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Graced Lightning Dec 2014
I fall in love with places
the way that some people fall in love with human beings.

I thought it might be nice to do like a secret santa thingy on hellopoetry only not secret and not santa… what I mean is, find a random stranger you literally have never met and do NOT know at all whose poetry you like and spend actual time genuinely reading their work, picking out your favorite lines and responding to them, pondering them, etc. Write something positive to them and post it as a poem with their name in the title. The “DEAR BLANK” challenge only you put their name instead of “blank”. I think we could all use a little recognition that we exist and are worth something since everyone seems a little depressed on here (including myself) which is fine, it’s a great outlet but it would be nice for people to just spontaneously find that a random stranger spent time in their life just to recognize you and care about your poetry. To write a kind poem/letter to them responding to lines in their poetry. If you need an example I just posted DEAR IMALRIGHT which was exactly what I meant. Check out imalright's poetry btw it is amazing.
I plan on doing for more than one person and I'd love for you to do the same. Spread a little kindness, we could all use a little.
Also message me if you are going to do the challenge and message the stranger you do the DEAR BLANK challenge for so they know to look for and read your poem.
I just thought that Imalright who was a perfect stranger to me seemed like a wonderful poet and a wonderful person based on her poetry so I chose her.
You do that too if you accept the DEAR BLANK challenge.
please repost this over and over so we can get as many people involved as possible and try and make a difference in a couple people's lives because I just want to make everyone feel loved but I'm just one girl, I can't do it alone. Please help me with this and join me in the DEAR BLANK challenge. Take time out of your day to properly appreciate someone's poetry who you do not know.


Graced Lightning Nov 2014
I spent my childhood in
Club Quarters hotels and 747s.
We were members of every hotel chain in existence.
I know my way around cities you've never seen before.
Cities you've never heard of before.
The Dallas/Fort Worth airport was my second home.
but I can
give you directions to anywhere in
New York City,
Redlands, California.
Marshall, Texas.
London, UK.
Yangon, Burma.

I am perpetually packing and
unpacking my trusty
I should have given it a name by now.

It's unsettling, spending weekends in the same place
that I spent my week.
Never running errands,
never rushing through airports,
never finding books to read on car rides.

**never moving, never home
Graced Lightning Oct 2014
It is 9:23 AM, February 18
I should be doing my homework.
Instead I'm writing poetry, wearing your sweatshirt.
It shouldn't smell like you. It should smell like dryer sheets.
It smells like mint. It smells earthy, like tea and coffee and
nutmeg and

It is 9:04 AM, March 3
and your lips are against my head whispering
'i love you, grace'
and so I whisper it back, my lips barely moving because
it doesn't take much effort to love you
so it shouldn't take effort to tell you.

It is 2:30 PM, June 6.
You open the door and your little sister screams because my hair is bright blue and neither one of you were expecting it. Your older sisters give me a nod of approval and so I take your hand and skip to the 1997 Ford Explorer that will belong to me in 1 year + 6 months + 4 days.

It is 6:45, June 7.
I give you your birthday present. It is a CD of all the songs I sing in the shower when I miss you. All the songs that could have been about us. All the songs that I love and you don't know yet. You take your sweatshirt back. You don't kiss me.

It is June 28
and I'm home, baby! I'm home!
You're too busy to see me.
You say you wish you could but
what's the truth?

It is 9:30 AM, February 18
and I'm still wearing your sweatshirt and I could've gotten things done but I'm so lovestruck that all I can do is write run-on sentences that refuse to turn into poetry.

It is 9:31, February 18
and I'm awful at endings.
if we never say goodbye
I'll never have to
write an end to one of these
godforsaken poems

It is 11:11, October 30.
8 months later.
I haven't worn your sweatshirts in weeks and
we haven't spoken since July.
I say a silent prayer and realize
today is the day I start to regret
wasting all my wishes on you
for english class- an assignment on memory
Graced Lightning Oct 2014
It is 9:23 AM, February 18
I should be doing my homework.
Instead I'm writing poetry, wearing your sweatshirt.
It shouldn't smell like you. It should smell like dryer sheets.
It smells like mint. It smells earthy, like tea and coffee and
nutmeg and all the other
smells that I've come to associate with you.

It is 9:04 AM and two teachers come walking through the door. I could kiss you, but instead my head is on your shoulder and your head is on my head and our right hands intertwined and your left hand
is in my hair and your lips are against my head whispering
'i love you, grace'
and so I whisper it back, my lips barely moving because
it doesn't take much effort to love you
so it shouldn't take effort to tell you.

It is 8:50 AM and you tell me to lean on your shoulder. At first you're tense and unsure, but then you let yourself relax into me.

It is 8:45 and I walk towards you in the hallway. You turn me around and whisper that we should go where no one will find us.

It is 9:30 and I'm still wearing your sweatshirt and I could've gotten things done but I'm so lovestruck that all I can do is write run-on sentences that refuse to turn into prose.

It is 9:31 and I'm really bad at endings, so let's just never say goodbye.

But now it's 11:11, October 30.
8 months later.
I haven't worn your sweatshirts in months and
we haven't spoken since July.
today is the day I start to regret
wasting all my wishes on you
I wrote this months ago about a boy who I'm not in love with anymore. You can see the original if you scroll down a bit
Graced Lightning Oct 2014
if i knew where to get drugs, i'd be a ******
2. sure, my ribs are visible, but what of it?
3. i lose myself in dreams at night and during algebra ii
4. i'm in lust with a girl with a boyfriend
5. or maybe i'm just paranoid
6. i'm lonely in these cinderblock walls
7. i find myself again under stage lights
8. i'm homeless (although not in the traditional sense)
9. i know i'm loved but
10. when my friends laugh with their other friends, it's about me
11. or maybe i'm just paranoid
12.if i lose it, who will visit me in the hell known as 'psychiatric ward'?
13. i can't hold my own in a fight because i cry into my wounds
14. besides, i don't write anymore
15. what is there to write about besides love and insanity anyway?
16. my demons visit this safe haven and desecrate it
17.their names are sarah kate and victoria
18. or maybe i'm just paranoid
19. but i swear i didn't name the voices inside my head
20. i make endless lists of things that don't matter
21. to do, to buy, to cry about, to write about
22. so i close my eyes when i sing
23.or maybe i'm just paranoid
24. and you hated this poem but
25. maybe i'm just paranoid
Graced Lightning Oct 2014
My hands are made of paper/
my heart is made of stone/
but even so, deep down I know/
I don't want to be alone

material soul, material soul/
sand out my edges/
I'm feeling alone
material soul, material soul/
my body is made of/
silver and gold
i've been working on this for a while and this is the only part that's set in stone. what do you think?
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