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Jul 2015 · 626
Goutam Raveri Jul 2015
Yesterday she dies,
Wait till yesterday and you are seeing.
Your loved one passes in void too.
Tomorrow passes at bay.

Tomorrow was your day to shine,
I knew yesterday my
Life shall be punctured by your existence.
But tomorrow my fear in absence of thy.

I run away, before I **** you.
Before someone else punctured me.
It was my mistake to be fixated in tomorrow,
Couldn’t plan our yesterday.

I keep your remains with me,
Away from the callous earthling eyes,
In our living room, safe.
I will trust you till yesterday, no lies.

I don’t fear your death, in vain.
But for you to pass away, as we laugh.
I am scared to be born, so I die yesterday.
Caring less when they claimed, by death – daft.

You leave me alone yet again,
Without a soul, cumbersome.
Welcome fear from yesterday,
I bid welcome.
lost? devoid? dreamy? help? no? okay? okay.
Goutam Raveri May 2015
As I was a child,
Unlike the normal mass.
I wanted to be the nightingale
The best in class.

A habit I planted,
In the Garden of Eden.
Watered by the grief of my past,
As it grew taller, the fruit sweetened.

I had sinned,
Profited from competition’s demise.
Stole his talent,
Grew in age but not that wise.

What enables, divine
What disables, human.
Got out of luck and empathy,

In apathy, like an ungrateful yeoman.

Couldn't wash the mirror,
Need to wash my face.
Blinded by my addiction of fame,
Embryonic, falling from the summit in rage.

Now I am a pavement artist,
Pride and sin hath a fall.
Living with and like stray,
Failing my life as the nature called.
Dec 2014 · 659
Goutam Raveri Dec 2014
Always seeked that blood,
yours pink
mine black
yours healthy
mine slack
So bus in getting yours,
To make mine better.
But never thought the same syringe would plague you,
that gave me life.
another new badge for my sins,
for my silent brutal merry dins.
Dec 2014 · 639
Goutam Raveri Dec 2014
I used to hide in the darker part,
and always you used to find me.
As in the moonlight blight,
everything started to blur.
As the myriad dawn rose,
the Orchids started to whiter.
While the satanic suns
burnt every soul to hash.
you living on my blood,
me relishing your ashes.
your voice is all i heard,
And got what I deserved.
All I need is give me reason,
To prove me wrong.
Lets mark these memories clean.
I found my lost paradise in your eyes.
OK! Now let me just Improvise as someone new.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Goutam Raveri Oct 2014
This pretty lass, texting on her phone
Enjoying her ride on the metro alone

There this guy enters like sage
The first thing he spots, gaping at her cleavage

From a bug of awareness I was bit
To stop this menace stood up quick
By a co-passenger forced to sit
Finally the people got a glitch

He got down at the next station, alas!
Realizing the time to save his ***

The girl and I felt like whee
But now all the judgmental eyes were on me.
Oct 2014 · 2.2k
Goutam Raveri Oct 2014
He has small hands and short legs
The dictator’s mercy he must beg
Carries a gun and flaunts it out
Even when words don’t come out

He is just taught to ****
Whom so ever he spots ram or bill
He does not know what’s boon or bane
Once by the rebel group his family was slain

Step by step he comes to war
Where his survival is not sure
He does not know what he is doing under freedom’s name
For him it is just a bloodshed game

He took a life and the blood he spill
Now everyday for sleep he needs a pill
He carries a grenade but never pulled the pin
He enjoys their painful din

Now a bullet has pierced his flesh
And now he is in despair and distress
His time has come and he is dead
The vultures would be well fed

Another boy picks his gun
And is on a rampage just for fun
Oct 2014 · 957
Goutam Raveri Oct 2014
Everywhere in the maddening race,
You can see the selfish face
Ready to ****, ready to ******,
Trying to push to the white collared batch.

Humility, humanity are values forgotten,
Fellow beings getting downtrodden!
Life has lost its melody and color,
Running mad to mint the dollar.

We were not born to be caged…
Alas! The race to fame is the latest rage
Nobody wants to stop and stare,
Everyone wants the boss’ chair.

A dreadful desert our life would be,
Happiness - a mirage will you see
Lost will be our gifted soul
And indeed, time will take a heavy toll.

Let the life’s rainbow be of myriad shade,
Beyond yellow, purple and red.
Let us all widen our scope
And nurture the seed of hope.

Let the garden green grow
to beautify the life’s meadow,
Let the fragrance of fraternity linger
And become the universal happiness harbinger.
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Goutam Raveri Oct 2014
So what if I have squint
Or money I don’t mint
I know my eyes blink a lot
Or most of the tasks I just forgot

What is the matter if I am a buffoon
Or my life is much more doomed
I know I hue and cry
Or talking to chicks I’m a bit too shy

To those who understand
I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand
take me as I am

not under your control
I know where I stand
Won’t change to suit your plan
Take me as I am

From childhood I did what you said
From waking up to going to bed
I am sorry I missed that one mark for DU'
Now don’t look down at me in dread

I deserve that seat more than that OBC" guy
Or the seat that rich dad did buy
Sorry I could not prove your expectation
Courses are full, don’t worry ill do animation

I’m facing blasphemies of life
I’ll write satires on Modi or the wife

To those who understand
I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand
take me as I am

not under your control
I know where I stand
Won’t change to suit your plan
Take me as I am

Sitting in the dark I forget,
Sweetness, sourness is all I get
Everyday having the bitter pills of fate
Missing the time we chatted till late

We bunked periods to find solitary places to sit
You asked me to love you and I did
Traded my emotions for a counteract to commit
Now you know my faults and have gone so far

Your confessions in my name
Now just give you fame
What all we dreamt now and then
Now you have got someone to blame

To those who understand
I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand
take me as I am

not under your control
I know where I stand
Won’t change to suit your plan
Take me as I am

I keep my secrets in my skin
What all I did with innocence and ignorance
Now dealing with my sins

What all is left of me is in a cage
To protect death from dying from my carnage

I have done much, don’t expect anything from my life
Let me be me, done enough truce and strife
'DU [ Delhi University] is one of the most prestigious universities in India
"OBC refers to Other Backward Classes, as there are a fixed number of seats reserved for them in the colledges

— The End —