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532 · Oct 2020
The sun's first kiss
Giusy Ferrigno Oct 2020
The sun's first kiss
was given to us
in the coldness of fear
In these days and nights
We - hostages of uncertainty,
prisoners of the emptiness of our silence,
build a new balance.

A new feeling
incompatible with our restless disposition
In these days and nights
I - fly to you in thought
Thinking of you is an exercise of evasion
from these walls, from these screams

The sun's first kiss
was given to us
in the coldness of fear
In these days and nights
We - discover ourselves near
In distance
pulses of the same beating heart

© 2020 Giusy Ferrigno
I wrote this in april, a few days before my birthday. Spring had recently begun, the first warmer rays of the sun, its "first kiss" had arrived, and despite this I was still trapped by fear, I felt a prisoner of my own silence and of so many different feelings that I couldn't quite understand. The days and nights passed by all in the same way and there was nothing I could do about it . We found ourselves forced to build new balances, being far from the people we love the most. Thinking of them, "flying to them in thought" as I wrote here, was one of the few ways I had of escaping somehow. What I've learned during these challenging months is that no matter how much we'd like to, we can't control something that is way bigger than us. But we can control our thoughts and our actions. We can choose. We can choose to panic or to focus our energy on the present moment and be grateful for what we have. I've never lost hope and I never will, I like to believe that someday (hopefully sooner than later) , we will get to the other side of this and look back at this moment and feel so relieved and glad for the lessons it taught us.
Thank you in advance if you'll read it.

— The End —