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Hailey Chesney May 2017
I cannot bear the thought of you leaving.
saying goodbye,
and never looking back.
I can't bear the thought of you moving on
while I'm still here
stuck on the thought of you.
I can't let you leave,
because I can't lose you.
Hailey Chesney May 2017
I am selfish
for wanting you, when you want her
For hoping that she does not want you
And you will come crawling back to me

For hoping that one day,
You will see that I want you
More than anyone else
In this broken world

But i know
She wants you just as much as i do
And that you will go to her
Because she is better than me
In every way

And i cannot help but be jealous
That she gets you,
And i don’t.
Hailey Chesney May 2017
Like a flash of light,
You were gone.
You left as quick as lighting.
No reason, no goodbye.
You were just gone.

And i swear,
My heart went with you.
Hailey Chesney May 2017
One sided expectations can destroy you mentally
they can destroy you like a fire destroys a house

you expect so much from a person
only to be disappointed once again

but you only see the good in them,
so you expect more
only to be let down
and broken.

— The End —