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GracefulWords Nov 2014
She hates you
And it's tearing
her apart
GracefulWords Nov 2014
It feels different; everything's changed
Something that was once normal
Is now a stretch, a pain
An answer that used to flow easily
Seems strangled and in vain

What shifted? What's new?
It seems likely it's me

(But maybe it's you)
I was once a recluse
now I fit in
But I do not know
for how long
ill belong
If only they knew
That the girl that makes them laugh
Cries herself to sleep
Every.  Single.  Night

If only they knew
Within those quick words
Is a cry for help
But it seems like everyone is deaf or just plain oblivious

It turns out silence can hurt you more than any ill intended words
GracefulWords Nov 2014
She just wants them
To notice,
But when they ask
She's 'fine'

She's screaming but
Keeps going
The same act, the
Same line
  Nov 2014 GracefulWords
Why is my presence needed
When my mind is
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