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tessa salahi
ill let your words touch my soul if you let mine touch yours
My name is rohith, 17 year old and am from India
I write immediately and truly. "There's nothing in this world that ghosts can do. No matter what's ahead, I'll push on through."
Ryan's Sky
Kelowna British Columbia    I hate reading descriptions you made ages ago, and going, fuck sakes you sopping cunt. erm. Like this one^ - 3/23/17 me
JJ Hutton
Colorado Springs, CO, USA    freelancing the night away follow me on the twitters: @joshuajhutton
The New Kestrel
mia b
MNL.    Arts and books.
24/Missouri    there are no shortcuts to wellness, just the long walk through illness
Syahmi Imran
Malaysia    7 times deeper
21/F/Paris    A psychology student who likes to sleep, take pictures, paint, and read books. I spend more time writing about living than actually living.
Heliza Rose
The Seven Seas    #BringBackOurGirls #BlackLivesMatter
Daniel Magner
I write about anything I feel or see that sets my pen a'working! Enjoy!
Ever Punk Goddess
massachuttses    I'd rather give A broken heart to fix Than a whole heart To break...
Moe Awad
Moe Awad started writing short stories and poetry at a very young age but never thought it would develop into something serious. In his early …
Jay Bryant
Chuma Komani
Rhythmic poet,flowing about everyday situations
silver spring    "fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - …
I only write, when I am in love or Falling apart.
I may look happy, but honestly dear, the only way I'll really smile is if you cut me ear to ear. Tumblr: Perfumeee
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