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 Jan 2018 Hailey Chesney
Gage B
Hey, You
                                    absolutely gorgeous thing
Don't you know
                                    every guy is gonna want you?
                    That's what I think is gonna happen.

You're always right
                                      I don't know everything about you.
But sometimes I think that
                                      You might not know a lot about me

Hey, You
                                     absolutely troubled thing
Everything is gonna be just fine

Hey, You
                                      Please answer me
You're gonna be okay. It's not the end.

Hey, You... You're not gonna forget me?
                                       Even after all of the small things we did?
I know that they don't mean much to you, but
                                       it did to me

Sorry you didn't see it the same way. But, it was still nice.

Hey... You know that I'll always be there for You

                        for You
                                                                   for You

                                             For You
You will never stop loving something, even when time has brought it to an end. My love for you, Kit, is everlasting and unconditional. Never forget that.
Hailey girl,
your mind unfurls like
rose petals to bloom.
Forgotten earth,
your seeds are ready
to fly free and burst.
Their seams are clenching tightly
as teeth when tears are stifled,
sensitive to strife.
Hailey girl,
you're precious as
a seashore's curl,
in which to splash your hands about.
They're cold
from your parents distant words.
Just let them trickle out...
it's a beautiful day today

my favorite weather
is when the sun
tenderly kisses my cheeks
and freckled shoulders

i see kids carelessly riding their bikes
and wind breezing
through the branches of tall trees
and i think of you

i think of how it would be
to lay in the middle of a soft green field
with our arms touching
and your hand holding mine

i wonder what animal you'd say
the clouds look like
and if you'd pick a flower
to place behind my ear
and look into my eyes
to tell me i'm more breathtaking
than any daisy
that has ever been quenched by summer rain

i think about you a lot,
and i know today
would be even more beautiful
with you by my side

— The End —