indifference, doused the fire that burned from within , left growing shadows on the walls , that the final act of forever may be coming to an end.
Unreciprocated romance , wore away at the determination , and a hope for our forever , that seemed to fade alongside your appreciation, of a heart that loved you forever.
Take a bow
You’ve made me watch the curtain close , on our happily ever after , slumped shoulders , and dampening eyes , I’ll turn my back and walk away , you’ve finally gotten me to give up hope ,
It’s over ,
so go ahead , take a bow .
Feb 2018 · 210
Over again
Hank Van Well Jr Feb 2018
Over again

What I would do just to see your face once more
Even though I know you’d hurt me again
To hold you and love you all through the night
I do anything to have that moment reattained.
So many poems , affection and heart
Put into everything , and “everything you “
The glowing moon has lost its magic
The morning horizons lost its hue.
Although I wish your arms around me
I know it’s not for very long
It would be wonderful for a while
But then back to the same old song.
I’d love to kiss you over and over
But I know sooner or later , you’d you’d only hurt me all over again.
Jan 2018 · 367
What are you doing now
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2018
What are you doing now

So many times I drift off on to nowhere , lost in a memory and wondering, what are you doing now ?
For so much of my life , ‘twas made living to love you , thinking of you was just the norm , full of love.
Were you lost in a daydream ,driving off to the store , was the wind rolling it’s fingers in your hair , as you strolled in the sunshine.
I picture your smile , how often I’ve seen it.  And tasted your lips , rose petaled and wine.
Were your hands locked in someone else’s , do you still have my heartstrings , do thoughts of me even enter your mind .
So many dreams we had planned on , so many tomorrows you left behind , so many promises you made me , for one , you’d always be mine .
What are you doing now ?
Are you working in the yard , or on the job , or in the kitchen , I wanted to be at your side no matter what , or when .
I’d stay awake with you in the evening , and wake when you before the sun , just so you wouldn’t have go at it alone .
What you never realized was to me it never mattered , where ever you are is where I called it my home .
But now your somewhere , and maybe with someone , anyone , it seems , just not me , yet I can’t help myself , I can’t get past you , and all that you were to me .
Are you with him , are you sleeping , are you smiling and laughing , alone , or under the stars ?
Do you ever wonder about me , or was I just another step in your heart.
Do you ever think of me too and ask also ,what what is “he “doing now ?
.... what are you doing now ?
what are you doing now ?
what are you doing now ?
Jan 2018 · 253
all i ever did was love
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2018
all i ever did was love .

I’ve written you thousands of odes , only to have you tell someone else “you love them with all your heart”, a song I’ve never herd you sing to me.
I’ve spent most of my existence , living to love you, not a frame of mind , but, a way of life.
how do you let me treat you so wonderfully , knowing you never wanted to stay.
was it all a lie ?
you were not the first girl who’s lips have touched mine, but you are the first woman I’ve ever truly kissed.
i believe our souls were one in eternity , sewn in the strings of our heart and sealed in that very kiss,parted to be joined again on earth in this life.
i thought we were drawn to one another for as long as i can remember.
you led me to believe you loved me all your life , just not with all your heart i guess.
I’m haunted by the memories that we will never have , tormented by all the times you’ve hurt me , for they outweigh all the times you didn’t .
tried to show you all the time ,just how much i cared , you were my angel,i gave you all that i had ,you gave me indifference , i tried to walk away, yet i kept being drawn back, i tried to forget you , but how can you forget your forever.
all i ever did was love you unconditionally , all you ever did was love someone else more.
why did you ever let me love you at all.
Jan 2018 · 186
Random quote II
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2018
‪“ i may have kissed someone before you , but you were always my first “ kiss “ ‬

Jan 2018 · 217
Hold on to our kiss
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2018
Hold on to our kiss

So many odes , fill the midnight sky in the form of stars, as many moments passed since I’ve held you that final time.
Hold on to our kiss
Not a more perfect instant have I ever known , expressing our affection without an utterance murmured , yet an intensity of two souls joined at the lips .
Hold on to our kiss
Flowers wither and die , just like unreplenished  memories , first , what it feels like to touch you , then your smile , the places we’ve been , and the places we wanted to go.
I wanted to hold your hand into tomorrow , take a walk into our future together.
But will you hold on to our kiss ?
The scent of your hair , the sound of your voice , I wanted to be yours forever , wash away the memories with the hands of the new ones , and never fear the fading , as long as the beating hearts brush paints us new .
Hold on to our kiss
I can’t let go of something so perfect , molded together and parted to be born , only to find you someday in love.
Like a magnet to steel , the moon on the tide our lips drawn together .
Now , that your gone ,I wonder , did you hold on to our kiss ?
Did you hold on to our kiss ?
Did you hold on to our kiss ?
Jan 2018 · 206
New Years quote
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2018
‪“ to be locked in a kiss from last year into this , one true love , New Year’s Eve , yesterday , into tomorrow’s dream , upon the stroke of midnight tasting your lips , was a wish I’ve always had “‬
Dec 2017 · 205
Fading Memory
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2017
Fading memory

I see the moon , and I look at the empty footprints leading toward another fading memory i tried to bring you.
Cast off like the wilted petals of all the dying flowers I sent.
My heart beat only for you , I sent you an ode for every midnight star.
I thought being a part of “ us “ was a dream worth waiting for , as I’ve known nothing else but love for you, my whole life and beyond.
You are every where I look , every where I’ve been , and every where I wanted to go.
I wanted to be your “ knight “ I wanted to be your everything .
Do you ever hear my voice echoing in the breeze ?
Do you remember how many times I serenaded you on a rainy day ? Under the sun ? Next to you ? Or , on the dance floor while you rest your head in my chest “your spot” ?
You used to gaze at me with such affection , and I know I always loved you with my eyes , a soul full of affection.
Now all I have are a bunch of reminders , of fading memories , and I wonder if you ever really loved me at all .
Dec 2017 · 239
Can’t run away
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2017
Can’t run away

How can you forget someone that keeps coming back in your dreams.
I can’t run away .
It’s been some time now since you decided to take your journey with someone else , yet , I have been trying to let you be
It’s so hard to erase your name from my heart as it’s been etched on it’s beating walls all my life.
With each day’s distance , the pain is a little less , until a diffident haunting ,in my dreams , where I’m hopeless to avoid you , can’t run away from my love , yet watch you walk away from me all over again .
Only to wake to a raging tempest on my insides , and a pounding in my chest, and a mind full of fresh memories of a love that will never be.
Helpless is the heart that can’t hide from a dream , hurtful is to open my eyes alone , with another handful of fresh shadows of you choosing e else over and over again.
Wide awake , amidst the midnight darkness.
How do you forget someone that keeps coming back in your dreams.
Dec 2017 · 305
Random quote
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2017
“ it doesn’t matter what you tell yourself to convince you you did nothing wrong , you still have to see your reflection in the heart you shattered , and you’ll know the truth “
Dec 2017 · 320
Wake into you
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2017
Wake up into you

To what is the morning to merely wake ?
For not only to hear the songbird sing ?
But next to the person my heart doth ache
with you , it's not only the dawn you bring

Need not the sun , when I behold your smile
When I can wake in your beauty instead
I have captured Eden in  your profile
My dreams no longer just live in my head

To wake into you commencing the day
Elating me just to love you once more
Knowing you are last nights reason I prayed
So much more affection yet to explore

I want to live the rest of my life through
Starting the same, I wake up into you
Dec 2017 · 297
I know
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2017
I know

I know you haven't said it , but I can see it in your eyes , you don't have the heart to tell me , but I know the fires died
The smile that used to melt my heart seems forced and burdensome
You built a wall between us I can't help but know we're done.
You no longer get excited , or want to be with me , seems all you do is think of reasons , of why we just can't be .
Even the simple little things , to you , seem now a chore , it's becoming obvious to me , you don't want "us" anymore .
It's such a helpless feeling , knowing our dreams are no longer the same , it breaks my heart to see the love in your eyes has waned.
I've no choice but to walk away , I have to let you go , even though I gave you my heart so very long ago.
Dec 2017 · 459
The hardest part
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2017
The hardest part

The hardest part is just before I go to sleep , where I fall victim to the memories of a life I know I’ll never have, the frustration of knowing I loved , and never got the same in return , the heartbreak , that in the end , it was him.
My mind drowning in yesterday’s shadows , and the foolishness of how much I tried to stay afloat amidst the indifference, thinking that true love would be our buoy.
So many promises broken , so many dreams we planned , and you’ve abandoned.
All I ever did was adore you with all my heart, a heart that’s empty , and keeping me awake with the taunting  fact that you never gave me your whole heart in return.
I wonder if you’ll ever think of how deeply you’ve scarred me , I wonder if I ever really mattered at all.
Or was I a fresh breeze that made its way into a stagnant time in your existence.
You had my heart in your hands , and never really appreciated what you were holding.
Unconditional love , an eternal  soulmate , a lifetime .
The thoughts that keep me awake , as I wonder what I could have done different to make you love me more , or was I just a blip In your life for amusement, “already gone” , before it started .
Yes, the hardest part for me , is just before , I go to sleep .....
Dec 2017 · 181
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2017

A brisk jolt and I turn my head only to find a blink of a remnant shadow , I could swear you were sanding their.
Only the realization of yet another fading memory and another piece to a broken heart.
Turning my dreams into nightmares , not because of your presence , but because I know When i awaken with a hallow pit in my stomach , and a fresh reminder that you are gone, and a mind full of yesterdays I’ve been trying to forget .
Shadows .
Under the moonlit glow , where I loved you forever , ran my fingers on your porcelain cheeks under the evenings lunar reflection , so beautiful , soft and loving .
Shadows .
Through the empty walls I can swear I hear your voice , sweet murmurs that would bathe my soul in comfort , only to feel another piece of this broken heart weep , knowing it was only my mind wishing .
You may never know the pain you caused , and the remnant thoughts that still taunt me .
You held my affection in your hands ,and you let it go .
Lies , infidelity , flashed like stormy sky in the heat of tempest rage punching me in my gut , I see you with someone else and wonder if I was ever true .
Nobody loved you like I did , yet now all I see are shadows.
Nov 2017 · 236
One last time
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2017
One last time

I wanted  to to hold you one last time
To taste your lips , and savor the flavor
I wanted to embrace you like it was the last time I'd ever touch your skin again.
I wanted to hear your voice just once more , so that my heart would bathe in its warmth as if we were walking into a dream forever.
I never wanted it to end this way , I kept hoping for that one more time , but you seemed to have something other on your mind .
You were happy with your memories , I kept wanting to make more.
But you chose yesterday over tomorrow , and I never got to love you " one last time "
Nov 2017 · 255
The final dance
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2017
The final dance

Sadly the music has been dimming for some time now ,
I tried to hold on , to what I realize , were only memories,fooling myself.
Your heart's been silent for a while ,empty echoes , not the melody I kept dancing to, not realizing , the band called romance was already played its final tune.
I always thought " true love " would be the never ending song.
In my affection I was still dancing,while you were walking away.
I guess I'll never feel your heart beating pressed against my chest , no more will your head never to rest upon my shoulder, we've had our last kiss , yet I was willing to make your lips the last to touch.
I'd say I'll miss you now that your gone , but I spent most of my time missing you when you were here , now it's finally come to me, you can't slow dance alone , and you've been gone for some time now , we've had our final dance
Oct 2017 · 373
When I die
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2017
When I die

When I die pleas don't be sad
Don't wish you could have spent more time with me , you could have if you wanted.
Don't wish you had one more chance to tell me you love me , you passed up in so many times when you could.
Don't feel bad about not having one last night together , you had plenty of fun with those people you blew me off for instead.
Don't feel bad for all those times you were unfaithful , and how rotten you must have felt for making me hurt , cuz you only went ahead and did it again and lied about it .
If you miss my voice , don't fret my darling , just get in touch with whomever you were talking with , when you were not talking to me , waiting say " I love you ".
It's ok my love , you'll be fine.
Don't worry about all the " I love you's " and expressions of affection , you said it yourself , you didn't have time , I'm sure all
Those people places and friends will never let you down ,will show you unconditional love and loyalty , heck , I'm sure they loved you like i did !
Someday , when they all have lives of their own , don't feel bad that I wanted a life for us .
You'll be fine , I'm sure those people cant wait to hear from you , like I did every day .
So please darling , don't be sad , don't be sad when I die.
Yours truly
Mr Unappreciated
Nov 2016 · 279
Open the dream
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2016
Open the dream

The moment you professed your love for me, the door between my dreams , where you lived in the heart of my mind was opened to the now.
Like a magical key forged in our affection , only you could unlock my soul to the world , so that I could live to love you under the sun , not just behind the stars or deep in my imagination.
True love , ours , is the bridge between the aspirations of a future tomorrow where I slept in " we " and now wake in " us ".
Sealed in eternity the moment I " felt " your kiss !
I love you
Nov 2015 · 457
I want to be
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2015
I want to be

I wanna be the river that catches the waterfall storming down from on high despite the force , ill welcome the fury as long as it ends up with me , and we finish the ride together
I want to be the air that holds up your wings in flight , despite the distance or how often , ill carry you wherever you want to travel , you just have to know that I'm their to hold you
I want to be the other end of your hearts echo,  whenever you call and the first and last smile you see every dawn and dusk , just my love filled gaze , here because i want to be here
Loving you because that's all I want to do
Growing old , because that's were I want to be
, anywhere , anywhere you are ,
My love , I simply want the job !
I love you ,I love you
I love you my " first last and forever "
And I want the job !
Oct 2015 · 521
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2015

She said she'd get it later ,
when she saw that he had called
So many things she had to do tend ,
to on her few days off

While she's out and galavanting
His thoughts would cross her mind
Even though it would take a few seconds
She just didn't have the time

Serenades had all but dried up
She no longer heard him sing
He doesn't text her half as much
Cuz she's so busy with everything.

***** dishes , and running errands
For those who don't put her first
And then free time to Netflix
She had no idea how much it hurt

Before she knew it another day gone
Another handful of moments missed
Although her day was full of things done
None if him to reminisce

She ignored his texts till later
She decided not to answer her phone
She didn't realize he was calling
Because something was feeling wrong

When she finally decided to call him
He wasn't waiting anymore
He was calling to say goodbye
Because he'd been called home to the Lord .
Sep 2015 · 479
The tempest inside
Hank Van Well Jr Sep 2015
The tempest inside me

So much love, my insides tempest fury
Reciprocation a road not traveled
My mind , heart, and soul,they  play the jury
Until the rendering judges gavel

A waterfall of affection given
An arid stream ,it seems in return
Only to her heart, that mine seems driven
Tears from her apathy makes my eyes burn

A pleaded case, seems to fall on deaf ears.
The tempest bellows, making my ears ring
Knowing the verdict can realize my fears
To give in so much, and leave in nothing

Can she not see, whats on the horizon
Can she not see, the red storm is rising.
Aug 2015 · 428
Love Quote
Hank Van Well Jr Aug 2015
" I show you the evening stars at night and whisper , that's everything I love about you, then I show you my empty hand, and say these are all the things I don't "
Jul 2015 · 483
Footprints in the sand
Hank Van Well Jr Jul 2015
A sand filled footprint bares no weight on the shore at all
And so goes the distant memories into the wind
Apparitions , they leave no remnants
Leaving us to wonder, if they ever were
Or just our own delusion of a sentimental heartbeat
Until we are left only to question ourselves about the reality of it all in the first place...,,,
Jul 2015 · 615
Unfamiliar murmurings
Hank Van Well Jr Jul 2015
Unfamiliar murmurings

alone in the darkness, the secluded  sound makes its presence known
Unfamiliar murmurings seem to ripple the swells of your very own breathing
Something different amidst a routine endeavor
And yet it still has not come clear
until the chill
An arrow straight through the ***** poisoned with the revelation that its the echoes to your own heartbeat that were made anew
Because you chased his away
And he just always was
Maybe she will miss me when I'm gone
May 2015 · 1.6k
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015

I see the fear , hear it in her voice
She need not say but I know , she'd rather keep the norm than chase the moon.
Ride a bicycle with her past and leave the future left to uncertainty.
A shining love destined for shadows.
Unwilling to let go,and trust the roads paved for our affection.
A behind the smile lay a lifetime of wishes shared , fantasies daydreamed , and even memories made.
To much to lose , and everything to gain.
Stick with the safety of what she knows , rather than take a chance on what she doesn't.
True love only passes once in a lifetime , and she's willing to let it pass for a piece of her past.
She hides the ring , but doesn't bury it , she hides the love but won't pursue it.
Under the cloak if darkness I find her waiting , I want her to take my hand , step into tomorrow together , but shell never truly say goodbye to then , she wants the now , but she's afraid of tomorrow,
A tomorrow that my never be , because she's afraid
May 2015 · 384
From the very first time
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015
From the very first time

Form the very first time you met my presence, I knew
Since forevers ago , my beating heart would stutter for just a second , and id feel my body splashed in sparks of affection.
Such a feeling I've never felt with anyone else,
You opened my heart to love in its purest form , were it simply just "is"
Its not just about what you make me feel , but what I don't anymore.
Your love is the only place I'm never lost ,
Your affection , loosed  the chains of strife , worry , fear , and just the the sense that something is always missing.
, your love  has laden my insides with life ,
I am no longer just a shell of a being,
going through the motions of living , you've made me whole, with just your affection,an affection I've simply always known but never realized ,
because for me , " loving you " was always just a given.
My darling, I've  never lived without loving you, because  loving you is all that I know......
All my life , all my love.
My Angel.....
From the very first time...... " we were"
May 2015 · 437
When words won't do
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015
When words won't do

When there are no more words left for my insides to purge
The overwhelming force that no language can fully capture,
past the Infinity squared , the highest mountains , the deepest oceans , the furthest star.
And growing still , my love
The only way to speak is with no words at all ,
The moment my lips touch yours all the words I could never know explode , like a tapestry woven out if the stings if our hearts ,
tugged on just a little tighter,
our own language bonded in affection,
our own " picture " worth a thousand words ,
When words  just  no longer do ,
My love ,its my kiss that sings you and ode to which your lips can hear my calling,
and you can feel me with your heart,
while i envelop you with my love.
when there are simply no more words that can capture how i feel
I love you , I love you , I love you ,
Kiss me ......
May 2015 · 287
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015

I've fallen hard
Captivated by you ,I am a willing prisoner
I Surrendered to you  in every way
In words thoughts and deeds
I'm yours
My life's breath
My hearts blood
I think I can't love you any more , or any deeper
Only to wake up the very next day and realize I have
I have fallen
Like a fly
I'm bound in the web of my very own heart strings , that only you have the hold.
Like an anvil into the ocean
I have fallen
Into your love , into your beauty
Hard , fast , and deeply
But into your arms you will catch me
And I'll fall even further and deeper tomorrow,
Over and over again
May 2015 · 361
Where ?
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015
Where ?

where is the place , the tropic isle amidst a glistening sea of sapphire where you can peer into the world beneath the surface of the waves and watch the life in the world underwater,
Or the cabin in the winter , the lone structure in a field of white , moon glistening off the surface , windows cast a citrine glow that can be seen off in the distance , the warmth of the fire , like a soothing bath
Where ?
A garden , petals dipped in a rainbow and layered like the ripples of the gentle breeze atop the sea , and the sound if a fountain off in the distance that complements the chorus of birds that just seem to know our song.
Serene ,
Where ?
Where is this Eden on earth , the only place my heart gets to rest , and my insides in tuned , the only place I can become one with the purest affection I am,
I know of only one , one place for me , not beyond the pillow , or past the stars , where the sky is weightless .
Where ?
My paradise , my heaven , my tropical isle , my cabin in the winter, my garden ,
Is anywhere amidst your embrace my sweet sweet love
Anywhere with you ,
That's " where "
May 2015 · 385
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015

I love the way the clouds seem to lay gracefully atop the air as if they  are drifting off to sleep on a blanket of wind currents,
Like resting  my head over her heart and floating too, gently off with them, following the rhythm of her flowing heart off into paradise.
No need to dream , because the dream is where my head is now nestled.
Her breathing caresses me like the rolling tides that brush the surface of the sand , my head is the conch that sets imbedded within, swelling with echoes of "I love you's" blended in her heartbeats song.
For with her , I am sleeping on the air with the clouds as well.
May 2015 · 296
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015

My heart beats to the harmony of your own , an echo to which
my time itself ticks.
Each breath , invigorating ,filled  loving aura.
My eyes , they open in mesmerization of your enchanting beauty , and I can't help but then behold everything through the love painted reflection that you have created.
I drink each day from the cup of your affection , the breeze carries the scent of your skin ,I close my eyes again just to feel you with my senses.
You are my waking moment
You are my every tomorrow
Their is no future without "us "
Because .....
My future begins every next moment you are.
May 2015 · 369
Missed Moments
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015
Missed moments

I'll  never see the rainbow if i don't look over the horizon after it rains , the inverted spectrum of a smiling sky.
Never to be beheld , had I not looked through the clouds as they dissipated.
Like the  smile on your face , after I tell you I love you
I don't wanna miss a moment
To tell you I love you

I'll miss the shooting stars slicing through the midnight sky like a razor though paper dipped in darkened blue, if I didn't take the time to look to heavens in the darkness.
The same stars I see the moments our lips touch in each and every time we kiss.
I don't wanna miss a moment
To kiss you

I'd never get to hear the morning choir , the birds , calling out to one another in song,natures wake chime ,no , I'd never gotten to hear if I didn't just stop and simply listen.
Like the sound of your voice ,an angels whisper , the music to my very soul.
I don't wanna miss a moment
To talk to you.

Moments, any free moment , is a moment I can fill with you, a phone call, a kiss, a cuddle , a thinking of you , an ode , like cars on a train , filled or not they still pass by, and I don't wanna waist a moment.
I didn't wanna miss a chance.
To spend that " time " with you.
I don't wanna miss a moment,
I don't wanna miss a moment to love you.
Because any moment without you ,to me is a moment waisted , and a moment I could have shown you love ..
Missed moments
May 2015 · 486
Echoes in the stairwell
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015
Echoes in the stairwell

The heart murmurs
quiet voices
Like echoes in a stairwell
To a yearning soul still trying to hold on,
forgotten yesterday's
unfulfilled tomorrow's.
Moments in a dream,
or dreams lived,
into a moment.
haunting proclamations
Seeming  to carom off the walls of my very insides ...
Like echoes in a stairwell
So real sometimes ,
I find myself  looking over my shoulder.
Or my heart seems to freeze ,
then explode
splashing the  " tinglies ,throughout my entire body.
The whisper of her name
stops me in my gait
The utterance of her voice
Just a figment of the mind
It captivates
It undulates
but its simply just not real
But in my mind ......
Like my soul
I hear them , and wish it were
Because I still hear them .....
like echoes,
Echoes  in the stairwell
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