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Hadrian Veska May 2022
What will I watch
What movie, what show?
The museum, the cafe
To where shall I go?
All things I experienced
Whether old or new
Truly do the words
Of Solomon ring true
That under the sun
Is no new thing
Whether riches or fame
To laugh or to sing
Do not fret or worry
For what may be missed
Those that have it all
Often lack any bliss
Getting only ever
Makes you want more
Desire only ever
Made the heart sore
So enjoy what you have,
Who you love And where you are
If you can’t appreciate what is near
You’ll never get far
Hadrian Veska May 2022
What is death
Do you think you know?
When light falls away
And shadows grow
The crown of flowers
Atop your head
After color fades
And all is dead
Do you believe you are
More than mere flesh
When this age has passed
And life refreshed?
Our ancestors went
To their fathers great halls
The thief on the cross
Within Paradise's walls
Therefore,  no my friend
We shall not fear death
Breathe easy and full
Of your last breath
Behind that curtain
That ever thin veil
Lies the true life we live
that life without fail
For there is one who stands
And in death did lie
Yet was raised again
That death might die
Weep not for the body
But rejoice for the soul
For the body may die
Yet again be made whole
Rest then in peace  
With your garland crown
And awake once more
Where life does abound
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Start reading that book today
The one you always glance at
On the edge of your office desk
Underneath the papers and forms
You don't have to get far
Simply begin
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Every star that dies becomes a moon
A vigil guardian of the night
A nearer yet more distant light
To watch over hours of rest
Once brilliant sun now elder guide
Inevitably to outlive below
Those that watch and those that grow
Beneath it's gentle rays
Guardian moon watch ore the night
Until that time when all things sleep
The moon doth reign and dreams do keep
Until all things pass away
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
To ash and stolen
Our home among the stars
No retaliation
Even escape but a distant dream
Though by sheer grace
Did some survive
Scattering themselves far and wide
Among the ever twilight cosmos
One day I know they will return
They must!
For in them lies the spark
The last remaining hope
Of a humanity without a home
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Turn here
Then down the hallway
And to the left

The systems there are antiquated
Please be patient with them
The data should all be there
It may take some time to find

Be aware, that what you find
May not be what you desire
And that what you desire
May not be what you need
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Cheap imitations
gods in name only
Shuddering in fear
Of the God among them
Conspiring with themselves
To remove him from the world
Yet unbeknownst to them
This was his very intent
For God himself to come down
And does at the hands of men
That men might be free
To return to their ancient station
Among the very stars
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