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  Mar 2020 Donna
Sparkle in Wisdom

There is always a you in him,
And a him in you,
I see a lot of him when I see you,
I see a lot of you when I remember him.
I become satisfied when I see you,

Because my eyes search for him,
I am searching for those glimpses that brings him out in you.

I am reaching out to your your cheeks,
In desperate attempts to feel him,

I look beyond your eyes, deep,
Just so that I can see him within.

You remind me of him,
I had one before you.

You complete me,
But he created me,
long before you came,

You fill me with emotion,
That he stirred in me,
long before you existed,

You make my life complete,
That he started with his footprints, long before God sent you,

You try to bring smile on my lips,
That he started to draw,
before he decided to call it quits and left us forever,

And so, my little angel,
You are now left to fill in for the two.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Siblings, one in heaven, another on Earth
  Mar 2020 Donna
Edmund black
Love changes people
It sculpts us into someone
Who understands more deeply,
Hurts more often,
Appreciate more quickly,
Cries more easily,
Hope more desperately,
Loves more openly
And lives more passionately.
That’s what love does
That’s what makes love extraordinary,
That’s my kind of love
That’s black love.

You May Not Know Me But You Will Always Feel Me 🖤
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