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 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
.                         it's not
                          that I have
                          any particular
to **** myself                                
                          ­it's just that
                          I have no real
                       ­   to the idea
 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Brown leaves
October fading
into November
and the Breeze
becomes meaner;
its bites
are a little harder.

And out comes
a jacket
well worn
a little torn
on the right elbow.

But he's
the Meanest
garment I have.
He's filling
this empty cavern in my chest
with a sharp Darkness,
like broken bottles
pieces of glass
discarded in an alleyway.

Jacket around
my shoulders
and I lie
it doesn't matter.
And I am Stuck
in Thoughts
of inadequacy
of misery
of Darkness invading my soul.

The Jacket is grinning
He is pleased.
Because though
I wear a Jacket
I am still
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
Leah Rae
This is for Barbra Harris, the founder of the ‘Project Prevention’ program, a foundation based around paying poor, drug addicted women to sterilize themselves.

I have lived 18 years, and I’ve never been angrier.
I was raised to believe that white is an absent of hue, a lack there of, an identity that pigment hadn’t given me.
A sense of self, who was still running from me.
But today, I think I finally found my color.
A shade, an identity the color of gritted teeth and hell fire, jaws snapping, I haven’t stopped seething.

I was brought up inside the walls of narcotics anonymous meetings, on stale oatmeal cookies and burnt coffee.

I have seen scalding cobalt, empty indigo, and every single color of self destruction the spectrum has created, wrapped in ultra-violet - nick name them disaster.

Torrential rains and hurricanes, volcano hearts with lungs made of wildfire.

No one chooses to be a drug addict.
No one decides, as a child - that their spines were meant to bend backwards into question marks, body contorted around chasing something that will destroy them.
Born to slit ivory in two, and bleed black like the stars do.
They were children once.

Daughters who were beaten by fathers, and sons who watched their mother’s commit suicide,
children who were too young,
whose skin bruised around the fingerprints of trauma.
They were shaken, born vibrating, their bones have never stopped craving silence.
So if a needle brought it to them, or a pipe, a second of stillness, it became the only thing that mattered.

Using, drinking, snorting, shooting, swallowing, smoking, inhaling an answer to the questions their spines were asking.
Maybe you’ve never heard the sound of a body betraying itself, but this is it.
There will be a skylit shades of remorse they will turn themselves waiting for the answers.
An explanation for all the
and “yous”
and the “I would quit if I just could,
but I can’t,
and I don’t know how not to,
when the only time the world stands still is when I’m high enough to look down on myself.”
Drug addicts use because they are broken people trying to mend broken pieces, swallowing shards of broken glass that end up slitting their own throats.

If you have these shattered shrapnel pieces wedged inside yourself for long enough, its hard to remember existing without them.

I watched my mother, break in and out of sobriety like a jail cell she had swallowed the key to.
No one realizes the cage we’re all trapped inside of, is our own ribs.
She created me, took all the best piece of herself and made me. Like a patch work quilt, my edges didn't always come together easy.
But I thank God, every single day for it.

Each Christmas spent in a homeless shelter,
every hour I spent shoving notes beneath the bathroom door, begging her to come out,  
every relapse, recovery, overdose, hours waiting by the phone for a hospital call, every midnight I couldn't sleep without her by my side,
Every twelve step program, a serenity prayer for seven days sober, key chain necklaces and chips she'd always kiss and say “this ones it, baby”.
Every ****** up, angry, starving, man and woman who carried a story in their lungs, and let me hear it,
Every plate full of co-dependency she fed me,
Every ounce of anger and sorrow she gave me,
Every time I asked her, why,
Every moment she disappointed me.
Every time she'd say she was sorry, and tried to mean it,
Every time I wore her mistakes like battle wounds
She destroyed me
But ******* it, I am so ******* grateful she did.  

Because she broke me, into a thousand pieces.
But its true what they say, bones always heal stronger the second time around.
I’ve been given this opportunity,
this legend in my blood, this authentic, “I’ve been through hell and back” mentality,
this dedication to myself.

And I will not let you, or anyone else take that away from me.

I’ve got a born and bred monster, asleep in my esophagus, brimstone and fury, I am whole-heartedly dedicated to my own ambition.

And this climb, upward through the wreckage of my own existence, has given me more than you will ever understand.

Allowing privileged white people to discuss the nature of poverty, doesn’t find answers.

But I have mine. And I will tell you, there is value here. Inside of me.
I am that child,
I am that statistic,
Alive still born and still screaming,

You can not get rid of me.
feed back please, please, please!
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
You can't give love
only to take it back
but I swallow words
like pills these days

and the side affects
have no warning label
and overdosing is
too often fatal
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
bobby burns
i lied
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
bobby burns
i wrote you
letters last January
so many, i
had to pull the sterling rings
you gave me
from my cramping fingers
just to keep
putting bone against black
and ease you
out of me gently

*** was never as good
with the dishes done
or the laundry folded
and we never
held time
for chores
once we
were finished
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
bobby burns
remember to never let a ****** change you
without permission
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
We come looped back and forth
infinite upon this plane.

All experience gels into itself
catalysis gooing
yet remains ungoo'ed.

Who we are is figments
of this basket and that
collecting from this
dimension and that.

One spike strikes the mind
affecting conscious mental
aether electifies, plucking
synapse physically
reroutes emotional body
looping back into itself and out.

Perpetual film flowing
through lens
stamped and projected
onto screens of life
for viewing.

Movement may come from
any beginning, middle or end
looping is not linear
unless the loop is cut.
Felt Inspired by my Poetic friends
Onoma and Kensho
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
bobby burns
obdurate, ******,
he fastened twine
tied to tarsals
around my
closed off
the vena cava

i am blue
in the breastbone

empty blood
can't reach
the lungs

i am equipped
with the tools
to deal with this

animal instinct
to fight off
or to let it in
and cradle
me every
night at
when you
wake to
make sure
you haven't

the tug at your toes
the platelets & plasma
a warm wavelength --
a chance to record a dream
you lost in rising
real this time // good in the end
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