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 May 2014 Haley Robbins
growing up my mother always said
that ***** hands and scraped knees
were good for me
my father taught me
how to ride a bike
and drive a car
but you taught me that life was only
worth living if you lived it with
someone you loved

I guess my father loved cigarettes
more than he loved kissing my mother
and I suppose I loved your hands
much more than any other
set of bones on your body because
it was much harder to recover
from nights of an empty bed and
lonely legs than it was for you to say


my mother failed to mention that
broken hearts and open arms spent waiting
in half made beds behind unlocked doors know much more of pain than ****** elbows and yellowed bruises

my hips had hoped to make your hands
their final resting place
and my lips knew no greater taste
than the toxcity of your kisses
and I wonder
if this is
 May 2014 Haley Robbins
 May 2014 Haley Robbins
11 alone
12 alone
13 alone
I am not alone yet I feel alone
Well felt alone
The feeling still lingers but does not consume
I am not alone do not feel alone
I. My father taught me that
there’s always something better around the corner
if you just never stop looking
when he committed infidelity.

II. My mother taught me to take what makes me angry
and knock out its teeth
when she shoved my father off our front steps
and then had her fingerprints taken.

III. My grandmother taught me that someday
you will be able to forget the bad things that have happened
when Alzheimer’s rotted her mind
and we all became someone else to her.

IV. My grandfather taught me that
love does not get up and walk away
when the going gets tough,
when he picked my grandmother up off the floor
when she fell for the hundredth time.

V. My brother taught me
that forgetting is bliss
when he lived his life to the fullest,
without his past tied to his feet.

VI. If I teach people anything,
I want it to be
that you can get back up
and dust yourself off
no matter how badly you had been shoved onto that floor.
 May 2014 Haley Robbins
and how they sound eerily similar when broken

and I never really figured out why people think time apart could in any way heal things that can only ever be overcome together

distance is not a remedy for brokenness
I know this

because for weeks
I did not hold your hand
or kiss your lips
or hear your voice
or feel your warmth

and for weeks
I tried to convince myself
that happiness was universal
and did not only soley exist in
the folds of your arms and
the spaces between your fingers

I have spent far too many nights
revisiting old photographs and looking at them as if they were sheet music
beautiful and misunderstood

and now

I look at maps like autobiographies
because I would always be searching for some distant place to call home

I always just assumed it would be among your heart and between your bones
 May 2014 Haley Robbins
 May 2014 Haley Robbins
I'll be
able to
look at
a razor
and not
it up
 Mar 2014 Haley Robbins
 Mar 2014 Haley Robbins
I miss you
And I'm sorry that I don't have some
beautiful and mysteriously depressing way of stringing those words together to make them sound like more than what they are
But I'm so drained without you that
I can barely manage to make
myself function properly
There was a particularly spectacular
sunset tonight and I wonder if you saw it
at the same time I did

I wonder if you thought of me
As I thought of you
your perfect intentions
to cast me away
confirms the definition
or reason I must stay
your every ammunition
unique in difference
creates a common solution
of why I banded distance
stirs the *** left handed
evaluates ambivilance
all the flaws were blinded
causing a bit of inference
now here we stand
in value of a love we share
come and take my hand
our wound has been repaired
 Jul 2013 Haley Robbins
 Jul 2013 Haley Robbins
Perhaps there are more words spoken in the midst of silence.
A tear, a touch, an embrace.
An invisible conversation opaque to anyone but the two.
A shattered soul, a heavy heart. Which as they kiss

Perhaps there is love buried deep inside hate.
Waiting, watching, knowing.
Swallowed in a sea of empty promises and lies.
A sorrowed soul, a hollow heart. Which as they mix

Perhaps there is a message in times of disbelief.
Hiding, hoping, planning.
A beam of faith shining bright behind the darkest drape.
A searching soul, a healing heart. Which as they meet

— The End —