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Hailey Chesney Dec 2019
I will no longer be a prisoner of heartache
that is caused by you.
I can see that you're giving up on me already
and that's okay.
You were a catalog of mistakes.
I just hope that one day
your heart learns to feel love in it's purest form.
Hailey Chesney Jan 2018
I'm always someone's second choice.
someone's last resort.
I will never be their first thought,
or even their third.
I'm just in the background,
waiting to be called
to the spotlight,
but never getting
the chance
to shine.
Hailey Chesney Jan 2018
One sided expectations can destroy you mentally
they can can destroy you like fire destroys a house

you expect so much from a person
only to be disappointed again

but you only see the good in them
so you expect more
only to be let down
and broken.
  Jan 2018 Hailey Chesney
Gage B
Hey, You
                                    absolutely gorgeous thing
Don't you know
                                    every guy is gonna want you?
                    That's what I think is gonna happen.

You're always right
                                      I don't know everything about you.
But sometimes I think that
                                      You might not know a lot about me

Hey, You
                                     absolutely troubled thing
Everything is gonna be just fine

Hey, You
                                      Please answer me
You're gonna be okay. It's not the end.

Hey, You... You're not gonna forget me?
                                       Even after all of the small things we did?
I know that they don't mean much to you, but
                                       it did to me

Sorry you didn't see it the same way. But, it was still nice.

Hey... You know that I'll always be there for You

                        for You
                                                                   for You

                                             For You
You will never stop loving something, even when time has brought it to an end. My love for you, Kit, is everlasting and unconditional. Never forget that.
Hailey Chesney Sep 2017
you hold my
paper heart
in your hand

Hailey Chesney Jun 2017
I wish I could stop time
and look at every small detail
like the green speckles in your eyes
or the way you fiddle your thumbs when you're anxious
or how you tap your foot when you're impatient.
I wish I could stop time
and look at all the reasons why
I love you.
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